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Very Nice! Hellas on G's mounts, nice extra, ...what else came w/?

...actually I think that's Gary Ab-busey! ...What is his middle initial anyway? Oughta be "A'!

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First of all, thanks for all the good wishes and congrats. She made her first new friend yesterday. Connected with Flying Junior and the bikes seemed to hit it off.


I noticed your Hella's FF50's are hung under the Garauld brackets. I have the same set-up,m top mounted. Do you happen to have a pic from the front? Might be worth flipping mine.

I asked the P.O., turns out he fabricated the brackets himself but they do look just like Garauld's, far as I can tell. His business is stereo and electronics installations, so he did a nice job, on these and all the mods he did. Per your request:


Very Nice! Hellas on G's mounts, nice extra, ...what else came w/?

Pretty nice setup, in fact. Lights can be switched "always on" or on only with the high beams (or off, naturally) Corbin seat, CalSci heat blanket installed, heated grips, cig lighter plug on dash panel, GPS mount (and he included not only the GPS but his Widder vest as well). Let's see, headlight lens protectors of some kind, didn't catch the make. "Pashnit" stickers here and there. Gotta see how "Goo Gone" works on those. I'll need room for my own. (Anybody have a NAFO sticker they didn't want to use?) Overall, pretty darn sweet.

Just what the world was short of...Bluee FJR's
Actually, this one was already IN the world, I just moved it a few miles, so the balance is still good, Mark.

Congratulations on the new addition. careful, 'kay!
I will if you will, Mikey ;)

One more thing. Does anybody have a picture of Radio Howie?

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Thanks for the "full frontal", Mike. Boy, they sure do look like the G' brackets. I'll have to see if mine are as long as those and can accommodate the lights hung under. It would make room for mounting some sort of "Baker Wing" style air scoops for those August dog days...

One more thing. Does anybody have a picture of Radio Howie?
Listen closely......didja hear that.....that's the sound of a nerve being struck! :rofl:

To accede to your request:


In God's honest truth, search the forum for a pic of TWN. We could have been twins.

Miss ya, bud.

Wow, you really scored! Lotsa goodies on it! some of the existing farkles are electrical, and the guy was sharp, I'd almost bet there's a proper fuze block on it somewhere too!

Try a hairdryer/heatgun on the stickers, they should pull off, then if there's residue I've found that 'wax & grease remover' which you can get @ any automotive paint supplier works well. Each of the major paint brands makes thier own & calls it whatever they may call it, but it's pretty much the same stuff across the board. I keep a can on hand on general principle, the one I have just now is PPG's "DX330 Acryli-Clean", ...won't harm pianted surfaces & I've successfully used it on some [bare] plastics as well. If you're inclined to paint stuff w/ rattle-cans [or otherwise], it's intended use is final paint prep, so it naturally works fine on bare metal or sanded paint as directed.

Mike! Sorry I missed this thread.

That looks like a good score; It's great to see you back on a FJR. The one you had in Morro Bay looked well-sorted.

Maybe I'll see it in person; My son, daughter-in-law, and 9mo. grandson just moved to Sacramento.

I'm only about 7 hours away and will be going down there as much as possible.

Don't change your avatar, It just makes O.M. "uneasy" because he knows he's going to try it! :p

Mike! Sorry I missed this thread.
That looks like a good score; It's great to see you back on a FJR. The one you had in Morro Bay looked well-sorted.

Maybe I'll see it in person; My son, daughter-in-law, and 9mo. grandson just moved to Sacramento.

I'm only about 7 hours away and will be going down there as much as possible.

Don't change your avatar, It just makes O.M. "uneasy" because he knows he's going to try it! :p

Cool, John. PM before you head down this way. Plus I KNOW I'll be seeing you in Nakusp.

So that's jealousy more than uneasiness. Explains a lot. :lol: :lol: :lol:
