Avon 3D X-M

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I loved my original upgrade from bridgstones, in 05, azzarros and then storms..got 2 bad fronts in a row and switched to PR2's...nothing felt better or more connected than the avons to me.....i have 10K to think on it....at my pace, i need it...

the 45-46 Azaros were great...the Storms not so great....now that PR2's are discontinued I'm tempted to try the 3D-XM [after some other dudes try them]

I always loved my AV45-46's in the corners, But had the low speed wobble from the front tire. I hope these are perfection. At $350 a set, I will hold off a while.

Couple of 100 km's. The good thing is that I have them balanced, smooth as glass up to unmentionable speeds. 20 grams on the front and 104 grams on the rear, which I think is a little excessive.

I'm coming off a set of PR 3's and, although new tires always feel awesome, I can't say that these Avon 3Ds are any better or worse than the Michelins. Keep in mind the roads around these parts this time of year really don't lend them selves to hanging it out, and add to that fact that said roads are basically straight.

Previous to the Michelins, I had a set of Avon Storm 2's which I thought were awesome other than the mileage.

Well, this thread died an early death. Surely by now some of you have some reviews on the storm 3D-XM's. Anybody?


I've put a few thousand on my set and like them alot.

Tread Wear Prorated guarantee of 15,000 M I L ES makes them attractive too.


For your info

Just changed a rear Avon Storm 3D XM 180-55/17 and very happy with the tire in general as well as the 14,000kms i did on it. Have replaced with the same.



I've run two sets so far and love them. Sorry to hear they are going away. May have to order another set while they are still available.


And I did. Love these tires. I noticed on another thread about the tires that are replacing these that one guy got some head shake. Don't think I have ever had that with the 3D XMs.


I have put many miles on the 3D-XMs and also the new Spirits. I loved both tires but the Spirits are the better tire for aggressive riders. I did a track day with them and they stick like a race tire - true story. With that being said, the XMs offer better mileage.

The 3D-XMs are still being manufactured but Avon does not currently supply them to the North America. Their rep explained that it made no sense to offer two very similar tires in our small(ish) market.

The XMs are still available through some retailers but I suspect that it is getting harder to find them. Because of the better mileage, I plan to stick one on back for my Alaska trip but then back to the Spirits when I return.

Canadian FJR

Fast forward to 2020

i just heard from Avon, sounds like they plan to reinstate the 3D-XMs into Canada as a lower priced, higher mileage tire.

The Spirit will continue to be available.

The Spirit is a fantastic tire but the mileage does kinda suck.

Canadian FJR

I've also enjoyed these Avons on my own Gen1 on and off for about 4 years now. 

They really do compare favourably to Michelin PRx series in tread life, and are also cheaper.  In terms of grip, I've never been concerned with them when leaned over and whittling down my chicken strips.
