Anyone riding with music, a question for ya...

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On twisty roads or urban roads...If you are able to maintain a high level/combat level of concentration, then I say that's fine. I'm not able to do that.

The physical consequences of a collision between my vehicle and a cager are much different when I take the bike vs my taking my car. Therefore, I choose not to pipe in music, except on the rare occasion...and only on a rural slab when riding my bike.

I'm glad to see this topic. It addresses a question I've had for a long time. With wind noise, I've never been able to adjust the fairing so I'm riding in a bubble of silence unless I hunker down, don't you have to have the volume up to a level that over time could cause hearing loss?
After riding behind the cruiser tombstone windshield for years I thought that the FJR would be much quieter, definitely not. A smoother airflow sure. I was already wearing earbuds and listening to XM but switched to a little higher quality ShureSE110 set that has better noise isolation. Not as good as 32 decibel reduction earplugs but close. I have tinnitus (ringing) in my ears and the wind noise only aggravates that so I have to do something to protect what hearing I have left. So I almost always put something in my ears to cut down the wind noise. And I dont have to crank the volume up either. Unless its a real good tune! I did read somewhere that its the wind noise not the bike noise that causes the most damage to your hearing. Also some helmets tend to do a better job of reducing noise .

I put together my first helmet speaker system in 1980 and once Jenny started riding with me I added the Autocomm. I've tried a ton of different "in ear" speakers but my ears just won't tolerate them for any length of time so I've pretty much given up on that approach and continue to install actual speakers in my helmets. I've never felt it to be a distraction and as already been pointed out, the right song in the right situation seems to actually help me hit the groove.

Sally and I listen through the Starcom, with in-helmet speakers. Treat it just like a radio - sometimes it's off and we just talk, sometimes we listen to tunes. I have it set up so we hear the music and still hear each other talking (or singing along) in a regular voice.
Same thing for me when we ride 2-up. I use the Starcom also, but with the external volume control on the bars. The volume contol is the key for me, that way I can turn it down/up as needed. Unfortunately, Starcom is the only comms manufacturer that I know of that offers an external volume control.

For those of you that do ride with speakers in your helmets or ear buds firmly implanted, did it take you some time to become comfortable with it? And I don't mean the physical comfort, but the mental comfort?
If I'm going for a more local ride...say 300 miles or less...then I prefer quiet. It takes me that long to get out of whatever headspace I'm in from the starting point.

But, if I go on a trip or do an LD ride I find having music, comedy, and news available to be nice. It takes a while to find both the right content and volume level to compliment the riding. For example, some U2 Joshua Tree while cruising the twisties of Eastern Oregon mountains works where the Eagles drives me nuts for some reason. But queing up Hotel California east of Flagstaff is somehow invigorating!

Droning through Boise rush hour and NPR seems to work, but Eddie Izard doesn't....go figure.

If I have a default it's 80's station on XM and after 11 days of Iron Butt Rally I've heard the cycles so many times it's like an internal metronome powering the Energizer Bunny.

My problem with music is that there's no such thing as "background" music. Having gone through high school and college as a musician, I can't help but listen to music. I don't sing along with melodies, I find counterpoints, harmonies, rhythms, key changes. What are the saxes doing that the horns aren't, stuff like that.

I had a really good stereo in my last car, but found myself not using it when I drove anywhere unless it was long trips, long enough to need a CD changer reload or two or three. I've never seen the need for music that is personal-portable, always available no matter where you are or what you're doing, i.e. iPod or other players. That's just nuts.

Just to experiment I played tunes from my phone into my Bluetooth helmet, even though it's mono and voice-quality, and found it uncomfortable.

Zumo/XM tunes with custom molded earphones. Never leave home without em.

While in traffic, which aint very often, there turned way down. On the backroads and twisties, crank er up boys! We gotta go....

I forget, which is worse, cheese dick or turkey nuts? :dntknw:

Is there a list somewhere that we can all agree on? Cuz I'd hate to call someone cheese dick, if it gets trumped by turkey nuts. :clapping:

I got nuthin' :blink:
I've heard from third party sources that's what AIW thinks when you drop yer drawers. :blum:
she's pure bred Italian..."anything" as often as possible keeps her calmed down with that red hot libido

<cuts her finger and spagetti sauce flows out...cut off an arm and it's a speech impedament>

my Irish German self cannot keep up and long ago accepted that fact

but it is in my best interest to "exercise" her when she's on the prowl


I guess a real part of the sucess of our marriage is she is frisky daily and also she gets the guilts when she spends money

and she absolutely loves riding pillion with me on Isabella...

gotta luv my Amy Jo

my cruiser's name was Sophia:

Sophia Loren at 75 on far right...she was always my Dad's favorite and kept the pic of her that came with his wallet LOL



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Anyone tried the JVC HAFX66R Air Cushion Headphones? The guys on The Pace podcast thought they were a real good value for the money. $20.00

I've had XM since it came out. The only time without tunes was the 125 mile ride home from the dealer .

The FJR is so smooth a high speeds, I have to pay attention to my speeding. Last time it was 100mph and Ted Nugent.

Once in Daytona, I rode without a helmet/tunes for a very brief time. I that my FJR was going to blow up from all the new noises I heard.

I forget, which is worse, cheese dick or turkey nuts? :dntknw:
Is there a list somewhere that we can all agree on? Cuz I'd hate to call someone cheese dick, if it gets trumped by turkey nuts. :clapping:
Mind yer business Toad nipples..


