Are YOU tired of political threads yet?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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What am I going to do????

Hell, I'm going on vacation! That's what!

Happy Holidays, all (if that doesn't start a debate over "Happy Holidays" vs. "Merry Christmas"! ;) )

YT, you progressive secularlist!! Merry Christmas!!!! It's gonna be a long winter w/o political banter. Oh well, guess I'll go find a warm spot somewhere.

I always thought the purpose of a Website Forum was to attract as many people as you can to the site...........thus generate revenue from advertisers based on hits...
You could not be more wrong.

You have obviously not read even the first opening paragraph of the Forum Guidelines. Perhaps the link the Forum Owner provided was too much effort to click. I will reprint the more salient points for you here:

This forum is to discuss the Yamaha FJR1300..... discuss motorcycles in general, and the FJR in particular.
We do NOT give a flying rat's ass about how many or how few people we "attract". The forum stands on it's own WITHOUT "revenue from advertisers". Indeed, we take pride in the fact that FJROwners does not have loud, sleazy-ass commercial banners hopping and popping all over the place, distracting the visitor from the user experience. To see what forums degenerate to when this happens, take a quick look at the Yamaha R1 forum.

I guess these guys have a different agenda.....
Again, had you had bothered to take 30 seconds to read the Forum Guidelines, you would know *exactly* what "us guys" have for an agenda. You are a guest in our virtual house. If you don't like the environment here, then don't let the proverbial electronic door hit you on the way out. No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to be here against your will. Simple, no?

Read Guideline #2 carefully. If you feel the need to engage in these mindnumbing political debates, you are free to surf over to, or, and have a blast.

[You have obviously not read even the first opening paragraph of the Forum Guidelines.:

This forum is to discuss the Yamaha FJR1300..... discuss motorcycles in general, and the FJR in particular.
We do NOT give a flying rat's ass about how many or how few people we "attract". The forum stands on it's own WITHOUT "revenue from advertisers". Indeed, we take pride in the fact that FJROwners does not have loud, sleazy-ass commercial banners hopping and popping all over the place, distracting the visitor from the user experience. To see what forums degenerate to when this happens, take a quick look at the Yamaha R1 forum.

I guess these guys have a different agenda.....
Again, had you had bothered to take 30 seconds to read the Forum Guidelines, you would know *exactly* what "us guys" have for an agenda. You are a guest in our virtual house. If you don't like the environment here, then don't let the proverbial electronic door hit you on the way out. No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to be here against your will. Simple, no?
#1. if i read it correctly this sub forum is for COMPLETElY OFF TOPIC DISCUSSION discussion (topics other than motorcycles).

2. in reality, we don't read nor do we give a rat's tail about any stinking chat room's guidelines

3. Thanks for the Yamaha R1 link.........

4. if you could share with us a topic we could discuss in here that would fit your guidelines meaning that it has nothing to do with motorcycles, but has to be about the FJR motorcycle I'd appreciate it...Hey, I just thought of something to might work.....

My daughter just started her period,,,,,and she says when she grows up, she wants to get an JFR like mine.........blah, blah, blah...

Before you blow your wade and cum ungluded I was just messing with ya.....

But isn't chat room topics sorta like wearing a helmet.....if you want to wear one, wear one, and if you don't don't?

Isn't clicking on a topic the same thing.......if it's a topic that upsets you, don't click on it.

Be Kewl, and my your holidays be plentiful of nice days to ride..

Read Guideline #2 carefully. If you feel the need to engage in these mindnumbing political debates, you are free to surf over to, or, and have a blast.
:rolf: :thumbup:

Hey, I only joined in the topics in this section because my fjr is running great (thanks to this forum), I don't need any more farkels (thanks to this forum), it is cold and icy out so I can't ride (thanks to Bush :D ) and it helped my day go by at work.

I will 2nd the why do we have the completely off-topic if we are to discuss only fjr stuff?

Also many in this forum would be right there in front telling someone if they didn't like a channel on tv or the radio to change it and no one forced anyone to click on a thread that was obviously political... Hmmmm!

I think most of the ones involved in the political threads actually just enjoyed fussing at each other and no harm was done. For the most part it remain civil.

Oh well I guess I will have to go back to playing the drums... See ya!!!

Can't wait till Bike Week, got to make hotel reservations... Come on Spring Break. :D

But isn't chat room topics sorta like wearing a helmet.....if you want to wear one, wear one, and if you don't don't?
Isn't clicking on a topic the same thing.......if it's a topic that upsets you, don't click on it.

