Big Brother is now Watching me!

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Jeez! Look what happened to this thread! I agree with everyone who thinks being a thief is bad, and defrauding your employer is, too. And rape, murder, and treason, for that matter. There, I've put myself squarely on the side of truth, justice, and the American Way. Is this what Trigger was asking about? Hell, no. He wants to look at the freaking FJR Forum at work sometimes without getting busted, maybe fired, by his employer, who he apparently does a pretty good job for. Why go off like some of you guys did on this thread, and for what provocation? Sometimes, if you don't have anything especially productive to add to a conversation, it's nice to STFU. Trigger, I agree with the following:

i will say I am salary, and I don't need to justify my actions to anyone here.
I started this to find out how to keep a little of my privacy. Mission accomplished. Done. Over and out.
Personally, I stopped doing anything and everything that could possibly be construed as being even slightly outside my organization's IT policy a couple of years ago. I retired. :yahoo:

I’m sorry, but I just can’t help adding my two cents worth!

It seems that many people work harder, putting in more effort at not doing what they get paid for, than to just put in their time and go home.

When you comment that you work 70+ hours per week because you are FLSA exempt (salaried), you are indicating that your lights are on, but there may not be anyone home.

If your job takes that long to stay on top of, you’d be better off using your illegal and inappropriate computer time in finding a way to get the same amount of progress accomplished within a standard 8 hour day. If you worked for me and put in 60+ hours per week and it only cost me 40 hours, I wouldn’t fire you either. That would be stupid on my part. Then I’d have to hire two people to replace you, thereby costing my company twice as much in salary & benefits. I love people that are willing to work for nothing.

The real definition of success is working the least amount of hours and making the most amount of money. Ever notice that usually the [employees] that have the highest salary level seem to work the least amount of time. (as with any situation, there is the exception to every rule)

I once interviewed a person for a position and during the interview they stated they were willing to work as long as needed to get the job done. I responded by saying I needed someone with innovated skills to research a better way of accomplishing their responsibilities within their scheduled time frame. He didn’t get the job because I didn’t need any ass-kissers. I needed successful people that each and every decision they made was based on what was best for the company.

Oh man. You guys are missing the whole point here. The company you work for is "the man".

Your job is to stick it to "the man" at every possible opportunity.

So if you can run 3 extracurricular bidnesses, visit hard core porn sites and charge them to your company credit card, play golf at midweek rates, surf the intarwebs for motorcycle farkles, take a nap under your desk after lunch and still get paid for it?

Well, I'd say, your just doing your job. ;)

:punk: :hyper: :tease:

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I'm sorry, but I just can't help adding my two cents worth!
It seems that many people work harder, putting in more effort at not doing what they get paid for, than to just put in their time and go home.

When you comment that you work 70+ hours per week because you are FLSA exempt (salaried), you are indicating that your lights are on, but there may not be anyone home.

If your job takes that long to stay on top of, you'd be better off using your illegal and inappropriate computer time in finding a way to get the same amount of progress accomplished within a standard 8 hour day. If you worked for me and put in 60+ hours per week and it only cost me 40 hours, I wouldn't fire you either. That would be stupid on my part. Then I'd have to hire two people to replace you, thereby costing my company twice as much in salary & benefits. I love people that are willing to work for nothing.

The real definition of success is working the least amount of hours and making the most amount of money. Ever notice that usually the [employees] that have the highest salary level seem to work the least amount of time. (as with any situation, there is the exception to every rule)

I once interviewed a person for a position and during the interview they stated they were willing to work as long as needed to get the job done. I responded by saying I needed someone with innovated skills to research a better way of accomplishing their responsibilities within their scheduled time frame. He didn't get the job because I didn't need any ass-kissers. I needed successful people that each and every decision they made was based on what was best for the company.
I'm your man! Hire me now or forever loose the best damn employee you've never fired! :rolleyes:

I started this to find out how to keep a little of my privacy. Mission accomplished. Done. Over and out.
I think what Trigger is trying to say is:


The answer to this entire debate (I wasn't looking for a debate by the way) came to me like a bolt of lighting.

The problem is not that I am surfing when I should be working, but that I am working when I should be surfing.

You see, being the stupid **** that I am (sorry to offend anyone with my potty mouth) I have been making myself available to answer questions, reply to E-mails, go out to our shop and help the guys, basically doing things that are way outside of the 45 hours I was hired to do. Again, if I wasn't so selfish, I would stop making myself available for 12 hours a day, and just put in my 8.5 hours like everyone is saying. I have been using up the electricity, bandwidth, and oxygen at my employers office with complete negligence. Shame on me for thinking that by making myself available all those extra hours I might be able to take a 10 or 15 minute break every few hours and surf the web. How completely irresponsible of me.

