Any good divorce lawyer out there

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1. Good you're going to see a lawyer.

Just remember, he's only got OPINIONS.... he's NOT the Judge! Judges go by the book, not emotions. You need facts.

2. It's NOT your fault. I'd love to have some sweet guy wait on me if all I had to do was work..... sheese!

It's business deal, the lovin party is over! Way over, especially since she now has a girl friend who will say all the nasty **** about you that she can.

And you really have no idea how long she's had a girl friend. Sorry, guys are a bit dense sometimes, especially when you don't know to read the signs.

3. Go through this thread , and make a list of all the things the guys mentioned.. bring the list with you Monday.

Your daughter, house, car, bike, investments, retirements, medical, all that stuff.... you need to ask the lawyer about all of it.

4. She's not being nice.... she's being greedy and a bitch. Period. And her bitch (girl friend) isn't helping you.

5. Fight for what is important.... your daughter and your piece of mind are the first two things.

All the rest is just stuff. Also, get rid of your emotions... you can feel sorry for yourself later. You don't have time for that now.

6. Either get someone else to house AND dog sit, or cancel the trip. Better yet, just cancel the trip.

Do not let her stay in the house. Her girl friend will be with her, yes, she will take anything she "feels" is hers. No logic here, just an empty house.

And how much do you think you would enjoy that trip not knowing what's going to be there when you return?

7. Do not be alone with her under ANY circumstances. Period! She will turn anything and everything into **** against you IN COURT.

Too much experience from peeps here to ignore their suggestions. Pbly more help here than you can get from a lot of lawyers.

Good luck..and get the word NICE out of your brain!


I see two big mistakes being made:

1: You have a wife that's into women and you didn't notice

2: You have a wife that's into women and you let her get away


Don't make it three or four big mistakes by not hiring a lawyer and leaving her and her GF in your house while you're out of town now that things have turned nasty (another big mistake by the way).

Marriage is a contract between two people and the state with the state being the controlling interest. Emotion is bad for business and not welcome in court.....

4. She's not being nice.... she's being greedy and a bitch. Period. And her bitch (girl friend) isn't helping you.
Thats for sure she calls me and I say or do nothing wrong and she flips out, not to mention, she is also ignoring her whole family, heck I think there all on my side right now.

1) she insists her g/f hasent been involved , yeah right like I belive that.

2) She calls me to let me know she got a big tatto on her back (I hate tats) so I ask how much it cost, she says "thats none of your business"

3) Its a good thing I dont own any guns.

Sorry, guys are a bit dense sometimes, especially when you don't know to read the signs.
Read the signs??? Hell, we don't even know the language!

(We are just men. Obviously, your expectations are too high.)

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Well its over, we met with a lawyer and are going to sell the house and split any profit we get out of it if any. until we do sell it I'm liveing here and All I am responsable for is the utilities. I told her she could have the house( at a price) , but she did not want it, she says theres to many memories.

I'm getting my 05 matrix thats paid off, and shes keeping the 04 camry that we still have a loan on, theres other minor details nothing to exciteing though.

I talked to a lawyer myself and he said it looks like im getting a good deal, she is takeing on most of the debt.

The hard part is moving on, but with any break-up it will heel over time.

On the way out I asked her "You still haveing sex with her" She says "Almost every night" She then says "Thats how I know that im gay" that statement still has me confused.

Then she called for her ride and I stayed awhile to talk some more, 10 mins later the bitch that stole my wife pulled up past me and stopped at the curb it took all my strengh not to pull her out of that car and throw her into traffic. But I dident I just jumped into my car beeped and drove away.

As the saying goes "Payback is a bitch"

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Now THAT'S the attitude!

We'll be selling the house soon too. Only difference is that SHE will be paying all the mortgage/utilities until it's sold. And I stay here free.

My attitude has changed alot in the last week too. Now I want my alimony...ALL that I'm entiltled to. She had 5 yrs to plan on dumping me, she shoulda planned to pay me too.

Keep moving forward my friend. I'll see you out there (in Pitt) in a few months.

Glad to hear you've gotten it resolved, and that it has resulted in a workable solution. Now -- aren't you glad you had your OWN lawyer to give you reliable info on exactly what kind of a deal you've negotiated? Just make sure you get the papers filed that memorialize all that ASAP. Then count your blessings that you're done with her. There's a saying that goes something like this:

Sometimes the best answered prayers are the ones where you don't get what you pray for.

