Apparent differences in bikes/06 ride evaluation

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The only other modifications I have made to the bike other than the Barbarian Jumper was BMW grips, heavy bar end weights (which I had on my 04)(I primarily think that they just look cool) and RG sliders.
If the bike is perfect why the barbarian jumper mod and bmw grips?

The jerkiness of the throttle is not apparent below 3500 rpm and is only apparent when you are turning on the throttle from idle. This would become more apparent with stop and go traffic or going very slow in twisties. In California, we have the....pleasure...of splitting lanes during gridlock trAffic. This is when I experieneced this problem at its full. There's nothing like a bike surging forward while splitting 1" clearances to give you a nice warm fuzzy.

That doesn't mean the FJR is not a great bike. But it has some real problems.

my two bit
I must be lucky. I have not made the jumper mod, split lanes all the time, and have really no real issue with surging or jerkiness. I have noticed a little right off idle, but I modulate the throttle a little and with a smooth easy roll have no issues. I don't call this "real problems". I can think of many bikes with real problems, but the 06 FJR is not one of them. However I respect everyone's right to their opinion.

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The only other modifications I have made to the bike other than the Barbarian Jumper was BMW grips, heavy bar end weights (which I had on my 04)(I primarily think that they just look cool) and RG sliders.
If the bike is perfect why the barbarian jumper mod and bmw grips?

The jerkiness of the throttle is not apparent below 3500 rpm and is only apparent when you are turning on the throttle from idle. This would become more apparent with stop and go traffic or going very slow in twisties. In California, we have the....pleasure...of splitting lanes during gridlock trAffic. This is when I experieneced this problem at its full. There's nothing like a bike surging forward while splitting 1" clearances to give you a nice warm fuzzy.

That doesn't mean the FJR is not a great bike. But it has some real problems.

my two bit
I didn't say it was perfect. I said it was darn close. I explained the reason for the Barbarian Jumper. To state it once again, I did it only to make what I perceived as an already good situation even better. It is easy enough to do and can always be changed back, so why not at least try it. Seems logical enough to me. The reason for BMW grips? I have never left the stock grips on any bike I have ever owned. Changing grips is cheap and easy to do, so why not do it? Plus, I just think that the BMW grips look cooler than the stock grips.

Your bike is apparently jerky from idle. Mine is not. Not at all. I gave a report as frankly, honestly and as objective as humanly possible. I can say no more than that. Please note however, the topic title. "Apparent differences in bikes". If you say that YOUR bike has some "real problems", I believe you. But they all don't. Mine doesn't. Not at all. For me to say different would be an absolute lie. Obviously, I'm not the only one who feels as I do.

I'm not a rag giving a flowery report on a machine whose company is helping to keep my company in business through advertising dollars. I have nothing to gain here. I am not an employee of Yamaha. I am one of you, who has ridden this machine for 2200 miles and want to let folks know what my honest impressions are. Whether you choose to believe me or not is not my concern. I have spoken the truth and that is all there is to it.

Should any problems arise, I will be quick to report them. Make no mistake, my brother.

I have a fairly new '06 and have no complaints.

I've never had the thought that it was buzzy, or had vibes.

I've never thought the shifter was "clunky" . . I've now had a bike from Honda, Kawasaki, and now Honda, and they've all "clunked" into first. 2-5 come with mimimal effort, and neutral is easy to find (though not as trick as Kawasaki, with their positive neutral stop)

I've never thought the throttle was tricky or "surgy". I did add Grip Puppies (+1 on those!).

I've never had an issue with heat.

This bike is as good or better as any I've ridden (including a '00 Boxer sportbike/tourer thing from BMW).

Awright guys (gals?)

I LOVE!!!! my 06 AE, But my other bike is an 05 goldwing, and I love that bike too. MY!! FJR Rocks!! No, It aint perfect but neither was my GL1800, but my GL1800 IS the best at what it does, as is my new "Lil' Bitch" (ok her name is lil bitch) at what I bought her for. She is nto the last bike in my stable, but what a SWEET!!! ADDITION!!!!