From now on, I will only go in to work for the 45 hours I was told I would need to work when I was hired, and now I realize that anything more than that, and I will just be stealing from the company. 45 hours of pure work absolutely no more, and no less. Purely by the book.

Now, excuse me while I go take my allowed cigarette break, outside.

EDIT: Crap. I just remembered I don't smoke, so now what should I do on my break?..........

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Now, excuse me while I go take my allowed cigarette break, outside.
Funny you should mention smoking. It seems fashionable nowadays to ban smoking from every frikin' workplace. Pity, cause every study done showed smokers were the most productive workers there were.

I think it's time to do an internet user/productivity study. Hasn't it occured to anybody, that we haul ass doing our job so that we'll have a frikin' minute to surf?

NO, NO, NO! You will work a the proper pace, for the proper time, and in the proper form. Anything outside of that is not allowed. Stop trying to color outside the lines. Next thing you will know , you will start thinking that because you are being more productive than what is expected of you, your taking a few minutes every hour to recharge your batteries is OK.

Remember, mediocrity is our goal!!

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I just found out that the powers that be are starting to monitor everyones computers here at work, both for porn, but also just to see what we are doing. Considering how much time I spend on the forum, they are probably justified.
So does anyone have any suggestions on how to surf the forum, and not get caught? As soon as I heard about this, I signed off from my desktop computer, and then fired up my laptop, which uses a Verizon air card to connect to the web. I would have to believe they would have a hard time monitoring what I am doing on this computer, since it is using the Verizon card. I realize it can be done, but it just makes it a little harder for them, and I doubt they are going to go that far.

just like the man, to try and keep a brother down. :angry2: :angry: :glare:
I cannot tell you how to surf and not get caught, but I can tell you a story. Three years ago, my (fairly progressive) employer announced a new IT policy. Among other things, it declared that our pc's are company property and are to be used only in the course of doing business. Violations would involve disciplinary action up to and including termination (of employment). Having been responsible for our corporate credit card program, I was aware of a number of idiots who thought it was acceptable to visit adult-oriented night clubs and/or order Girls Gone Wild DVD's...and pay for these diversions with their very own corporate credit card. We had never terminated any of these fools, but I had contacted several of them personally to let them know that they were hitting the radar and needed to cool it. That rarely made a difference in their behavior. But I digress... With the advent of the new IT policy, I sat back and waited to see what would happen. After just a couple of months, a dozen or so of these guys went skidding out the front door on the seat of their pants. Nothing was publicized. But then, nothing needed to be publicized. Everyone knew what these guys were doing. People walk by and catch glimpses of inappropriate material...the rumor mill picks up on this kind of behavior and word gets around rather quickly.

My advice is to work at work, and play at home. Not too much of a sacrifice to make if you really need that paycheck.

NO, NO, NO! You will work a the proper pace, for the proper time, and in the proper form. Anything outside of that is not allowed. Stop trying to color outside the lines. Next thing you will know , you will start thinking that because you are being more productive than what is expected of you, your taking a few minutes every hour to recharge your batteries is OK.
Remember, mediocrity is our goal!!
Yeah... Where I work they used to tell us to "Think outside the box!" Now, we're not allowed to think...

The old saying "The job's not over until the paperwork is done" has been replaced by "Don't worry about the job... as long as the paperwork is turned in on time!"

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The answer to this entire debate (I wasn't looking for a debate by the way)
Then you shouldn't post on the internet.

From now on, I will only go in to work for the 45 hours I was told I would need to work when I was hired, and now I realize that anything more than that, and I will just be stealing from the company.
Well, you're company is stealing from you by not paying you for all the hours you work so...

This will be my last post on this thread, and I actually had hoped it was dead.

I had breakfast with my boss the other morning, about a 3 hour breakfast, and we had a great talk. I asked about a few things he had said about the company, and some of the new rules that were being put forward. He told me that the rules had come up because of people not getting their work done, or doing REALLY stupid things. He concluded with:

"When are you going to learn that the rules don't apply to you, until I tell you they do. Just keep doing what you are doing."

It was nice to hear, both from a standpoint of my worrying about big brother watching me, and as a little recognition of apparently doing my job properly.

That's all for me. It's Saturday, a three day weekend, and there are diapers to be changed, and bottles to be made. Things are more relaxing at the office!

