Avons on the way

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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BTW - Front and rear Avons from SWMotoTire to anywhere outside of Arizona, $225 shipped.
Well, I tried and tried and tried to order online from them. Kept jacking me back to the 'storefront' page while I was hitting the 'continue' button. Of course no phone number listed on website so I did a yellow page search on MSN and called them. She said maybe I had a cookie that prevented screwed up the process, so I refreshed the computer, eliminated all cookies and tried again. Still no luck, so to hell with it, I called FJR Goodies to place an order.

Gotta have new skins for the WFO, even though I only have about 7.5k on these.

Hope you're one of lucky ones that have a good experience. I couldn't wait the get that POS avon off the front of my bike...AND TODAY WAS THE DAY!!!! :yahoo:

I mounted a new Diablo this morning and guess what??? The 45 mph tank slappin-wobble-shake-shudder whatever you want to call it that started the day I put that thing on miraculosly disappeared!!! It's a freakin miracle!! NOT!!!

It wasn't out of round, out of balance, out of tread, nothing! It just shook like a bitch and I hated it!! Even the rep at avon said a new one probably wouldn't help!!!

Whew, sorry...I feel better now, that was five thousand miles of pent up frustration. But I'm sure yours will be fine.
