Bike fell while on center stand

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Unless there was a HUGE wind storm or the stand sank into the pavement there really is no way for the bike to just 'fall over' - perhaps it was 'helped'?
If indeed it was, then you may well have a no deductible scenario - 'hit and run' claim you can make - no impact on your rates for a claim.

You have a point. I have used center stand for some time on gravel and cement roadways. I would hate to think that some hooligan did this. It is possible??

Yup, it can probably be welded, which I can do for you for $10 plus return shipping. You'll need to finish it up nice. PM me if you want to pursue.
I will let you know. it is a $45 part not sure if it pays to weld it or just get an oem. I need to consider the time it will take to get the part from Yamaha or university motors. Thank you for the offer.


I got your brackets.. very nice job cant wait to install them..

Thanks again

Unless there was a HUGE wind storm or the stand sank into the pavement there really is no way for the bike to just 'fall over' - perhaps it was 'helped'?
If indeed it was, then you may well have a no deductible scenario - 'hit and run' claim you can make - no impact on your rates for a claim.

it was windy but not that windy. damm, .. thanks.

Here's the results of my investigation based on the details that you have provided:
1. Bike appears to be parked at an apartment complex or condos? Either someone backed into the bike very lightly and knocked it off the center stand or some kids messing around and pushed it forward. ;)

2. There is a Gang in the area that is out to kill any bike they find with really large Chicken Strips? :p

Sgt. JW
Double dam... Looks like someone must have backed into the bike.. I do not know what else it can be. Thx

Go Straight through Insurance, Hell, you pay for it. Seeing as the bike was parked, it should fall under your comprehensive and not affect your rates. I know for a fact that just the painted portion (Door) of the saddle bag is $355.00 through YAMA. If you get everything replaced, including your fairing you'll be into the 2k range. Your bikes too nice to just patch up, get er done right!

Keep a good eye on ebay for your parts at a price. They often have bags. Sorry your bike fell, I think you got hit in the side by a car.

Go Straight through Insurance, Hell, you pay for it. Seeing as the bike was parked, it should fall under your comprehensive and not affect your rates. I know for a fact that just the painted portion (Door) of the saddle bag is $355.00 through YAMA. If you get everything replaced, including your fairing you'll be into the 2k range. Your bikes too nice to just patch up, get er done right!
I filed the claim and hopefully the claim adjuster/inspector will see my bike this week, I have gieco and they have been ok in the past. The call person that took my claim said that once the inspector views the bike he /she will issue a check. I'm might be able to ride for a bit before sending it to the shop. i hope..

Here's the results of my investigation based on the details that you have provided:
1. Bike appears to be parked at an apartment complex or condos? Either someone backed into the bike very lightly and knocked it off the center stand or some kids messing around and pushed it forward. ;)

2. There is a Gang in the area that is out to kill any bike they find with really large Chicken Strips? :p

Sgt. JW
1. From your statement of kick and center still deployed, you were tipped by a car from the left. look for bumper or paint marks on the bike then find the bastard car/truck. I doubt kids would push sideways when they could tip forward more easily.

2 JW- We'll cut him a break on the large strips in lue of his misfortune, and besides, its not Friday :ph34r:

Yep, how hard did it( they knock it over), that took some serious force to brake those parts.

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Please post the outcome with your insurance adjuster. My rates are high and would like to change to a different company, but am somewhat hesitant to save a few bucks and get stuck with a tough insurance company.

well what a surprise. The geico insurance adjuster just viewed the motorcycle and said that i should receive the report and check with in 3 business days. He did not discus the amount of the check but he did say that if the Yamaha/repair shop found additional damage there would be another check issued.. :yahoo:

Well, so far it has been a pleasant experience. The adjuster seemed like a good guy.

thanks for your advice.....

well what a surprise. The geico insurance adjuster just viewed the motorcycle and said that i should receive the report and check with in 3 business days. He did not discus the amount of the check but he did say that if the Yamaha/repair shop found additional damage there would be another check issued.. :yahoo:
Well, so far it has been a pleasant experience. The adjuster seemed like a good guy.

thanks for your advice.....
Hey, Alex .... Just read your posts on this thread. Bummer, man ! I'm sorry you had damage to your new ride. From what I can see from the photos, I think some of the folks here are correct .... someone in a car tipped it over.

I've had your bike on the center stand many times and no wind gust will displace it laterally ... for sure. The bike fell over with some help. The center stand had to be fully deployed or the bike would not stand up in the first place. And, I doubt if it was pushed over .... I think a car tipped it.

Bad news that the bike is damaged, but the good news is that it's just plastic and can be repaired quite easily.

Good luck..


well what a surprise. The geico insurance adjuster just viewed the motorcycle and said that i should receive the report and check with in 3 business days. He did not discus the amount of the check but he did say that if the Yamaha/repair shop found additional damage there would be another check issued.. :yahoo:
Well, so far it has been a pleasant experience. The adjuster seemed like a good guy.

thanks for your advice.....
Hey, Alex .... Just read your posts on this thread. Bummer, man ! I'm sorry you had damage to your new ride. From what I can see from the photos, I think some of the folks here are correct .... someone in a car tipped it over.

I've had your bike on the center stand many times and no wind gust will displace it laterally ... for sure. The bike fell over with some help. The center stand had to be fully deployed or the bike would not stand up in the first place. And, I doubt if it was pushed over .... I think a car tipped it.

Bad news that the bike is damaged, but the good news is that it's just plastic and can be repaired quite easily.

Good luck..

Thanks Bagger.

The damage is just plastic. I spoke with my local dealer and the repair is not that costly. Just need to take time out and drop the bike off for a little while. The cost is actually covered in full by the insurance claim payment. all is good .. thanks take care and be safe..

