Bad News from Beatty: Injury Accident in White Stag 10!

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Certifiable Old Fart
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
Chandler, Arizona
I sadly have to announce to our FJR Forum that Long Distance Riders Burk "Badcat" Forsythe and RT John were injured today in the White Stag Rally up in Nevada.

Greg "SkooterG" Marbach just called me and asked that I provide as much information to you on our FJR Forum as he knows at this time. Updates will be coming in.

Per Skoot: Badcat Burk has a broken wrist and a broken shoulder; was treated at Bishop Regional Medical Center and is resting in a room in Bishop; Greg's on standby.

RT John, whom many of you know in our American Southwest, was severely injured. He was put on a life flight plane to Reno and is undergoing surgery for a broken neck.

RT John also has a broken wrist and multiple bruises; the neck being the most serious, with a broken bone. RT John's prognosis is unknown at this time, but Greg will report.

Circumstances known of the crash at this time: Badcat Burk was slowing his FJR down to secure a bonus location and RT John rear ended him; the why is unknown right now.

Please place Badcat Burk and RT John in your prayers tonight and send out best wishes for their full recoveries. Both FJR and BMW R1200RT are totaled; 50 mph at impact.

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Shit! That's horrible news. Prayers going up for RTJohn and Badcat Burk for a full and speedy recovery.

I'm very sorry to hear that. Do you know RT John's real name? I can't place that handle, but might know him. Will most definitely be thinking of them both and praying that surgery is successful. Isn't Reno John's K(C?)athy a nurse at the trauma center in Reno???

Totally sucks.

Burk is a cool cat. We've never met in real life but he was almost a rider in Yank the Weenie. Didn't do it (or Pinks) because he flew to Iowa to cheer for his nephew in a H.S. football game. Also he was planning to ride to LA tomorrow after WS and donate a pint for Turbo.

So, yeah, a nice guy. Sorry to hear he's down.

I'm very sorry to hear that. Do you know RT John's real name? I can't place that handle, but might know him. Will most definitely be thinking of them both and praying that surgery is successful. Isn't Reno John's K(C?)athy a nurse at the trauma center in Reno???
Totally sucks.
Kitty, unfortunately I don't know RT John's real name and I'm not certain if SkooterG knows. I went to our AZ Beemers website hoping to find a clue and saw he did join us on the Toys for Tots Ride we hosted in December, he attended with Badcat Burk; he's a member of BMW Rim Riders Phoenix. I'll wait until tomorrow afternoon to call Burk and SkooterG. Don't know about RenoJohn's wife Cathy, regarding which hospital she works at; and don't know which Reno hospital RT John is at.

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