What would DoG do?
Wow, totally missed this one, probably when I was busy away from the forum a couple days.Have a blast at the next WFO. Regards.
Great to hear from you, Ari! I have, on occasion, considered taking a time-out from this place but, in the end, just decided to follow the teachings of my favorite life coach and turn the other cheek. When all is said and done, this place will continue on without me or you or TWN or etc.... so why not be a part of instead of apart from. J Burleigh happened along to fill the void that your missing creative prose left, but there's still an empty chair with your name on it at this table.
Too bad it sounds like you will be passing on WFO. It would be worth the trip, if only to scob a couple of noggins, which shall remain nameless. Maybe next year....
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