Average age of FJR owners

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Was just sitting here looking on the site thinking what would be the average age of the FJR owner. Could one of you survey guru's run a poll???. I would imagine most owners would be in there late 40's or early 50's but that's aguess mind you. I'm 52yrs.
So far 23% are in the 30-40 range, 50% are in the 45-60 range 38% < 15 years on the street, 46% > 15 years

So at least statistically speaking , so far the FJR is a bike for experienced , mature ( at least in age) Riders.
Well 'gazza', I think you'll need to do a little simple arithmetic (there ain't no such thing as simple arithmetic)?

Finding the average (mean) age requires adding (put-together) all the ages of all the respondents and then dividing by (gozinta) the number of respondents.

The median age is the age in which there's an equal number above and below.

I'd guess that they'll (ages) fall in the 50s? (pipe & slippers -- too old for performance... ;) B) )

1.) Age discrimination for those over 60! :angry2:

2.) Mental age may be more of an indicator than time spend on the planet.

3.) Many sport bike riders have been more-than-surprised when we of the silver-hair/beard-set have ridden with them on mountain roads.

4.) Riding ability trumps equipment.

5.) Why does it matter if this type of platform fits your needs and equipment of choice?

30. I recently got into motorcycling (2-3 years ago), and never owned a supersport. I love the look and performance of the R1, CBR1000rr, etc. Sometimes I think *hey, throw some Heli risers on that, and I can ride it all day!* and then I come down to earth and realize that's most likely not the case.

I have to ride an hour north or an hour south (at least) to get to any great twisty roads. Yeah, the weight of the FJR gets tiring on those roads, but it's offset by coming home feeling mostly fresh after a 300-400 mile day. The only thing that hurts is my butt, but I've got got a Sargent seat waiting to be put on the bike this weekend that oughtta solve my problem.

I can't tell you guys how many times I've thought about getting something lighter and less comfortable. Then, I ride my FJR, buy a farkle for it, and forget all about it... for awhile :)

I'm always daydreaming about getting a new bike, but to be honest I've never once thought about it while actually riding my FJR. It's a great bike.

Well guys here's my story. Did motocross in my teen years and at about 24yrs of age i had had enough. Borrowed a road bike off a friend in 07 and loved the freedom and socializing it gave. The saturday or sunday ride with the guys was a brilliant day out.

First puchase was a Yamaha FJ1100 1984 which to me was a classy looking bike even by todays standards . After riding the FJ for a couple of years it was time for a step up, and of course i wanted to travel further afield and have the reliability to go with it.

One day while surfing the net i just happened to run into the FJR and to be quite honest bought the bike purely on looks. To me the FJR was a stunner. I just had to have it. After owning it now for near two years,touring the south Is of NZ in 2010 and looking at a return trip Feb next year these are brilliant bikes.

The only way i would part with it is if i was going to buy a new one, and that could be on the cards down the track.To all you young fellas out there, and i see there are few of you, Well done ,you,ve made a great choice cause this is one hell of a ride.

Gazza 52

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coming up on 42,started 27 yrs ago at 14 on dirtbikes,at 19 I bought my first street bike, got the FJR last year after having my eye on them for years, so far so good

Even the cruiser guys at my Yamie dealership can't keep up with me as far as distance goes. I knew what I wanted the bike to do before I bought it, and bought accordingly. Not a whole lot of people can do the same. I have a customer that in the course of a year bought 4 bikes from me. First one was an R6 because he liked the way it looked, then he traded that one in because he needed to be able to sit on it for longer than an hour and got a V-Star Silverado. Hated it because it wasn't as fast as the R6, traded it in and got an FZ1 because he like how it sat, how much power he had, the whole works. However he didn't like the lack of luggage so he bought a FJR from me in the spring of 2008. Still has it to this day! I kept saying that if he wanted to go fast and make corners like he was on a speedy bike he needed an FJR but there are 2 things a salesman can't overcome:

1. Ignorance (as was his case)

2. Poverty

Sixty , BWGAS that and 39 cents gets you a Senior coffee at Bojangles.

Started riding in 1971 but that is not as it seems. Had a lay off from

86 to 05 so time riding in years is only about 20 years.

Turned 57 earlier this month!! However, married to a woman 10 years younger, does that deduct anything?? Maybe it should add some?

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I turn 18 next month - had the '07 since new. Even popped for the YES because I wanted piece of mind - you know, us teenagers really worry about that stuff. Of course, I had to ride it offroad for a year or so until I was legal. BTW, it's really tough to get all of those horses to hook up on the dirt!

I also inherited some really nice ocean-front property in AZ when I was 10 (thanks Great-Grandfather!) and would be happy to sell it to ya. PM me if interested.

(sorry to the serious folks following this thread!)

OK 54 here with the same MO as a lot of folks. Rode younger, took a break for children, now I'm in for the long haul. Nothing makes me feels young like the FJR (and I have 2 other bikes).

Well guys I am 36 and have some grey too. But my family is just prone grey hair. I am ok with it. Also the FJR is my second bike and my riding experience is only in the 2-3 year range. Wanted a sportbike looks but more of a upright seating postition and a bike that my wife could travel with me. And at the time I could not find a bike that was the best of both worlds. Then I came here and found what I was looking for.

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I will be 60 very soon. In 1963 I got on a Honda Super 90, let out the clutch and was totally overwhelmed by the sensory experience. I have owned something like a dozen bikes since then.



50 and just back from a great 5 day ride around the pacific northwest and coast. Didn't think of it as a geezer bike.....until now. Ohwell, It is plenty fast and hauls all my ---t. Just gas and go, never lets me down. :clapping:

I'm 54 yr and will be 55 in 15 Oct. I met another FJR rider a couple months ago when I went riding here in FL and he said he was 68 yr old. I asked if he used the FJR forum website and he said 'no I never figured out how to use a computer'.

65 years --- next year will be my 50th anniversary of riding motorcycles --- and, if I buy another, it will also be my 50th lifetime motorcycle. I bought an 07 last November to replace my 1997 R1100RT.

58 here on July 31st. I've put more miles on my 04 FJR than any other bike I've owned. And it does make you feel younger :)


I'll be 60 in just over two weeks. In "baseball statistical parlance" my riding experience spans two centuries - started in 1999.

BBQ - when's your b'day?

"We're gonna race to Atlanta and back. Okay?"