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Awesome deal on cold weather gloves

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Got them today and yes for the price they are good gloves.

They seam like great gloves for riding in 35 to 50 degree temperatures.

The only real suggestive improvement is more protection but good for warmth and comfort when riding.

Thank you for the referral Chuck :)

Again, I'm glad this thread was useful to so many of you...

FedEX isn't always so accommodating. I am currently trying to run down a box of suspension goodies for my bike that required a "direct signature"

I'm about to go postal on those peeps!

Again, I'm glad this thread was useful to so many of you...FedEX isn't always so accommodating. I am currently trying to run down a box of suspension goodies for my bike that required a "direct signature"

I'm about to go postal on those peeps!
After my dad died, my mom finally retired from the Public Health Department. She had been there 35 years. She was in charge of Flu vaccine distribution in her county, among other things. So one year, FedEx shows up at her office and refuses to leave it because my mom and her staff were gone at a clinic. The contingency for that was to take packages to the Sheriff's Department 200 yards away. The driver refused to do that and took the vaccine 60 miles back to Albuquerque.

Problem is, that vaccine has to be temperature controlled and can only be outside that range for a very short period of time. This was on a Friday afternoon and the warehouse would be closed until Monday. I ended up having to go over there to pick it up since I live in Albuquerque. Something like 3000 doses would have gone bad if I hadn't been able to get it. I got special permission to run lights and sirens 60 miles to my mom's office, in another county, to get them to their 'fridge before the deadline. That was just stupid.

Remember that FedEx uses contract drivers, and the three guys I've known that drove for one of those contractors hated his boss. It's hard to get good customer service from pissed off employees.

Anyone can redirect their package to your nearest FedEx sorting facility, or to the nearest FedEx Kinko's etc. I got mine delivered to the local FedEx Kinko's drop off only a couple miles form the house, took an extra two days but I got them Vs playing tag.

Shippers seem to be having a tough go it seems right now. In addition to the holiday traffic, the weather hasn't played well either. I've got a package from Amazon sitting in the Dallas UPS distribution center with the following status for two days now:

"Network disruption due to prior weather conditions, check ups.com for further updates."

Sigh...guess they are backed up but dang, it's coming to my work, just put it on the daily truck that comes here.

Shippers seem to be having a tough go it seems right now. In addition to the holiday traffic, the weather hasn't played well either. I've got a package from Amazon sitting in the Dallas UPS distribution center with the following status for two days now:
"Network disruption due to prior weather conditions, check ups.com for further updates."

Sigh...guess they are backed up but dang, it's coming to my work, just put it on the daily truck that comes here.
I know how you feel, Jason. I'm still waiting for my 14 FJR to show up here at the house. So far, nothing.


Spoke to UPS today. With Black Friday, Cyber Monday and the ice storm, the local distribution facilities are 3.5 days behind schedule.

TheRepairMan, I wish I could feel sorry for you...but...well...you have a 14 FJR on your way, so I don't feel bad at all. I understand how you feel, but I don't feel bad.

Spoke to UPS today. With Black Friday, Cyber Monday and the ice storm, the local distribution facilities are 3.5 days behind schedule.
TheRepairMan, I wish I could feel sorry for you...but...well...you have a 14 FJR on your way, so I don't feel bad at all. I understand how you feel, but I don't feel bad.

That's all good Jasen, and I'm glad you have a good rapport with your local brown guys...

but them gloves was shipped on the FedEx ground.

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Spoke to UPS today. With Black Friday, Cyber Monday and the ice storm, the local distribution facilities are 3.5 days behind schedule.
TheRepairMan, I wish I could feel sorry for you...but...well...you have a 14 FJR on your way, so I don't feel bad at all. I understand how you feel, but I don't feel bad.
You can go ahead and start feeling bad for me again, 'cause I had to postpone ordering or securing a deal on the 2014. I just registered our second daughter into college. Third year for the first one, and a long way to go. Now we need an extra car. I guess I'm lucky if I can keep my little red FZ1.


I hate to rub it in to those still waiting for gloves ordered before Thanksgiving, but...

I ordered my second pair of gloves on December 6 and got them today, December 14, 8 days. I guess some one was home to sign for them this time.

Remember that FedEx uses contract drivers, and the three guys I've known that drove for one of those contractors hated his boss. It's hard to get good customer service from pissed off employees.
I work at the Post Office where hiring has gone from taking a test and being placed on a waiting list (With Vets getting +5 points) to hiring and promotions going to least qualified.

Our supervisors break down into two general categories :

Good workers/leaders who have given up trying to get workers to do their jobs OR

Bad workers with ambitions to rule the world because they have a bone to pick with Americans.

If we can't get the mail out on time, the numbers are fudged until it "Is" on time.

