R.I.P. Our FJR Riding Friend
Same here as above. All my best wishes
My thoughts and prayers to Don for this sad loss.I'm very sad to be sharing with you guys the news I received from Mike-H Monday night. Don's beautiful wife of 30 years, Holly, passed away suddenly on Saturday. The autopsy found a blood clot in the heart, which ended her life of 52 years, immediately. She was very healthy and had no heart condition. I spoke with Don last night for awhile and he is hanging in there, trying to cope with the shock of it all. Don and Holly do not have children but they spend alot of time with their 3 year old niece, who lives nearby. They have 2 pets, a dog and a cat. Their dog is 16 years old and in need of a life-saving surgery. Hopefully this surgery will go well and Don won't lose another best friend.
Holly and her niece:
Don, My prayers and thoughts are with you in this very difficult time. Hang in there my friend, and call whenever you need to chat. I know there's gonna be alot of riding in your future now and my place is your place. Stop by anytime when your out for a spin!