Bag deliveries for the '06

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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2005
Reaction score
Houston, TX
I just want to get an idea of how many new '06 deliveries came complete with the sidebags and how many had to wait for them to come in separately. For those who didn't get the bags right away how long did it take for them to come in or how long have you been waiting for them? I took delivery on 4/13/06 and still haven't gotten the bags in.

Just curious.

picked mine up 4/14 - no bags, nor liners

still don't have them.

Going in for 600 mile service this morning - hopefully, they will arrive today, but not counting on it.

I must have some kind of freakish super power or something. I finally posted about my frustrations of having to wait so long for the bike to come in and it comes in the next day. I post about the bags today and I just got a call that the bags have a arrived. :erm:

Any waiters want me to post something about their bike so it might magically appear at your dealership???? :)

My bags were sitting at the dealer before the bike got there. Now if they would just get their shit together and put all the little pieces together I could be out there riding instead of typing.....

Mjacks...could you wave your magic wand or rub your ass or whatever trick you do to get my bike to D&H before May 17th, which is when I booked me airline flight (I know I'm a dumb ass for booking ahead) :dribble: :)

Mjacks...could you wave your magic wand or rub your ass or whatever trick you do to get my bike to D&H before May 17th, which is when I booked me airline flight (I know I'm a dumb ass for booking ahead) :dribble: :)
Damn it! Why isn't Cota95's FJR at the dealer yet! I am getting pretty aggravated about it! There you go, maybe it will work for you like it did for me. :blink:

Good luck and I hope it shows up on time.


Hows about some of that voodoo/santeria/ass-rubbing this way? Share the love man!

Jerry :dribble:

I must have some kind of freakish super power or something. I finally posted about my frustrations of having to wait so long for the bike to come in and it comes in the next day. I post about the bags today and I just got a call that the bags have a arrived. :erm:
Any waiters want me to post something about their bike so it might magically appear at your dealership???? :)
Yeah, could you do some kind of Voodoo dance to make my FJR show up at D&H. Oh, and just as important, might as well ask for a miracle that somebody buys my ST1300 the week before the FJR shows up. My wife has gotten used to the fact that we own three cars, I'm not sure if she needs to get used to me owning three motorcycles as well! Only people getting rich are my insurance agents. :)

Picked up the bike 4/13, bags came on the 15nth. Dealer let me take them home in box, had to install locks, bike looks really nice with bags ;)

Someone do some freaky voodoo or something for me... I'm patiently waiting for an AE in Alabama -- 1 of 1, long wait.... need an AE dance like a rain dance or something.... something... ANYTHING! java script:emoticon(' :D ')

