Ballistic Battery

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Jan 11, 2008
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Did a forum search and wasnt able to get the answer I was looking for. Does anybody have a Ballistic battery installed on thier bike? The 12 cell is a little to wide for the stock battery box so I was wondering if anybody has any pointers on a good way to get it to fit. Thanks in advance.

Mentioned here and here.

Ballistic batteries are repackaged dry cells not configured in an optimum way for street bikes. In any case, they are victims of their chemistry, they are LiFePO4 batteries which brings them the same goodness and weakness as the Shorai batteries. No amount of external packaging can get around the fact that the chemistry can't change, it will always work the same no matter what company is using it.

Thanks for the reply. Familiar with both of those threads and the "short comings" of the LiFePO batteries. I was just wondering if anybody was even able to make the Ballistic fit. Didnt think fit was going to be an issue as their website has a battery clearly listed for the FJR. I spoke with them today and they were not able to offer any advice. From the converation, it seems like they have not even installed one in an actual FJR. The battery recommendation is based on the power provided. It seems that it will be going back and either a Shorai or an Earth X will ordered.

I installed a Ballistics 12 cell in my FZ-1 in April 2012 and installed a Shorai in the FJR in May 2012

I've noticed the Ballistics spins the FZ-1 engine over considerably faster than the stock Yuasa did. The Shorai works about the same as the old Yuasa did in the FJR. The Ballistics standing voltage seems to run about 13.7 to 13.9, the standing voltage on the Shorai is consistent about 13.4. I have not charged either battery and I ride the FJR more frequently than the FZ1, but I ride nearly every day so neither bike sits more than a few days between rides.

The reason I went with Shorai on the FJR was the "fit" issue, so I understand where you are questioning. My *impression* is the Ballistics has more energy than the Shorai, but obviously this is just an impression. Different bikes etc. Coldest start so far with the Shorai was at 42F, engine spun just a touch slower than normal and fired quickly first time. No idea what it will do in lower 30s. I know I won't do that well.... <g> Coldest start on the FZ-1? Are you kidding, who rides an FZ-1 when it's cold.


Great reply, thanks. The increased power was the original reason I went with the Ballistic. No worries, its on its way back and the Shorai will ship monday.

An FZ and an FJR? Sounds just like my garage.

I know what your Shorai will do in the low 30's. Only because Gary and others have given their time and energy to educate the masses.

I still don't understand the need for the engine to "spin faster." My OEM Yuasa has started my bike well, every time since 2007. If it spun faster, does it make the bike faster, does it get better gas mileage? Does spinning faster reduce stress on the starter or something? Unless its dragging, I don't get why so many think spinning faster is so important.

...I still don't understand the need for the engine to "spin faster."...Does spinning faster reduce stress on the starter or something?...I don't get why so many think spinning faster is so important.
I believe people think that FAST = STRONG and if you have strong cranking you will without a doubt start the engine.

Borrow a .22 pistol and fire it. Now pull out a S&W Model 500 and fire it. Which one sounds strong? The one that sound strong must be the best, right?

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Oh I get that part Alan, but why use a .50cal if a. 22 will do the job cheaper and just as well...without all the extra racket.

I bothered -- and appreciated reading the results of his many tests of the Shorai as well as the many comments.
WWWoble, living were you do the average low temps will hardly ever go below 40º F so you are exempt in this discussion, just like good ol' Capt-K down there in Fla.

Here in NH where the average daily HIGH sometimes doesn't get UP to 40º F for 4-5 months out of the year it matters much more to us.

I know what your Shorai will do in the low 30's. Only because Gary and others have given their time and energy to educate the masses.
I still don't understand the need for the engine to "spin faster." My OEM Yuasa has started my bike well, every time since 2007. If it spun faster, does it make the bike faster, does it get better gas mileage? Does spinning faster reduce stress on the starter or something? Unless its dragging, I don't get why so many think spinning faster is so important.
Well, if I get my FJR someplace that's in the low 30s some morning, then I'll know for certain too. Hope I'm near coffee because I may have to wait. Meanwhile I actually do have Ballistics, and Shorai, and Yuasa equipped bikes so we'll see what we see. What I don't have out here is a lot of low 30 degree mornings, so for me, it's less a problem.

What I wonder is if the Ballistcs might be a bit more cold weather tolerant. If it spins the engine faster at 42F than the Yuasa, *maybe* it will spin it fast enough at 32F to fire. Maybe not, I dunno. I realize it is the same basic "family' as a Yuasa, but there could be differences between the two. Gary didn't test that.


WWWoble, living were you do the average low temps will hardly ever go below 40º F so you are exempt in this discussion, just like good ol' Capt-K down there in Fla.
Here in NH where the average daily HIGH sometimes doesn't get UP to 40º F for 4-5 months out of the year it matters much more to us.
Yeah, true, but I'm not *totally* exempt because sometimes I leave the Golden State and wake up in the morning to find frost on the bike. Imagine. I like the idea of a light, small battery and I want the technology to work, but wanting isn't getting, so the Shorai -- or the Ballistic may live to bite me yet....

...I'm not *totally* exempt because...I leave the Golden State and wake up in the morning to find frost on the bike...
Spewing a few random thoughts with the brain in neutral.

The LiFe batteries will start our engines at any reasonable riding temp, it's just that it does it with nuisance and drama getting the battery to wake up and play nice. Someone other than me can discover if any of the LiFe batteries have enough energy at 15º F to bump start the engine; (more of that nuisance and drama stuff) I'm willing to bet it will always let you bump start.

And lastly, look at that tiny little Shorai, look at that big old tray under the seat... maybe just a little nibble of plastic... I'm smelling peanut butter and jelly, peas and carrots, bacon and eggs, if you get my drift. In that location it wouldn't be much trouble to just bring the sucker in with you on those frosty evenings.

BTW, it's shitty planning to leave the warm Golden State and go to someplace that has the audacity of frost your ass FJR

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I've got my 12 cell ballistic battery pretty much installed just need a longer alan screw for the metal hold down bracket .The extra width brings it close to the right fork but clears just fine .The battery sat on the shelf a little more than a month ,I was really impressed at how well it spun the motor .Used the hard foam packaging to snug it up in battery box.Just have to get the longer screw,then a good road test ,but everything looks good ,should work out fine .

...I'm not *totally* exempt because...I leave the Golden State and wake up in the morning to find frost on the bike...

The LiFe batteries will start our engines at any reasonable riding temp, it's just that it does it with nuisance and drama getting the battery to wake up.....

BTW, it's shitty planning to leave the warm Golden State and go to someplace that has the audacity of frost your ass FJR
I like your "nuisance and drama" description -- If I lived in a colder climate I'd stay with AGMs, for now, as suggested.

"Nuisance & Drama" pretty much fits with regard to me just trying to get to really cold places in the winter. The Sierra passes pretty much block easbound desires, south is warm, north usually isn't that cold as far as I go anyway, and west is wet.

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