Any KD Lang fans in the house?

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I knew her when she was still playing lounges in Edmonton. Her bass player was in my karate club. Yup, she was 'different' in many ways.

Wow... interesting responses here, gents... I'm a (straight) female and I really enjoy her music... does it matter what team she "bats" for? Isn't it about the music? ;)

It is about the music in this case. She's a brilliant song writer/singer. There are other cases, however, where I am not so lenient. :rolleyes:

Looks like I hit a nerve, so whats your favorite tune?
"I'm Down To My Last Cigarette"

"Big Boned Gal"

"If I Were You"

Or the one that you play on your Harley: "Just Keep Me Moving" :blum:
Nah it's actually called "piss up a rope" by Ween Check it put @ ween .net

One just fer you willy "Richard Smoker"


I will not or have to support anyone who sticks their nose into my life and tells me I should stop my life style due to their perverted beliefs. I can't stand VEGETARIANS.

I will not give up hunting, fishing, trapping, killing, cleaning, cooking and eating animals and their meat. I intend to drown a lot of worms this spring and summer again.


Wow... interesting responses here, gents... I'm a (straight) female and I really enjoy her music... does it matter what team she "bats" for? Isn't it about the music? ;)
No, it isn't about the music. It's about our (men) insecurities. We all secretly feel we have failed in some way when confronted with lesbianism. And we forever hold the belief that lesbianism can be "cured" if given the right "therapy." While lesbianism makes good video, it was intended only for male entertainment and not as a legitimate "alternative lifestyle." It is the single-most imasculating behavior displayed by women and, as such, should be immediately banned (with exception to video) for the sake of political correctness.
