Anyone near SE Penna riding to Americade this year?

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Its just the dog in me, baby
FJR Supporter
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
Villanova PA
I think this will be my 11th Americade. We ride up on Monday morning, leave home around 5:30 am, arrive in Lake George around noon with a couple of stops for food and petrol.

Anyone local interested in tagging along. My buddy is pulling his bike with a trailer and I usually ride shotgun on the FJR. Reporting back via my sena if his bike starts to list on the trailer or anything falls off.

It's not terribly exciting (well, the Garden State Parkway during AM rushhour is pretty exciting), especially if it's raining.

Lemme know. I see a couple of FJ's around, always wondering if they're fellow forum members.


Not going again this year. I started going in 1988 and went every year until 2013 I believe. The gang I met up with, mostly from New England, kept dwindling and I decided to quit for a while. Always good riding in the Adirondacks. May go next year, I maybe a little more retired!

Anyways, have a good time!

