Anyone using Laser Jammers?

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2006
Reaction score
Denver, CO
I know that some states have already made these illegal, and others are considering it. I also know that I should just slow down, but on the FJR 75mph feels slow, and I often creep up to 85+ without even realizing it. I've been riding with a Passport 8500 for 4 years, and it has saved me countless tickets, I love the thing, but twice in the past year I (or the driver of the vehicle I was in) got pegged with laser and got a ticket, thus my hunt for good laser defense. Is anyone using these, and if so, what is your experience? Radar Roy will say they're the cat's meow, and claims to have stealthed a Yamaha sportbike, but I want info from someone who isn't trying to sell it to me. :D

Don't bother. Lasers a aimed devices that the operator triggers to activate. The vehicle is sighted by means of a red dot scope and then the beam is activated. If the laser detector senses the laser (big 'if') you have NO time to moderate your speed. The laser unit has already calculated the speed. The devices are simply timed range finders. Measures the distance to the moving target many times per second and the difference over time is the speed.

Lasers are not turned on and left on by the operator. You will not get a warning by a laser detector prior to your vehicle being targetted. Of course there always possibilities for a stray reflected beam to strike the sensor on a laser detector but that would be a pretty large fluke. Seriously, save your money.

My 2 cents.

