Avon Storm 3D XM - Mileage Report in last post (Edit)

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Going to revive this from the dead, and ask how these held out. Any new news or updates? Researching for when the OEM Stones run their course...

Up to 5,000 miles with no appreciable change in wear, I rode from Spearfish to near Fargo ND today, all is well, will report with tread depth and pictures when I return home from CFR on June 17th

Kevin requires a fair bit of watching😉

Really wish I was there, it's near 100F here, too damn hit to ride

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Just measured the rear tire after the aborted CFR run. 4/32" tread remaining at the thinnest part of the center strip with 6212 miles on the tire. The last 1200 miles was mostly flat and straight which cost me 1/32" in the center.

Based upon this I think Red Lodge will about do this tire in and I should be eligible for a 50-60% credit or rebate on the next tire.

Front has 4/32" tread remaining and no evidence of scalloping.




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I don't think this Avon wears any better than the Pirelli Angel GT, maybe a little better than the Michelin PR4 I tried before the Pirelli. The only benefit is the Warranty, and that comes with some conditions that make it about a wash expense wise as the Warranty requirement's include installation by a "Shop" which adds to the expense incurred even if you take the wheels in.

Performance wise, I'm not a good enough rider to push the tires hard enough to know which has superior grip at the edge of traction. I have scared myself on all three tires, not due to the tires, but do to poor techniques and decisions. They've all worked good in both the wet and the dry for me.

Revzilla selling Avon Storm 3D XM Fronts for $147 and rears for $182.

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Measured the tires again today. A shade over 8,000 miles after the Red Lodge Rendezvous where they performed admirably on several Beartooth/Chief Joseph assaults as well as a run over Ten Sleep and several trips up over 14/14a.

The Flat spot is less wide than it was when we left :) somehow I managed to wear down and round off the edges.

Rear tire has just at 1/32" left at the tread wear indicators. Front about 2/32"

I have the replacement set in the house, Motorcycle Superstore provided them for $288

Wrestling with whether or not to do the installation myself or to pay the $30 apiece to have the local dealer do the off the bike change and balance to obtain the "Invoice" needed for the Warranty Reimbursement, especially after I see that Word has an Invoice Template :)

I have a ride scheduled July 5tth with the Canadian Invaders, pretty sure the 1/32' will be gone after that and one or two hard stops should take care of the front as well.

More later

I've ordered my 2nd set of PR2s for the Gen III. I'll throw them on after my current set goes. If the mileage on this 2nd set doesn't improve over the 1st set, then I need to consider a change, and Avon Storm seems like a decent idea. The mileage on this current set is not mimicking what I experienced on my gen 1, for some reason. I ordered a 2nd set because I want to see if it was a fluke.

Thanks for starting this thread, John.

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I've ordered my 2nd set of PR2s for the Gen III. I'll throw them on after my current set goes. If the mileage on this 2nd set doesn't improve over the 1st set, then I need to consider a change, and Avon Storm seems like a decent idea. The mileage on this current set is not mimicking what I experienced on my gen 1, for some reason. I ordered a 2nd set because I want to see if it was a fluke.
Thanks for starting this thread, John.
I got nearly 12K on my first set of PR2's on the 15 and it was the front that was toast.

This is a 2 year warranty.I'm not sure about you guys but I would be hard pressed to put 12,000 km / year on my tires!
That is pushing the limit for me also unless I run down to Sacramento to visit family or Reno for the Air Races. Otherwise between 5000 - 6000 a year if we have a decent riding season.

I've had my bike two and one half seasons and have just turned over 30,000 miles - it works for me

I just mounted an Avon Storm on an itinerant FJR rider's 2014. Liked the looks of it and may give it a try.

And thanks for mounting that tire for me, the itinerant 2014. And the use of your tools....and the pleasure of meeting a genuine nice guy....thanks again....ff


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