Count on it in this situation. I guarantee that the next time you fall in love with a woman,* you will thank your soon-to-be ex and her GF for getting out of the way and out of your life -- allowing you to find happiness with a new woman. You wait and see -- your ex leaving in this situation (infidelity) says a lot about both of them and probably portends the future. There's a very good chance that they won't last as a couple and will break up under similar circumstances. Don't be her back-up and DO NOT take her back if she comes around asking -- you'd just be ASKING for more of the same. Besides, it never works the second time around, but it does get more expensive.

This will change you -- for good and bad. Try to focus on the good (e.g., lessons learned about keeping a relationship together, even if it's what NOT to do) and bury the bad (don't let it jade you). Get up and try again when you've had some time to think about this, to work on yourself and get yourself ready for the next one. BTW, one of the things you have to be able to honestly tell yourself in order to be ready for another is that you are no longer angry at your ex or her GF. At some point, you have to forgive her -- for you. So you might as well put that on your list of things to do and start working on it.

Good luck, and now: [SIZE=24pt]go ride your bike![/SIZE]

* You're not crossing over, too, are you?

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Only difference is that SHE will be paying all the mortgage/utilities until it's sold. And I stay here free.
You did leave all the lights on, set the thermostat to 40 degrees, and leave the water running, right?

BTW, one of the things you have to be able to honestly tell yourself in order to be ready for another is that you are no longer angry at your ex or her GF. At some point, you have to forgive her -- for you. So you might as well put that on your list of things to do and start working on it.
Exactly. Anger is like a cancer that will eat YOU. It serves no useful purpose. Except, I don't know if I actually call it forgiveness. I think I reached a point of apathy. It didn't hurt, because it didn't matter. What was done, was done. It didn't have jack-**** to do with what I needed to do tomorrow.

Focus on the positive things in life. Be ready for the next one, but don't go looking for her. You always find the best ones when you aren't looking.

Keep moving forward my friend. I'll see you out there (in Pitt) in a few months.
I know of a real nice 2 bedroom ranch thats close to the city, hardwood floors,1 car garage,2 full bathrooms,gameroom,fenced in back yard, corner lot.

Lookin' somewhere between Greensburg-Monroeville area. I have no desire to live close to Pittsburgh. (no offence, just my decision)

Keep moving forward my friend. I'll see you out there (in Pitt) in a few months.
I know of a real nice 2 bedroom ranch thats close to the city, hardwood floors,1 car garage,2 full bathrooms,gameroom,fenced in back yard, corner lot.

Lookin' somewhere between Greensburg-Monroeville area. I have no desire to live close to Pittsburgh. (no offence, just my decision)
You will regret that some day.....LOL

I'm glad things are working out well for you.

What someone posted about infidelity is correct, if she can't faithfully live with a guy, she can't live with a women, either... at least not until she grows up.

But do not under any circumstances take her back.

Apathy is the best thing. Might take a while, took me a couple of year to get over my ex leaving me for a buxom big haired Texas "beauty"

that means "short and fat" But I feel so much better now!

Take care and ride safe, but go ride!


You know, I bet the first 50,000 miles on those things is one helluva ride. But I also bet that when they tick over 100,000 they look more like the picture posted before.

Haven't visited this thread in a while. All this talk about divorce, bitterness, lawyers, being broke, sexual pervertedness, CA ****s... It brings so many memories rushing back! I can hardly control the rush of emotions.

Good to see my friend Scab can't stay away from this thread. He was really just waiting on the ****s pic and graphic details of the grudge-fest 3-way. Come to think of it... so am I!!!

Now go ride the FJR you stupid bastards, so you can get married again and start the whole process over. It makes you fast (so I've heard).


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I think ou are getting a lot of pretty good advice. I agree with madmike2, get everything locked down. The woman you married is controlled by a B*tch now. I didn't listen and had my Credit cards maxed , every account cleaned out, and all my belongs sold, while we were "trying to work it out" during our seperation... in reality it was time to wreck my life for 5 years after. I was married for 13 years to a great woman after until she passed away.

Get a lawyer. Even if just to chat with. It's only "amicable" because you heard the word and understands what it means. If she gets to a judge with her lawyer first, you're screwed.
Mine never set foot in a courtroom, he just reviewed the documents. Iin comparison, I had a really simple divorce. No kids, I wanted out of the house (quit-claim deed, she had to re-fi or sell it), and the debt was split right at 50/50. South Dakota requires that and is a "no fault" state.

good luck, hold nothing back, keep your cool (especially in a conference room)
+1 on this whole message. I've been divorced for 6 years now, and I heartily agree to this whole post!! Lawyer up ASAP!!



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