Best bang for the buck GPS

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Well-known member
Jan 3, 2010
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Washougal WA
I have done some reading and it seems that Garmin is the GPS I see being used the most, so I would probably go that way. I would mount it on a ram ball mounted to the stem nut. would like to stay under $200, but would go a bit higher if the value was there.

If you can find one, refurbished possibly, consider a Garmin 2720 or 2730. Does everything you really need a GPS on a bike to do without any real compromises, waterproof, uses recent maps (2009 release at least), and should be in your price range.

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If you can't find a used/refurb 27xx or 28xx, the Nuvi line does have some models that allow for custom routes.

It ain't the same as a full blown streetpilot series 27xx or 28xx, but it will get the job done for most novice tourers.

I run a Nuvi 755t and it does what I need it to do, for now. It was <200 at Costco.

The key is CUSTOM ROUTES. When you download your 1 free map update from Garmin, you will get a copy of MapSource as part of the download, which you can use to build your routes.

PS: the Nuvi's ain't waterproof, so keep that in mind....

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If you can't find a used/refurb 27xx or 28xx, the Nuvi line does have some models that allow for custom routes.
It ain't the same as a full blown streetpilot series 27xx or 28xx, but it will get the job done for most novice tourers.

I run a Nuvi 755t and it does what I need it to do, for now. It was <200 at Costco.

The key is CUSTOM ROUTES. When you download your 1 free map update from Garmin, you will get a copy of MapSource as part of the download, which you can use to build your routes.

PS: the Nuvi's ain't waterproof, so keep that in mind....
I think the nuvi 500, 550 are waterproof.


Excellent thread...

...I may join the join the ranks for these prices.

EDIT: If you weren't using it for turn by turn directions, but just to assist if you "get lost", could you just stick it in a tank bag and pull it out when you "needed" it? Sorry about the need to answer.

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EDIT: If you weren't using it for turn by turn directions, but just to assist if you "get lost", could you just stick it in a tank bag and pull it out when you "needed" it? Sorry about the need to answer.
That's what phones are for. :D

At least the ones with real GPS as opposed to tower locating.

I've been watching eBay lately as my aging 2610 sometimes acts a bit flaky. Seen some 2730s around 180 - 220 bucks. My advantage with those would be they use the same mount and power I already have.

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Excellent thread......I may join the join the ranks for these prices.

EDIT: If you weren't using it for turn by turn directions, but just to assist if you "get lost", could you just stick it in a tank bag and pull it out when you "needed" it? Sorry about the need to answer.
Yes, you can leave it off in your luggage, then just turn it on to find your way home. You would still need a mount of some sort so you can look at it while moving to know when to turn.

I have a Garmin 265WT on a Ram mount. I put a quart size ziploc bag over it when it rains. We were in Colorado last month going up I70 to the tunnel when it was raining so hard that it was dark as night. The Nuvi did not get wet, the bag did not fly off and the Nuvi still works fine. It is a little harder to read with the bag on. So I would suggest a Nuvi over a Zumo. Of course, living in southern CA I do not have to ride in the rain very often and on a two week trip to CO we only got rained on 2 days, but I would still suggest the Nuvi unless you live in a rain forest.

I had a nuvi on the wifes bike. After her altercation with a pickup it still works fine. I made a mount out of plexiglas and used the suction cup mount to attach it. the mount broke in the crash but the suction cup held.

EDIT: If you weren't using it for turn by turn directions, but just to assist if you "get lost", could you just stick it in a tank bag and pull it out when you "needed" it? Sorry about the need to answer.
That's what phones are for. :D

At least the ones with real GPS as opposed to tower locating.

I've been watching eBay lately as my aging 2610 sometimes acts a bit flaky. Seen some 2730s around 180 - 220 bucks. My advantage with those would be they use the same mount and power I already have.
for $99 you can get your 2610 refurb from Garmin. Check out their website. I have 2 2610's one a friend gave it to me, because it was broken and sent it Garmin and had it back in 2 weeks, the other is a 2720 which I assume you could have refurb for the same price if need be...both are great pieces of farkle


I have done some reading and it seems that Garmin is the GPS I see being used the most, so I would probably go that way. I would mount it on a ram ball mounted to the stem nut. would like to stay under $200, but would go a bit higher if the value was there.
You'll have to buy a refurbished 27xx to get something waterproof in your price range, but you can use a non-waterproof Nuvi if you're willing to stop and cover it with a plastic bag or something when it starts raining. Be very careful if you are looking at used 26xx, 27xx, or 28xx models because the screen is pretty fragile and doesn't seem to hold up well to age. The screen on my current 2730 is starting to de-laminate.

You don't need traffic alerts, weather, or music. One that speaks is very nice because it reminds you when to turn before you get there without having to keep looking at the GPS, but it requires ear phones or speakers in your helmet.

You can get a Nuvi 1450 for under $200. It will store up to 10 routes. That is probably the bare minimum for trip planning.

Edit: I just saw Willie's post about a factory refurbished 2610. It was posted while I was typing. That looks like the way to go if it comes with some sort of warranty.

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I use a Nuvi 760. Wrapped it in a sandwich baggie in hard rains and worked great. I like it because it has an MP3 player as well for about $150. Here's a pic of it mounted:


EDIT: If you weren't using it for turn by turn directions, but just to assist if you "get lost", could you just stick it in a tank bag and pull it out when you "needed" it? Sorry about the need to answer.
That's what phones are for. :D

At least the ones with real GPS as opposed to tower locating.

I've been watching eBay lately as my aging 2610 sometimes acts a bit flaky. Seen some 2730s around 180 - 220 bucks. My advantage with those would be they use the same mount and power I already have.
Phones are only good if you have a data connection to download the area of the map you are on. I had a GPS phone on my bike for a few weeks. When I got into the middle of nowhere all I got was an arrow on a grey field.

Damn.. Where was this before I bought that junk assed Tom Tom..

Oh well, I need a new unit as the old mount was only good till about 85 and a few bumps.


How much are the cheapest mounts to the FJR?
I think you can do the ram ball on the mirror hole + arm + nuvi cradle for around $50. That will give you a solid mount point and very little chance of failure.

Mine is mounted to a RamBone with a 3" arm and of course the cradle. I believe once you add it all up my setup was about $80 - but I wouldn't have it any other way.

As for those waterproof Nuvis - no headphone jack = no go for me.

Lastly, I ended up adding a Boostaroo, but that was before I modded my Scala to use earphones.

I put on a 755T about 2 months ago and have put on about 2500 miles with it. I have two complaints: 1) the typing some times drives me nuts, I calibrate the screen but I'll still get a highlight key and some other letter near by will be selected, and 2) I use a Aquabox 'cause I can "lock it" to the bike and mid day or low side angle sun the screen can be hard to read. I find ways to see it okay but it would be nice if it was brighter.

I've not wired in the audio to my Autocom as I couldn't find a right angled jack when I last had the tank off. Next time it's off, I will connected it up. I purchased an extra combo power and FM receiver cable, one for the car and one permanently on the bike. Plugged it into the connector in the "glove box", remove the plug in the box's bottom and ran the cable out to the 755T