The USPS has really slid downhill. Why shoot... look at me

I fear FedEx and brown may be even worse.

My FedEX adventure concluded with a trip across town (1 hour of work lost) to their depot.

When I ship back next week I'll be using USPS. They are within 50 cents of UPS price and they pick up.

So the time I had allocated to chauffeur my old forks about can now be spent riding.

It is supposed to be warm enough not to need my new gloves. (added for the on topic police)

So, in closing...Screw you FedEX!

That's all good Jasen, and I'm glad you have a good rapport with your local brown guys...
but them gloves was shipped on the FedEx ground.
The rapport is not that good. I just got on their online chat to find out what the heck was going on. On a positive note, my package is on the move again, looks like going across town and will be on the truck for delivery tomorrow...pretty much a week late.

I was simply pointing out though that brown is having problems due to weather and the busy season. Likely FedEx suffers the same problems.

You can go ahead and start feeling bad for me again, 'cause I had to postpone ordering or securing a deal on the 2014. I just registered our second daughter into college. Third year for the first one, and a long way to go. Now we need an extra car. I guess I'm lucky if I can keep my little red FZ1.
Ok, I feel a little bad for you. But you do have an insanely fun bike to ride still, so you have that.

I work at the Post Office
Now HERE is the guy I feel bad for.

I think the only thing that must be worse in this world than standing in line at the post office to mail a package must be standing behind that counter dealing with the idiots in line waiting to mail packages.

Some lady bitched the PO guy out this weekend because he wouldn't tape up her box for her. Lady, all the rest of us managed to successfully operate a tape dispenser with tape we bought at home and seal up our boxes, WTF makes you so damn special? And why should this line move slower because you think that sort of thing should be done while we are all waiting? Oh, and you wouldn't be willing to pay for such services because you were too damn cheap to pay for Priority shipping.

Done bitching now. Most of the guys working the Post Office suck, but there's a few good ones. But if you want to know why they suck, just sit and watch what they have to put up with.

I do not ship from the post office anymore, especially at this time of year. The place is a zoo. It is not that much more expensive shipping via Priority Mail, you can pay and print the postage label online and then hang it from the mailbox and the mailman person picks it up. Saves time and gas money.

If the package is too big I'll ship via UPS (also pay and print labels online) as that is cheaper for bigger and heavier items, and then there is a (free) UPS store drop-off location nearby. The main UPS location also tends to get crowded and have lines.

For work we have an account with FedEx and are encouraged to use it. Print labels online (using the company's account#) and click on "pickup" and they come to the house and fetch the packages. I have no idea how expensive this is as I never see a bill.

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That's all good Jasen, and I'm glad you have a good rapport with your local brown guys...
And the rapport goes downhill. Apparently they can't handle all of their deliveries, so they decided to drop my box at the local post office and have them deliver it!!!

101stpathfinder! Where's my box!!!

I do not ship from the post office anymore, especially at this time of year. The place is a zoo. It is not that much more expensive shipping via Priority Mail, you can pay and print the postage label online and then hang it from the mailbox and the mailman person picks it up. Saves time and gas money.
If the package is too big I'll ship via UPS (also pay and print labels online) as that is cheaper for bigger and heavier items, and then there is a (free) UPS store drop-off location nearby. The main UPS location also tends to get crowded and have lines.

For work we have an account with FedEx and are encouraged to use it. Print labels online (using the company's account#) and click on "pickup" and they come to the house and fetch the packages. I have no idea how expensive this is as I never see a bill.
You can also online schedule a pickup, and indicate somewhere other than your mailbox for the pickup location (porch, front door, back door etc)

Ordered a pair for me and a pair for the missus on 12/6. FedEx showed it as delivered on Friday at a time when I was not home (they'd tried the day before and left one of their door tags which was still outside on the window by the front door). I got a hold of Refrigwear and exchanged emails with Laura. She was poised to get after FedEx.

Low and behold - the FedEx truck came by this morning, took their door tag and delivered our gloves.

I ordered size large for me - they fit just about right. When / if the damn snow melts and the roads are salt-free, I'll take a ride and test 'em out.

Mine showed up--great gloves for the price! Fit is good too (I'm usually borderline L and XL and went with the XL). Happy for the tip, thanks!

That's all good Jasen, and I'm glad you have a good rapport with your local brown guys...
And the rapport goes downhill. Apparently they can't handle all of their deliveries, so they decided to drop my box at the local post office and have them deliver it!!!

101stpathfinder! Where's my box!!!
Jasen, I really don't know where the box ended up ... BUT ... YOUR gloves fit great !!!

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ordered mine 12/9 pm- rec'd 12/18 so 9 days total. Not bad at all. I ordered 2 pr of the XL and they fit great and the quality is awesome given the price, Very Happy

Thanks for the EXCELLENT tip!!
