Archaeopteryx sailplane

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Pie Smuggler
Apr 19, 2007
Reaction score
Pacific Northwet [Woodinville, WA]
If you have even a slight interest in aeronautics and the world of planes and flight, this will knock you out. Archaeopteryx is the name for the first known dinosaur skeleton where feathers were clearly visible.

Now here’s a personal gliding sailplane named after the fossil bird; but you don’t get in it.…you put it on. Talk about wonderful gas mileage!! And when the day is done, you disassemble the thing and go home. Of course, you can only fly this thing where there are good updrafts and thermals.

Price? Well, if you buy the trailer and everything in this video, you’ll drop $100K real quickly. All of it made in Switzerland.

Foot Launchable…Ground Towable…Aero…towable…Foot Landable Sailplane.

Click here: Archaeopteryx Demo-Clip

The whole sticking-your-legs-out-the-bottom-to-land is the part that worries me.

Sort of Flinstone-y.

OK, I'm a powered-flight guy, but that looks really cool! As for the foot-landing thing, I would definitely have to be sure not to be chewing gum as I attempted that...

I used to spend hours at the Issaquah Skyport watching the sailplanes before that area was developed. It was a great way to spend an afternoon and dream. Eventually got my ASEL license and haven't flown since. Military, school and travel all conspired to keep me on the ground.

Very cool. I particularly like the slingshot launch technique (I had a toy glider just like it when I was a kid!). Thanks for posting.

OK, I'm a powered-flight guy, but that looks really cool! As for the foot-landing thing, I would definitely have to be sure not to be chewing gum as I attempted that...
At least you wont dirty the interior of the plane when you crap your pants/wet yourself as the ground comes rushing up at you, since the bomb-bay door is open. Just look out below!!!

Always enjoyed flying sailplanes more than the powered things - just not overly practical for getting anywhere. That little rig is just about as close as you can get to being a bird... very cool.

Thanks for sharing

I'm a glider pilot, but basically retired flying to spend more time riding. As Canuckle said, not too practical for going anywhere. However, it IS a lot like motorcycling in 3 dimensions. A lot of the same sensations. But I like long distance riding that's what I do. These ultralight sailplanes do look like a hoot to fly. They remind me of an old one called a Baby Bowlus with a modern twist.

Neat concept but I don't get it. For that price you could buy a sailplane and a hang glider and still have lots of money left over for your tows on your sailplane.

Someone please explain the lure here.

Cost notwithstanding... it's just cool
This I get. And I don't question the cost either. There's a lot of work and material in all that CF on that thing. To make something that large weigh so little ain't cheap. I totally see the cool and am blown away by the concept and engineering involved.

It just seems to me to be one of those answers to a question not asked.

Wow, that's just great! I used to fly sailplanes when I was younger and lived in Calgary but those were full-size gliders. Flying this ultralight would be a blast. Loved the shot of it thermalling with the eagle.
