As close to windshield nirvana as I am going to get

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I had an oppurtunity today to do a 100+ MPH run (light traffic, loooooooong straight multi lane bridge, no cops). I got to 105 MPH as indicated on GPS and 110 indicated on my speedo. The air around me was smoooooooth. :yahoo:
Well there you go. Just ride 100+mph all the time and your problem is solved!!! :D

It was about 85 degrees yesterday and I rode with the shield all the way down all afternoon to get maximum airflow to my face. Felt real good to have the air on me...kind of the opposite of your still air nirvana your going for. lol Had a few more bugs to wipe off my helmet but it was worth it!!!
I have a shorty that I rode with during the summer months. I plan on taking the top portion of this shield off and riding with the bottom half only during the summer months.

OH why o why couldn't the lower piece be taller! I'm 6' 4" . I will never find a solution!.....Dan
I think mine is going to be taller. When I ordered it they said they had made it taller, well the add said that, but I think only 1" or so :)

I think mine is going to be taller. When I ordered it they said they had made it taller, well the add said that, but I think only 1" or so :)

Yea, Twisted throttle says the current version of the MRA windscreen is larger (21.7) than the past version. Blind Squirrel measured his to be 19.5.

Still might be a player for me. Dan

I had an oppurtunity today to do a 100+ MPH run (light traffic, loooooooong straight multi lane bridge, no cops). I got to 105 MPH as indicated on GPS and 110 indicated on my speedo. The air around me was smoooooooth. :yahoo:
Well there you go. Just ride 100+mph all the time and your problem is solved!!! :D

It was about 85 degrees yesterday and I rode with the shield all the way down all afternoon to get maximum airflow to my face. Felt real good to have the air on me...kind of the opposite of your still air nirvana your going for. lol Had a few more bugs to wipe off my helmet but it was worth it!!!
I have a shorty that I rode with during the summer months. I plan on taking the top portion of this shield off and riding with the bottom half only during the summer months.

Hey Blind Suirrel one last favor... Could you tell me the height of the bottom (short) section? I'm trying to get a feel of the ride with the bottom half only..I use the Sena SMH10 and with the stock shield in the full up position, the wind noise makes calls impossible. Wondering if the bottom half of the MRA is shorter then the stock. Thanks Dan

As long as this thread is back, I have an update. I have a Cee Bailey 21.5" (no flip). I recently added a Laminar Lip purchased used on the forum. This setup is a lot like the 2-piece Vario windshield.

Problem solved. This setup allows a better angle of attack while smoothing out all buffeting and lifting the airstream over the top of my helmet without the backdraft. In a lower position, it channels a smooth airstream at my helmet with minimal noise. The Laminar Lip smooths the air and spoils the turbulence that used to spill off the top of the shield. This was pretty economical and I'm sticking with this.
Hey Tom, how did you position this lip h how much higher over the shield?

Interesting looking screen and discussion.

I've used a MRA VarioTouringScreen for years on my Blackbird but the FJR1300 version is an entirely different animal.

As long as this thread is back, I have an update. I have a Cee Bailey 21.5" (no flip). I recently added a Laminar Lip purchased used on the forum. This setup is a lot like the 2-piece Vario windshield.

Problem solved. This setup allows a better angle of attack while smoothing out all buffeting and lifting the airstream over the top of my helmet without the backdraft. In a lower position, it channels a smooth airstream at my helmet with minimal noise. The Laminar Lip smooths the air and spoils the turbulence that used to spill off the top of the shield. This was pretty economical and I'm sticking with this.
Hey Tom, how did you position this lip h how much higher over the shield?
The lip extends 1.5 inches higher than the shield when viewed perpendicular to the plane of the shields, but the laminar lip curves around in front of the shield, so it acts like a flip in a windshield The shield now appears much higher, even in a lower position and better angle of attack because the Laminar Lip rises off the surface of the shield.

Thanks Tom. Do you have any pics by any chance?

I installed it last weekend (pretty much the same 1-1.5 inch over) but did not notice much of a difference. It became, I think, better a bit in lower position, but in the top position I still have the same issue - huge vibration of the helmet. Noise is still there... Don’t know what to do... New helmet?? :)

Thanks Tom. Do you have any pics by any chance?

I installed it last weekend (pretty much the same 1-1.5 inch over) but did not notice much of a difference. It became, I think, better a bit in lower position, but in the top position I still have the same issue - huge vibration of the helmet. Noise is still there... Don't know what to do... New helmet?? :)
I use mainly a Shoei RF1100, but I'm pretty comfortable in even a 3/4 Scorpion helmet in hot weather. I don't experience a lot of vibration even without the Laminar Lip, but the wind roar is less, even at a much lower setting. I'll try to get some pictures but we have pretty heavy rain today.

So after being set to wait till the end of April my shield showed up yesterday~!~!!!

So I clean the bike and installed it. I took a 90 mile ride this AM and had fun messing with it.

Here it is from the front. This AFTER I moved it up to one notch from topping out.


I was surprised you did not use the W but no lose as far as I am concerned.

Here is eye level I am 5' 11" It is all the way up as the picture shows but to make any sense one needs to pick a spot on the dash and measure it fully raised so it could be a repeatable measurement.


Here is the inside showing the adjustment. I ran it in full down and have moved it up to one notch from topping out. I need to ride it in a bit to see what I have done/accomplished. Note the deep U stream they have molded in it.


Will get more time on it and see what I find as I play with it.