This will be my last post on this thread, and I actually had hoped it was dead.
I had breakfast with my boss the other morning, about a 3 hour breakfast, and we had a great talk. I asked about a few things he had said about the company, and some of the new rules that were being put forward. He told me that the rules had come up because of people not getting their work done, or doing REALLY stupid things. He concluded with:

"When are you going to learn that the rules don't apply to you, until I tell you they do. Just keep doing what you are doing."

It was nice to hear, both from a standpoint of my worrying about big brother watching me, and as a little recognition of apparently doing my job properly.

That's all for me. It's Saturday, a three day weekend, and there are diapers to be changed, and bottles to be made. Things are more relaxing at the office!
Sounds like your boss is a slug. Or he's telling everyone the same thing. Or he's really a dope.

Having different rules for different people just isn't smart...or fair. I wonder what your co-workers think. They should be happy as they have great grounds for a suit if any of them get dismissed.

A suggestion would be to discuss with your boss whether the policy really is "no outside use of the internet" and get it clarified for everyone ("I have a dream of open access to FJRFORUM....for all men are created equal" :p ). Most good companies allow incidental use provided it doesn't interfere with your job or involve porn or hate sites. If your company is stupid enough to allow internet access on the desktop and then issue a policy of zero tolerance of personal usage - that's pretty foolish. Of course, there's no lack of foolish companies......or bosses.

Good luck!

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This will be my last post on this thread, and I actually had hoped it was dead.
I had breakfast with my boss the other morning, about a 3 hour breakfast, and we had a great talk. I asked about a few things he had said about the company, and some of the new rules that were being put forward. He told me that the rules had come up because of people not getting their work done, or doing REALLY stupid things. He concluded with:

"When are you going to learn that the rules don't apply to you, until I tell you they do. Just keep doing what you are doing."

It was nice to hear, both from a standpoint of my worrying about big brother watching me, and as a little recognition of apparently doing my job properly.

That's all for me. It's Saturday, a three day weekend, and there are diapers to be changed, and bottles to be made. Things are more relaxing at the office!
Sounds like your boss is a slug. Or he's telling everyone the same thing. Or he's really a dope.

Having different rules for different people just isn't smart...or fair. I wonder what your co-workers think. They should be happy as they have great grounds for a suit if any of them get dismissed.

A suggestion would be to discuss with your boss whether the policy really is "no outside use of the internet" and get it clarified for everyone ("I have a dream of open access to FJRFORUM....for all men are created equal" :p ). Most good companies allow incidental use provided it doesn't interfere with your job or involve porn or hate sites. If your company is stupid enough to allow internet access on the desktop and then issue a policy of zero tolerance of personal usage - that's pretty foolish. Of course, there's no lack of foolish companies......or bosses.

Good luck!
I would echo that *sort of*...

For the most part, my four direct reports are 'exempt' from some of IT policies, some by nature of what they do, some because they just get about 3x more work done then the average person. (I am truly blessed to have the crew that I have and it wasn't always like that).

That being said, from time to time I've had to explain to them that they need to spend less time at some sites. Meaning that they simply need to stay below the radar, and definitely need to stay out of the top, say 20 overall.

The bottom line though, is that everything is logged, mostly not acted on, but when the **** hits the fan and it can certainly be above me or beyond my control they will simply have the ammunition (logs) to do what ever they want with it. So just keep that in mind...

Example: We just let go one of our top sales people, from my eyes probably not a good move, but... The evidence that he simply wasn't doing what was asked of him was overwhelming. It really makes me wonder how much he could have sold had he been going things properly.

- He was running is own real-estate business on the side and using considerable company resources to do that.

-- He had more calls to area-codes outside his region than some of the actually sales guys in those regions.

- His internet surfing was slightly above average, but but contained a significant portion of non-work related sites.

- His activity in the CRM package was poor at best, he just didn't follow sales processes and methodologies that are proven to work, and helpful for follow up by other Account managers, and Business Development managers.

- We had a number of 'prospects' from his region who begged to buy our stuff that were never taken care of. (This is really bad)

Even with all of that he was either the top or second top sales person for as long as I remembered and had the lowest return rate. So why did he go? Honestly driven by a rift between he and the VP of sales. But how much more money could have made if he'd followed the very easy processes? How much money did he lose for us?

The evidence that he wasn't towing the line was all they needed to push him out, even though he used to be a highly viewed person and was always successful. People, bosses change, and you don't want to leave them with the audit trail they need when they do.

Enjoy your weekend...
