Anybody w/full harness recall installed Brodie's Harness?

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2008
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Tacoma, WA.
In the "Technical/Mechanical Problems" forum, Brodie posted a note to me, and it sounds as though he has not seen the full replacement harness. Have any of you guys who have had the full harness replacement done, tried to hook Brodie's harness back up? I'm curious, 'cause I've got his harness, but had not hooked it up, and I'm curious as to whether or not it's going to plug right in. . .

Thanks in advance, for any info!

Really? Nobody who's gotten the full harness replacement has tried to splice in Brodie's harness? Have any of you who are technically adept looked to see what's different about the new harness?

I am not sure if there are any people who have purchased Bordie's harness who have bothered with the recall. I for one do not plan on letting the inbred idiots at my local dealer anywhere close to my FJR, and am happy to go forward with Brodie's harness as is.

I'm Waiting for the Full Harnesses to show up in Heavy Numbers to turn mine in so it doesn't get Quarantined if in fact I need one.

If I do need the Full Harness Installed, I Will do Brodie's Harness as a Little Insurance Policy. When I Do, I'll Chime In. :)

I'm just going to guess and say the new replacement harness is the same as the old, then they add the new auxiliary ground to S4.... just plug Brodie's in and be done with it.


I think Beacher has a valid question...

Has anyone who has had the complete wire harness replacement due to a damaged grounding joint, tried to install my Grounding Harness?
I am looking at page 12 of the instructions given to the service people. It shows a chart of the affected year/model, with the old P/N and the new P/N for the replacement main wire harness assembly, and the following text...

Wire Harness Assembly
If damage is found at the joint connector coupler, then order the entire wire harness assembly. Contact your RTA before placing an order for a wire harness. Wire harness assembly part numbers have been superseded.
Sounds to me that Yamaha has addressed the problem by building a more robust unit. I wonder what was beefed up? I also wonder if the same spider nests are in this new design; and if so, are they in the same locations?

Granted, if you bought one of my Grounding Harnesses, or a set of Art's excellent Ground Spider overload harnesses, and placed them in the top of your tool box planning to install it "eventually", AND GOT BIT IN THE MEAN TIME...

Shame on you!

Don't let that happen! As soon as you take delivery on these InvisiFarkles get them in place! When a thermal runaway starts the damage is nearly instantaneous. If you keep driving with this failure mode it will only get worse. Who knows what kind of strain it places on the bike's electronics.

That said, If anybody has tried installing my Grounding Harness on their replacement main wiring assembly, let me know how it went.



One more thing,

If your bike has a good original wiring harness, without damage to the grounding joints (spider nests), and you have my Grounding Harness or Art's Ground Spider overload harness in place, I see no electrically compelling reason to take part in the recall. Our solutions by far overshadow what Yamaha has come up with. The Yamaha sub harness only augments the outgoing pin in the S4 spider nest - the pin leading back to the battery negative terminal. By lowering the resistance in that part of the grounding buss, it places more strain up stream - on the outgoing pins on the S6 and S7 nests. Both Art's and my harnesses draw amperage out of the bike's grounding buss and provide an alternate path back to the battery. Art's set up intercepts much of the current emanating from the high amp devices and diverts it to an engine bolt. My set up replaces all 6 spiders completely with a heavy copper path directly back to the battery negative terminal.

This is the Recall Sub Harness...


Most bikes will be fitted with it as the failure rate is proportionally small.

Here is a side by side picture of my Grounding Harness and the Recall Sub Harness...


As you can tell, my Grounding Harness hits up all 6 locations out and about the bike. The Recall Sub Harness hooks up to the same S4 spider nest (spider removed) as mine, but ties back into the existing ground buss at the large blade connector just forward and below the battery.

It's up to you how you want to go about addressing the grounding issue on your 2nd Gen.FJR.



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I don't have an FJR but I've ridden one (no, not on TV). I haven't purchased or installed one of Brodie's harnesses. But having had Brodie do some work on other bikes for me, and watched him build one of his harnesses for the FJR, I would fully endorse his work. Smart, dedicated, good heart, and loves to make things right... just my personal 2cents. :p


I think Beacher has a valid question...

Has anyone who has had the complete wire harness replacement due to a damaged grounding joint, tried to install my Grounding Harness?
I am looking at page 12 of the instructions given to the service people. It shows a chart of the affected year/model, with the old P/N and the new P/N for the replacement main wire harness assembly, and the following text...