This is like a corner tavern, where you can have a beer with your virtual buds, and discuss motorcycles in general, and the FJR in particular. As bartender of this fine establishment I try and make the customers feel at home and comfortable.

If you come in as a loud-mouth obnoxious drunk jerk that interferes with the experience of others--you'll be shown the door.

2. in reality, we don't read nor do we give a rat's tail about any stinking chat room's guidelines
That's unfortunate. You do so at your own peril. If you don't tone down your rhetoric you're going to have to find a new place to hang out.

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Hey, that R1 site has a neat topic: 'Technique & Riding'. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge...

A note to those of you who enjoy beating the shit outta each other on things politic... Go to and go to their dungeon. Lots of political shit flying around that basement and they could use a couple more ass-hats to join in on the fun. Heck, you might be able to squeeze in a motorcycle related reference or two...

Hey, that R1 site has a neat topic: 'Technique & Riding'. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge...

A note to those of you who enjoy beating the shit outta each other on things politic... Go to and go to their dungeon. Lots of political shit flying around that basement and they could use a couple more ass-hats to join in on the fun. Heck, you might be able to squeeze in a motorcycle related reference or two...
Nah, I am selective of who I am an asshat to. Plus I felt comfortable here as no one got their feathers ruffled too bad. We seemed able to bring it down when needed.

Plus I just found the Crazy video and I am trying to learn from him :D

"Argumentative? Who's argumentative? I'm not argumentative, I'm just right! If you were only open minded, you'd see and understand that." ex-Mrs. Madmike2

I got so open minded my brain fell out, and when I picked it up and dusted it off, it said, "Close the door on this circular discussion".

Obviously, other's brains were saying the same thing.

You can almost hear the demerrits whizzing as they fly past on their way to Downn2's account.

Do you need a bigger shovel or is the hole getting deep fast enough already?

Plus I felt comfortable here as no one got their feathers ruffled too bad.
Er, think again there, Sparky. How then, would you explain this thread, eh? :haha:
Can't argue with logic.

I assume (and yes my next mistake, too many to list) was that it was someone observing and not participating.

Plus I felt comfortable here as no one got their feathers ruffled too bad.
Er, think again there, Sparky. How then, would you explain this thread, eh? :haha:
Can't argue with logic.

I assume (and yes my next mistake, too many to list) was that it was someone observing and not participating.
I will add my opologies here to any one I may have offended. If this were done person to person you would know that I never said or meant anything hostile.

Again please accept my opologies and have a great Holiday Season... :D

Edit: Oh except the one comment I made to JPD and we still got alone fine :D

I grew up with a best friend that we could get into fist fights one minutes and an hour later be out playing. I don't hold a grudge :D

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This is like a corner tavern, where you can have a beer with your virtual buds, and discuss motorcycles in general, and the FJR in particular. As bartender of this fine establishment I try and make the customers feel at home and comfortable.
If you come in as a loud-mouth obnoxious drunk jerk that interferes with the experience of others--you'll be shown the door.
This particular bar we happen to be in has a BIG SIGN above the front door that says


---Any topic other than motorcycles not allowed----

Now MR. Bartender, who's the loud mouth jerk?

You can almost hear the demerrits whizzing as they fly past on their way to Downn2's account.
Do you need a bigger shovel or is the hole getting deep fast enough already?
Just let it go downn2. They have made their new rule. We had our fun while it lasted.

Plus I felt comfortable here as no one got their feathers ruffled too bad.
Er, think again there, Sparky. How then, would you explain this thread, eh? :haha:
Can't argue with logic.

I assume (and yes my next mistake, too many to list) was that it was someone observing and not participating.
I will add my opologies here to any one I may have offended. If this were done person to person you would know that I never said or meant anything hostile.

Again please accept my opologies and have a great Holiday Season... :D

Edit: Oh except the one comment I made to JPD and we still got alone fine :D

I grew up with a best friend that we could get into fist fights one minutes and an hour later be out playing. I don't hold a grudge :D
I will follow sparky's lead and apologize to anyone I may have offended, but I love to discuss and debate on several different subjects.


If you are closing it out only because some don't like it, as you would no doubt tell me, "Don't go there" if you don't like it.

As was so nicely explained to me a couple months ago when I objected to some of the language being used, "If you @#%^&(@ don't like it, get the !@#$%^ out of here, and take your &^%$#*% butt somewhere else, you holier than thou :asshat:

I'm sorry guys, I didn't mean any of this. Please don't give me the "benevolent dictator" speech again. I am on my knees begging forgiveness!!!!

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