Best and Worst Avatars on the Forum?

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My favorite avatar on this forum is barb's

I always had the hots for Betty Boop.

Most of the good ones I agree with, and thanks for the couple votes I got.
One of my faves not mentioned so far: Ari Rankum sitting with ATGATT in a lake

Worst: TWN for reminding me constantly I don't live close to that road.

Runner-up: fjrfencer for showing me his worn out ass all the time
It is not worn out, its just "pinning" said in a John Cleese voice.

I like Ari's as well and Flyloopers

I think Willy ought to make some shirts for EOM......

There are several in the "female avatar" collection I appreciate.



P.S. I am glad my butt is not high on some "geezer's" list :p

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Zorlac's is disturbing to me,

mine is my favorite, but the T's and A's shots are cool too.

My favorite avatar on this forum is barb's

I always had the hots for Betty Boop.
Although I have never had 'the hots' for her, she is my fave cartoon character...LUV the boop!

I just found a BB ballcap, so now I have something sexy to hide helmet hair under... ;)

If Pierre's is the one I'm thinking of (redhead in boots walking away) then hand's down #1. I usually forget about the thread... :dribble:

Worst? I dunno but Radman's has always creeped me out.

If Pierre's is the one I'm thinking of (redhead in boots walking away) then hand's down #1. I usually forget about the thread... :dribble:
Worst? I dunno but Radman's has always creeped me out.
+1 to both of your comments. And always luvin Opt8low...though its frustrating.

Although was just thinkin' recently how Shinypartsup avatar creeped me out.

I just changed mine, but kept the original picture in it...just so no one forgets its me. :D

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Like eeksnake, I just stare at Pierre's avatar and forget about the post.

And if we're talking creepy? I can't believe no one has mentioned jigmoore's.


edit: I guess I don't have room to talk about creepy avatars.

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I gotta say that now TWN's dead-assed mocking bird makes me laugh the most. Especially since watching the progression....



Dailey Commuter's


Are tied for best in my book.

I don't have any I dislike, but I can think of several that are just freaky...