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Time for an update ... please? I'm struggling with windshield choices more this spring than any other. Looking for smooth air with minimal noise.

I used this shield to on my recent ride across America. It does a better job than any of the other shields that I have used have done. Were I to continue my wind shield hunt, I would next try a laminar lip.

I must admit that I have found true winshield nirvana with a different shield; The stock shield that comes on the BMW R 1200 RT. I test rode one in San Diego while I was on my trip. So quiet I do not need any sort of hearing protection. At this point I still want to test ride the BMW K 1600 GTL to see if I can handle it two up with the Mrs. on the back. If I can, I will go with the 1600 GTL, if not it will be the 1200 RT.

Anyone interested in a heavily farkled '04 FJR with ~54K miles on it? I am going to be asking $5500.00 for it.

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I just ordered the Laminar Lip - hopefully that will work. If not .. I'll have a 2006 FJR for sale next spring.

I just put a Laminar Lip on my stock shield (2012). I'm amazed at the quiet calm behind it while the shield is raised at speed. Made me think of being in a commercial jet.

Edit to add: the quiet zone is in the upper couple of inches of windshield adjustment. AND, I'm only 5'6" so the LL on a stock Gen II shield may not be as effective for a 6 footer.

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Couple of things:

First off, for comparing FJR windshields you definitely have to segregate the first gens from the second gens. The bikes' aeros are different enough to begin with, and then each shield manufacturer has managed to create a completely different model for the each generations (since their mounting is completely different they can't be interchanged anyway). So experience with an MRA Vario, or Rifle, or Cee Bailey on one generation most definitely does NOT translate to the other generation.

Next, when comparing height of 1st gen windshields I find it is most salient to measure from the center screw hole to the upper edge (rather than from the lower edge) as some manufacturers (Rifle for one) will also extend the shield below the screw holes too. Then, you'll also want to note any vertical curvature of the shield (or lack of it) as the convex curvature on the stock Yamaha shield and touring shield has the effect of lowering the upper edge significantly.

For instance, you guys are getting all excited about the MRA Vario which Scott measured at 19.5" (from the lower edge). The Ahamay Touring windshield is 18" from the center screw (add about 1.5" for the screw to the bottom edge) so it would be about the same height. Of course it is convex and it doesn't have the dual layers that generates a smoother air flow off the top, but if one were to stick a Laminar lip on the Ahamay, I'd say they would have a pretty similar shield to the full extended MRA, but it would be less adjustable.

Being 6'2", with relatively short legs (hence a long torso) and sitting up on a Russell seat (+1") I have determined (at considerable expense to myself) that there just isn't a windshield made in the world that it high enough that it will shoot the air up over my head. That "bubble of still air" nirvana is unobtainable for this cowboy.

The best I found is to run the jumbo Rifle Touring (a full 22 1/2" from center screw to top lip, with no vertical curvature) and I still get a riffle of turbulence to the very top of my helmet, unless I duck down. But ducking down is bad back posture and I couldn't ride like that for very long.

However, with that much shield coverage I would roast in the summer. I do know some other folks that are able to keep theirs on all year, but I switch to either an Ahamay Touring or a Stock OEM shield mounted on the Rifle tuning blocks during the warmer months. With the shield mechanism fully lowered it actually scoops air off the front of the faring and blows it down onto my torso behind the dash, and my head is way up into clean air as if the bike had no faring or windshield at all. Of course if it rains we can still "deploy the shields, Captain!" and it still helps some with the weather protection.

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I just put a Laminar Lip on my stock shield (2012). I'm amazed at the quiet calm behind it while the shield is raised at speed. Made me think of being in a commercial jet.
I don't get it. I have a hearing disability and am right on the cusp of "needing" hearing aids (I have them and they help a lot, but I can get by without them). I have a slightly reduced ability to hear low frequency noises, and it goes downhill from there to wear I can hear, but not understand, whispers or young children who do not enunciate properly.

I am starting from a "reduced ability to hear" point and even with 25 db earplugs the wind noise on the FJR is significantly fatiguing. Nor can I tolerate commercial jets without 34+ db earplugs. I can't even go to movie theaters without bringing earplugs. Those "blade" hand driers in bathrooms? Painfully loud - even my audiologists suspects they exceed the OSHA limits.

In light of my hearing loss, it makes absolutely no sense to me that people can ride motorcycles without earplugs, or think of a commercial jet liner as "quiet". This baffles me. What I find LOUD with my hearing loss should be considered UNCOMFORTABLY LOUD to normal people.

But I am hoping that the Laminar Lip works. That would be great!

Don't count on it. I also have significant hearing loss, but mostly upper frequency range (yours is probably too). For some reason my left ear is much worse than the right one, which is why I always find myself sleeping right side down in the morning (the chirping birds can no longer wake me at 5AM)

I wear 33 dBA plugs any time I ride any of my bikes. If I even have a bad seal on one of my plugs, it may not be physically painful, but it sure bugs the **** outta me. And even with the plugs in properly, after a long ride, I still have extra temporary tinnitus after the ride. I 've resigned myself to never be able to go back to riding sans earplugs.

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You both bring up good points.

I don't really think of a commercial jet as quiet but definitely *more* quiet than the bike was before I added the Lip. I have only a smidge of hearing loss in my left ear (too many years of open windows and CB radios) but it isn't bad. In the interest of preventing further loss I've actually just bought some ear plugs to use on longer rides. I'll see how they work out.