Wire Harness Assembly
If damage is found at the joint connector coupler, then order the entire wire harness assembly. Contact your RTA before placing an order for a wire harness. Wire harness assembly part numbers have been superseded.
Sounds to me that Yamaha has addressed the problem by building a more robust unit. I wonder what was beefed up? I also wonder if the same spider nests are in this new design; and if so, are they in the same locations?

Granted, if you bought one of my Grounding Harnesses, or a set of Art's excellent Ground Spider overload harnesses, and placed them in the top of your tool box planning to install it "eventually", AND GOT BIT IN THE MEAN TIME...

Shame on you!

Don't let that happen! As soon as you take delivery on these InvisiFarkles get them in place! When a thermal runaway starts the damage is nearly instantaneous. If you keep driving with this failure mode it will only get worse. Who knows what kind of strain it places on the bike's electronics.

That said, If anybody has tried installing my Grounding Harness on their replacement main wiring assembly, let me know how it went.



Ok, shame on me :ermm: because I have not been following this topic at all. I have Brodie's harness sitting on top of my parts pile. My harness connecting points looked good and were gooped up when all this started. The FJR has basically been sitting in a garage for a year. No problems with the harness when it has been ridden the past couple years. I didn't even know about a "full harness" recall. OK, I know, I should know.

But at this point do I have Brodie's harness installed and the connectors checked again by my trusted mechanic down the street? Or do I ride the darn thing 100 miles to the nearest Yammy dealer I don't trust and hang around and take a day off work for them to fiddle with it? Final question, if Brodies harness is installed on the bike and something comes up, have dealers given folks hassles with Brofie's haarness on the bike?

Finally, I'm sure this has been all covered in the 1,873 pages of posts on this topic, but cut me a break Brodie or someone and cut to the chase for me.


Intall the Grounding Harness, keep the spiders and black caps. If you ever get hassled by a dealer service department you can always revert back to stock.

That said, you do not have to participate in the recall, Yamaha cannot force you to remove my harness and install theirs - it's your bike.



I received the Recall notice about six weeks after I had a new wiring harness installed because of a spider bite. By the time of the recall, I had installed the Brodie harness. With the revall notce in hand, I took my bike, a picture of the Brodie harness and the Brodie installation instructions off to te dealership to find out if I should let them do the recall.

After an initial conversation, the Service Manager printed off the Yamaha recall instructions and we compared the two solutions. At the end, the Service Manager said: "You know, tou don't have to participate in the recall." and " I wouldn't be the one to tell you to take that harness off your bike.". Being a Yamaha Service Manager, that was a close as he could get to saying "Our fix isn't as robust as what you already have.". Although, from the conversation it was clear that was what he thought. In addition, he told me that the full wiring harness in the recall notice is exactly the same as what was installed in my bike in the prior month.

Hope this information helps someone. Just another data point.

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Hey Brodie! I've gotten a couple offers from George (EscapeFJRtist) & Harald (I think), to take a look and see if we can install your harness at the Techday on Oct. 1, here in Auburn, so if nothing shows up before then, we can provide the info! And, you guys who are procrastinators like myself, get off your butts and get your harness installed; it's NOT going to do you any good sitting on the shelf!

Hey Brodie! I've gotten a couple offers from George (EscapeFJRtist) & Harald (I think), to take a look and see if we can install your harness at the Techday on Oct. 1, here in Auburn, so if nothing shows up before then, we can provide the info! And, you guys who are procrastinators like myself, get off your butts and get your harness installed; it's NOT going to do you any good sitting on the shelf!
Still on the agenda beacher! Make sure you're there fairly early and the harness will be installed toot-sweet. ;)


SO not to fuss at all but had the 10 in for Service. Said hey is m bike up for a recall? No, you are not in that. I still for the life of me can not figure out why?

I guess the nagging question is the 10 harness different?

I only ask as when I did my spiders, sanding the spiders, packing them in dialectical grease, liquid taped the units, I had already installed a flavor of grounding harness at 0 miles. On the Left side, I have two spiders side by side. They are right where the air pump connection for the PAIR system is. I did post a pic here My Spider Treatment.

So is that the normal location for two side by side?

And has anyone that is also a Red Headed Step Child with Freckles, hear anything concerning our Jimmy Swagert healed, later model harnesses exemption from this recall?

EDIT: Never Mind I see it is S2 and S3.

And my pic of that spider sure does look like it was on its way to oxidation after only a year?

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Give me a time and I'll be there, George; no problem! Looking forward to making some new friends!
Check Auburn's Tech Day thread, doors open at 9AM. With everything going on that day, we'll need to get right on the more tine consuming installs and checks.

