Clarification: All comments about your wife-unit were extremely tongue-in-cheek. I know you have a good one who cares, hence the "constant reminders" (aka-nagging).well i got a shower this morning that feels much better.pain not too bad morphine was at the hospital only and i hated the feeling of it. trying to avoid pain pills have taken 2 though. all in all i feel much better today
Take your pain meds! Have "Nancy Nurse" (Your missus) stop at the pharmacy and buy some stool softeners. Take one with each med-dose and you won't havwe any issues.
The meds will ease the pain and help you rest. Rest is a key to your recovery...when you're in pain you are rest-less. Get it? Broken ribs and cracked shoulder blade will cause you to wince every time you move, even in your sleep and it will interrupt the deep sleep cycle you need.
Trust me, though I am not a medical person, nor have I ever played on on stage or movies, I have been the recipient of good care and information.
Heal quickly and heal well.