Anybody remember July 20th, 1969?

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I was 6, on summer vacation between kindergarten and grade 1. My dad bought the first colour TV on our street that summer, and I can remember watching almost 'round the clock, flipping between the different channels: the US channels we picked up with the rabbit ears from Buffalo(CBS(Walter Kronkite (WBEN Ch 4), ABC (Jules Bergman(?), WKBW Ch7 ), NBC(can't remember who), WGR Ch2) and CTV (Harvey Kirk, on CFTO Ch 9) in Canada) trying to catch every second of it.

We went camping in early July, and my brother and I HAD to have Tang, because that's what the astronauts drank :)

It was a fantastic event and obviously I still remember a lot of it.

Hard to believe it was 40 years ago...


I was 11 years old in Hampton New Hampshire in a rented cottage watching the 12" B&W grainy TV with aluminum foil on the antennas.

What was special about it for us was my mother made every switch in that spaceship. A small subcontractor in Allston, MA had the contract to make them (long gone company).

There were two women on the tiny "assembly line". One was my mother and the other was out sick for almost a week. It was when they completed the contract for the switches. The company got a letter of appreciation for the service to the program. My mother was understandably very proud of this. When the astronauts would say something like, "switch on" she would beam...

I knew Mom and Dad were full of ****! Everybody had a bigger tv than we did. :angry2: 9", (measured diagonally), b&w portable with really bad picture, on top of the crappy footage, but we all watched it happen as live as it could be. I was almost 6 at the time.

I remember thinking I might be able to get a job on the moon when I grew up. Guess not!

It was a big deal to go to my buddies house as they had a colour TV (this was in England). Funny thing was there was no color on the moon, it all gray, black and white, so we have as well have watched it at home on the B&W set.

It was a big deal to go to my buddies house as they had a colour TV (this was in England). Funny thing was there was no color on the moon, it all gray, black and white, so we have as well have watched it at home on the B&W set.
Yeah the first landing only had a B&W camera. They had color after that.
