Best/favorite online video editor (free)

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I'm interested in hearing thoughts on this subject too. I've toyed with Final Cut Pro in the past in a very superficial way. It seemed like a pretty big can of worms. Lately, I've used iMovie which is certainly more simple but with fewer features than FCP. But my video production has always been of the family, home movie variety so I haven't had a need for elaborate editing other than some simple transitions and audio clip adjustment.

I use Final Cut Pro X. Although at first it's a bit intimidating, and has something of a steep learning curve, it becomes fairly easy pretty quickly.

There are some good free tutorials and how-to videos available to help you through the initial steps, and beyond.

I've used a few other non-linear digital video editors in the past, including Media 100, Razor and a few others, but FCP blows them all away.

I tried iMovie a few times after I got my first Mac, but found it cumbersome compared to FCP, even though it has far fewer options and less capability.

Edit: Just noticed the '(free)' in the thread title. Can't recall any free online video editors that I've tried, and for my purposes and slow 'net connection they'd be pretty useless anyway. iirc, Google has an online editor, but I have no idea how good/bad.

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I like this freeware LA video editor best.


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Newbie question here, what low price video editor smoothly edits MP4 videos on Windows? Anything that doesn't edit MP4 is worthless to me. MP4 capability seems to up the cost 10x.

Newbie question here, what low price video editor smoothly edits MP4 videos on Windows? Anything that doesn't edit MP4 is worthless to me. MP4 capability seems to up the cost 10x.
Take a look at this and see if it doesn't meet your needs:

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RadioHowie, thanks very much for the video link. I watched the video and then read the Wondershare video editor customer reviews on Amazon. There was a lot of video editor frustration. Much of it sounded familiar.

I understand a lot better what the problem is with beginner video editing. It's difficult and it seems like it should be easier. Finding an editor, getting it set up, matching it with with the computer hardware/cameras, learning the limitiations and capabilities, dealing with the glitches, getting it all to work smoothly, it's all a very long slog and It ain't gonna work too good at first... It's just harder than that.

I'm going to look at the other low priced video editors and pick one. For $39 Wondershare is probably as good a place to start the slog as any. Thanks agian.

Newbie question here, what low price video editor smoothly edits MP4 videos on Windows? Anything that doesn't edit MP4 is worthless to me. MP4 capability seems to up the cost 10x.
Take a look at this and see if it doesn't meet your needs:

Looks simple enough, nice transition bar... I'll give it a whirl!

Thank you CQ, CQDX!

Wondershare is $40. I'm leaning toward Adobe Premiere Elements 13 is $70. I have some tutorials to watch.

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