Bag liner ???

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Dangerous Dave

The older I get, the faster I was...
Nov 1, 2005
Reaction score
Dayton, OH
Is this a US market vs everybody else thing? Different years??? Why do some of the saddlebag liners just have the tuning forks and "Yamaha" on the side, and some say "Yamaha Performance Touring" with the FJR logo? Anybody?


I think this is a prime case of , "They do, that's why" or in other words for the non american folks,

Who cares?

I was kinda hoping for a better answer than that, and betting someone here knows that answer. Thanks just the same.

on the top of the bags, do they say left & right respectively?  My bags only say yamaha only, so maybe you have upgraded liners?
No sir, mine say right and left respectively. :p

Here's a pic of the liners that came with my '04 non-abs that I bought used.


They are also marked as right or left on top and have "yamaha" and the tuning forks on top. All the ones I see for sale on ebay just say Yamaha on them. And those aren't the aftermarket knock-offs, they're claiming to be factory parts. So what gives?

Hmmm - a Japanese plot to sow discord and dissent! My 05 bags say have a tuning fork and say YAMAHA on the sides - Left or right on top with Performance touring also on top. I recommend a Congressional inquiry and hearings!!

By removing the FJR from the bags they can sell them to anyone who wants them. They were limiting their market by making them with the FJR logo. Also remember that in manufacturing the first thing is to make a product that sells. The second is to make it cheaper to build. There is a whole division of people at Yamaha dedicated to make things cheaper.

Aren't the sidebags also offered as a option for other models? I think they are?


Hey, has anyone had any problems with the seams on these bags not being sewn properly? Mine are coming apart.

By removing the FJR from the bags they can sell them to anyone who wants them. They were limiting their market by making them with the FJR logo. Also remember that in manufacturing the first thing is to make a product that sells. The second is to make it cheaper to build. There is a whole division of people at Yamaha dedicated to make things cheaper.
Aren't the sidebags also offered as a option for other models? I think they are?

I don't know. The bags are shaped to fit specifically in the FJR's sidebags. Who wold want them for another bike?

Scab - Sure you got the OEM Yammie bags? Those sound like the ebay knock-offs.

Well, all I know for sure is that they were in the hard bags when I bought her. (bought in Atlanta, bout 2 hours away) I have talked to my local yami dealer, who keeps saying "I'll have to call yamaha". He never does.

I guess I am going to have to drive back to Atlanata.

And, as I said, bought this thing in Atlanta. My local dealer has never had a FJR. One of his salesmen said that they could not get the FJR. Is this true? Are some dealers not allowed to get the FJR, or are they blowing smoke up my butt because they weren't smart enough to predict the success of this bike and they didn't order any? (I live in a cruiser-dominated part of the country. Too many Hardley's, Hardley-wanna-be's, and Store-Bought bikers all dressed in black. Johnny Cash would be proud.)

Come to think of it. There are only 2 FJR's around here. My '05 and an '03.

Maybe I'm the weird one.

By removing the FJR from the bags they can sell them to anyone who wants them.  They were limiting their market by making them with the FJR logo.  Also remember that in manufacturing the first thing is to make a product that sells.  The second is to make it cheaper to build.  There is a whole division of people at Yamaha dedicated to make things cheaper.
Aren't the sidebags also offered as a option for other models?  I think they are?

I don't know. The bags are shaped to fit specifically in the FJR's sidebags. Who wold want them for another bike?

Scab - Sure you got the OEM Yammie bags? Those sound like the ebay knock-offs.
Looks like the same shape bags that are being offered for the 06 FZ1, could be the reason they removed the FJR logo.

Toynut, I haven't really used the bags. The upper seams on both bags weren't sewn right and are coming apart there. I have been afraid to use them because I didn't want to be accused of over-stuffing or abusing the bags. I guess I have been too patient with my local dealership. I even carried the bags down there and showed them to the service manager. Looks simple to me: defect in workmanship. However, he doesn't seem real interested in correcting. They have thusfar not impressed me in the service department. I dunno, maybe they don't like that I bought this bike elsewhere. I haven't talked to the dealer where I purchased the bike as I know that they cannot make anything right without being able to look at the bags. I just haven't had time to go back yet.

In all fairness, the parts people at my local yami shop are great. It's just the guy in the service dept. doesn't appear to be on top of things.

I've seen a buddies bags fall out of his beemer on a long road trip once.....lucky he had all the junk in the bag or he would have been buying new underwear and socks for the rest of the road trip we were on. Lucky I was behind him too....had to pull off the road and retrieve the bag...he didn't stop for about ten miles before I caught up to him.

Hey, has anyone had any problems with the seams on these bags not being sewn properly? Mine are coming apart.
I am on my 3rd, yeah 3rd left bag due to the bags falling apart, not the seam, just very close to it.

I now have two right bags fitted on the bike, no big deal, I just put a right back in the left side back to front.

Been getting them on Ebay for around $30 a pair brand new, and genuine OEM.

I do stuff them pretty full and also have some heavy stuff in them when touring.

