Basecamp help, I need help I tell yah!

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2005
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Creston, CA
So then...

Created all these great routes in Google maps.

Converted them to .gpx files using GPS

Upload the .gpx into Basecamp.

I have 2 waypoints and a gaggle of two tracks.

Combine the two tracks into 1 track.

Create a route from the combined track.

The resultant track displays as a straight line from waypoint 1 to waypoint 2.

Any ideas?

Obviously I can't help but I'll watch and maybe learn something. I've just mounted the 660 on the bike and am semi clueless other than the basics.

I just did my route to SD with a paper map and a highlighter. I can have my copilot read me the directions thru the intercom.

So then...
Created all these great routes in Google maps.

Converted them to .gpx files using GPS

Upload the .gpx into Basecamp.

I have 2 waypoints and a gaggle of two tracks.

Combine the two tracks into 1 track.

Create a route from the combined track.

The resultant track displays as a straight line from waypoint 1 to waypoint 2.

Any ideas?
I'm not at home to look right now Don but could you have your routing preferences set to off road or walking?

yes check your preferences in BC. does the routes look good before you combine them?

Double check that the map you want to use is displayed in the map selection at the top. When you see a straight line you just have to recalculate the route.

Really a waste of time starting with Google. Once you learn how to just hold down the alt key and drag the route, you can quit doing that. Be sure to zoom in far enough at via points and waypoints to ensure they are where you intend them to be. Very easy to have them off route at high zoom levels. Nothing like putting a via point in a southbound lane when you're going north.

Donnie Boy, Papa Chuy Viejo just bought himself a new GPS. I've previously owned the 2013 Edition, but I just purchased the updated 2015 model.

I just shipped it to you overnight mail, along with six colored highlighters! I was going to send you a box of crayons, but I know crayons confuse you!


I never had good luck creating on googlemaps(or)mapquest, then cross swapping like this (from gpsvisualizer etc), the conversion just gets whacky. It's like English is English, but have a Mexican speak it, and, you may just say wtf? ...and probably with a big ole smile

Make the map in BaseCamp and forget the googlemap ...unless, you also want this for editing and sharing with buddies prior to the real deal. Googlemaps or Mapquest works great for the groundwork and sharing the possible ideas/roadways, but when you're ready for the final version? Make it straight from BC, and also, create it when you are hooked up (USB) with your GPS to computer combo, this way BC will use the GPS' mapset if they are different (and is a later version).... <-- This... keeps the indifference's down as well.

Remember to match your attributes like desired roads and avoidance's; in BOTH BaseCamp and your GPS. They both should mirror each other as far as these attributes go.

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First, all Basecamp questions really should include whether you are using a Mac or PC. The two versions are not the same. They have independent software development teams which are making no effort to synchronize their efforts. I am assuming you are using a PC and am giving my opinion below on what may be your problem.

(1) One likely scenario is that your route is set to the "Direct" Activity Profile. Open up the Route properties box, near the top middle of the properties box is a pull down menu. Select the "Driving" or "Motorcycling" profile. The exact differences between those two profiles are really unknown, but if I was to over-simplify what I have observed, I select "Driving" when I am trying to get from point A to point B quickly, and I select "Motorcycling" on sight-seeing trips. It's in the ballpark of selecting "Fastest route" versus "shortest route" on your GPS, but there's more going on than that.

The good or bad news to all this is that it doesn't really matter. When you transfer a Route to your GPS, the GPS just gets a series of waypoints and will calculate its own path between them using its settings and internal algorithms. Your GPS doesn't really care what way Basecamp thought you were going to go.

Transferring a Track to a GPS is the only way to GUARANTEE that you will be able to follow your intended path.

(2) Another possible option is that you do not have ROUTABLE maps on the computer on which you are using Basecamp. Look at the "Maps" pull down menu and see if there is a check mark next to "Global Map". If so, that is not a routable map. Do you have a copy of City Navigator North America on your computer? If it is listed under Maps, then select it. If it is not listed, you will have some work to do. Feel free to ask me more questions on this if this is the case.

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I just created a large route using MS Streets and Trips. I used this because I am more familiar with it. I did "Export to GPX File" and then tried to import the GPX into Basecamp. All of the points that I used to shape the route in S&T show as blue flags in Basecamp with straight lines between them. "Recalculate Selected Routes" does nothing. Although the blue flags appear on the map, they do not show up in the directory I created for this trip.

Edit: Basecamp is up to date as are the maps. I have the latest City Navigator map highlighted. Motorcycling is selected.

There are well over 100 points.

Edit again: I exported (from Basecamp) as a .gdb file and re-imported it into Basecamp. When recalculated, the track turned to roads. Still just flags on the map and not waypoints (apparently all via points). I might just recreate the whole thing in Basecamp although I am still not especially comfortable with it.

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With S&T exported *.gpx file it is better to open in Tyre and save as a *.gpx file. This has something to do with how the data sets between S&T and Garmin are arranged, Tyre corrects the problem. You can then load directly into your GPS or Basecamp.

My S&T is 2010. Apparently, the biggest issues with Garmin were from later versions. In any case, I imported and got straight lines that wouldn't recalculate, exported as .gdb and re-imported as one long re-calculable route that just consists of via points. At least it follows the road now and has kept the same point order as I had established in S&T. Might not be too bad but not my preference. Every time I move one of the , it takes 15 seconds or so to recalculate the whole route.

Every time I move one of the , it takes 15 seconds or so to recalculate the whole route.
If you are doing many edits to a Route that is long or has many waypoints, one way of not having to wait for a recalculation every time you do something is to: (1) set the route to the "Direct" Activity Profile (which will result in showing straight lines between all waypoints), (2) make all of your edits (adding, delting, or moving waypoints), and then (3) change the activity profile back to "Driving" or "Motorcycling", which will result in the route only being recalculated once at the end.

I might just recreate the whole thing in Basecamp although I am still not especially comfortable with it.
I know this is almost like telling you which oil is better, but I highly recommend learning how to use Basecamp if you use Garmin GPSs. It has been improved greatly over the last 2 to 3 years. I have shown several hardcore S&T users how to use Basecamp, and every one of them has switched afterwards.

I have been working with Ed's tutorial and things have begun to click. Fairly easy and better than S&T once you get your head around how the data is stored and organized. Despite the complexity of the trip, I think it will be easier to build it again from scratch. Less liklihood of an error due to Basecamp misinterpreting something from S&T as well.

I had started the routing in S&T before I started working on Basecamp.

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