I love my "Lil' Bitch" AE is funner hell too, they did a sweet!! job at that

Hey, youz guys. Let's put things in perspective. I've been riding a 2000 Buell S3 since I purchased it new. I still have the S3 and have no plans to get rid of it. But come on, the FJR vibrates? not enough wind protection? the seat hurts our fannies?

I guess it all depends on the direction from which we come. I will say this though, the FJR footpegs grab the earth quite a bit sooner than those on my S3.

I have no complaints about my 2006 FJRAE it is about as perfect a bike as I have ever ridden. No vibe problems no throttle problems, no seat problems I am as happy as I can be with it. The electric shift has given my riding a whole new dimension, it's just a pure kick in the ass. It is the most stable ride I have ever experienced wether it's in the corners or straight out. Love it, Love it, Love it, Love it.

The jerkiness of the throttle is not apparent below 3500 rpm and is only apparent when you are turning on the throttle from idle. This would become more apparent with stop and go traffic or going very slow in twisties. In California, we have the....pleasure...of splitting lanes during gridlock trAffic. This is when I experieneced this problem at its full. There's nothing like a bike surging forward while splitting 1" clearances to give you a nice warm fuzzy.
That doesn't mean the FJR is not a great bike. But it has some real problems.
I agree and would add that when anyone posts about a 2006 FJR they really need to identify if it's the A or AE. While they are the "same" bike, they cannot be compared.

I have the horrible jerkyness of the throttle and honestly thought it was specific to the e-clutch on the bike - especially during take-offs.

I agree and would add that when anyone posts about a 2006 FJR they really need to identify if it's the A or AE. While they are the "same" bike, they cannot be compared.

I have the horrible jerkyness of the throttle and honestly thought it was specific to the e-clutch on the bike - especially during take-offs.
Mine is a 2006 1300A. Normal clutch. I've got to tell you, from my perspective this is absolutely wild to hear of. I mean, I was just out riding with my lady friend on board, and actually thought to myself as I was riding "damn, this thing is smooth. Smoother than my 04." I shit you not. I don't know what the deal is here. When I first got the bike, it just seemed as though the clutch engaged at an earlier point. I actually stalled the bike, first time on. But as soon as I rode it home, everything was just fine and dandy.

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Mine is a 2006 1300A. Normal clutch. I've got to tell you, from my perspective this is absolutely wild to hear of. I mean, I was just out riding with my lady friend on board, and actually thought to myself as I was riding "damn, this thing is smooth. Smoother than my 04." I shit you not. I don't know what the deal is here. When I first got the bike, it just seemed as though the clutch engaged at an earlier point. I actually stalled the bike, first time on. But as soon as I rode it home, everything was just fine and dandy.


How long have you had your 06? What did you ride before? Wonder if Yamaha has addressed this throttle issue? I certainly have it.

Rick Davis


How long have you had your 06? What did you ride before? Wonder if Yamaha has addressed this throttle issue? I certainly have it.

Rick Davis

I picked it up in mid to late August (I think it has an April build date, IIRC). I have 2200 miles on it now. This bike replaced my 2004 FJR.


I have ridden a friends 04 and it was as smooth as could be. Have you done any of the mods.?

Rick Davis

I have ridden a friends 04 and it was as smooth as could be. Have you done any of the mods.?

Rick Davis
Only the Barbarian Jumper which allowed the CO settings to be changed. However, that said, as I mentioned previously, I thought the bike was pretty darn smooth before hand. I just wanted to see if it would become even better as others had indicated it would. It did.

818 Guy,

Check the idle on your AE. Mine was set about 900 RPM from the dealer and the bike was annoying as hell to ride. The bike lurched forward everytime I shut off the gas and Clunked and jerked everytime I shifted. I did the Barbarian mod and throttle spring mod with limited success. I turned the idle up to 1100 RPM and the bike was transformed! :D All better.

I dont think it would be nearly as big an issue with a standard bike, as you have infinite control over the clutch engagement.

It still has some low RPM surging if I am putting around town at low RPM, but you have to pay attention to it in order to notice it. Not at all like the shifting issue that you couldnt ignore if you tried.

