Bikes, Blues, and Barbecue--Sept 24-28, 2008

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Ok I will be at Super 8 at 9 am tomorrow. If anything has changed then let me know. My cell is 316-258-2469. I don't have anyone else's number.



Whitie and his beemer friend skitric will be riding up Friday morning.
I really believe raclow wants to know if anyone is going to show up for a ride Saturday or not.

Not what time you're going to be getting to Fayetteville.

If you want to get a hold of him by phone you can PM me for his cell number.
It's looking like i might be home tomorrow... Feel free to call me for getting in touch with you guys! My # is in the FJR directory.

Adam too drunk to make it tonight....and forget tomorrow. Reggie....sowwy....go ahead and water that far corner of the lawn that I was going to pass out in.

Great turn out for the FJR ride today. We met at Denny's parking lot at 9:00 AM, here is a pic of all the bikes ready to ride...


The wife and I had fun anyway!!! Me thinks the FJR crowd is not really the "Rally" types...


I arrived too late at the festivities to get a comlimentary ride on the '09 V-Max. I talked to a guy who just got off it. He said they allowed him to ride as quick as he wanted, so he got up to about 120. He says the handling of the new model didn't seem all that different from his '02. There were 3 units available, but some poor sap overshot a turn and crashed one of them. So the rider was at the hospital, and the new V-Max was in a trailer. The ambulance raced back to the track as we were talking, so something else went down! To me, the new Max is butt-ugly. Final drive looks like it was built for a Mac truck. I did sit on it and rock it back and forth, and it has a better C.O.G. than the FJR . . . feels lighter in a static position.

The rally was not my cup of tea: Extremely Harley-esque, with scantily-clad old ladies who shouldn't be. Hope the other members have a good time, though. phil

Great turn out for the FJR ride today. We met at Denny's parking lot at 9:00 AM, here is a pic of all the bikes ready to ride...


The wife and I had fun anyway!!! Me thinks the FJR crowd is not really the "Rally" types...

Sorry... I had to catch up on my beauty rest... I think i need some more. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the call on Saturday morning. I was really looking forward to the ride and wish I had known about the location change. The last thing I read before leaving Thursday from Wichita, KS was 9:00 am at the Super 8. I arrived at 8:30 at the Super 8 and realized there was something wrong since there were no FJR's there.



I will be there. Should be great weather...been in the upper 50's in the early morning and rising to the upper 70's to low 80's by mid-day.
Hope to meet ya'all then. :)
WOW!!! This group is falling apart.
Here's the list as of Wednesday evening.

Myself--So far...a Yes


Kirrilian--Haven't Heard

428Cobra--Haven't Heard



Hammer--Haven't Heard

fjrb0--As long as the new tire is ready.


Hellcreep--Haven't Heard


This will be my last post before Saturday's ride. I'm headed to Fayetteville Thursday morning.

I would like to here from those riding before Saturday. I'm not getting up early if no one is riding. Call my mobile.

PM Okierider.....he has my number.

Talk to you soon.
Sorry some of you didn't see this post....or maybe you did.

Oh, the tangled webs we weave.
I'll be leaving the Fort around 8:00 AM on Friday morning, riding up to look at the vendors. VTX will be with me, H-D will not make it. Have I ever mentioned to you guys that works sucks???? It still does. :angry:

Anyone want to meet for a beer at Georges, or any other place, post away....but name a time and place. I'll be there for a cold one, or two, but no more....I have to be back in the Fort to catch a plane on Saturday...
You are so wishy washy....I have to tire might be you have to catch a damn plane....and that is when???? Then you post later that the location changed. A simple yes or no I'm coming would have worked for me.

Great turn out for the FJR ride today. We met at Denny's parking lot at 9:00 AM, here is a pic of all the bikes ready to ride...


The wife and I had fun anyway!!! Me thinks the FJR crowd is not really the "Rally" types...

Me thinks you didn't know if, when, or how you were really going to show up.

AND, the location didn't change. It was always Super 8 at 9:00 AM

My apologizes to your wife for her inconvience.........she is innocent in this.

Whitie and his beemer friend skitric will be riding up Friday morning.
I really believe raclow wants to know if anyone is going to show up for a ride Saturday or not.

Not what time you're going to be getting to Fayetteville.

If you want to get a hold of him by phone you can PM me for his cell number.
THANK get it..........THANK friend.

Thanks for the call on Saturday morning. I was really looking forward to the ride and wish I had known about the location change. The last thing I read before leaving Thursday from Wichita, KS was 9:00 am at the Super 8. I arrived at 8:30 at the Super 8 and realized there was something wrong since there were no FJR's there.


I will be there. Should be great weather...been in the upper 50's in the early morning and rising to the upper 70's to low 80's by mid-day.
Hope to meet ya'all then. :)
Hammer, no location change. Not very many, in concrete, commitments.

I didn't get a phone call from you but saw you at the Track Center.

NOW, let me clear things up a little on my part in this. I tried for several days to get people to make a firm commitment to this ride. I didn't here from too many and the ones I heard from I posted about above on Wednesday.

I heard from Netstarrider, Phil, Whitie, Okierider, and Concours. Netstarrider, Whitie, Phil, and I talked about this ride. The rest of you have piped in here after the fact and too late.

Netstarrider......I explained what was happening with him....sorry and we will ride another day.

Whitie.....needed to get back to me if they were going to contact so no ride.

Conclusion......the next time we try to put a ride together.........All you have to do is say "YES" or "NO" about being there.

Sorry for the rant and hope you don't take it too personal.......Have a great week.

I came up from the DFW area with 7 Harleys, My wifes Honda 750C2 and a CBR1000RR and only saw about 5 FJR's the whole trip. We stayed at the Queen Wilhelmina lodge the the first night and then on to Magazine Mountain the second day on our way to Springdale. I saw a couple FJR's in Eureka Springs on Friday(also stopped by Cycle Gadgets). There was 1 silver FJR in the Marriot Residence Inn we stayed at in Springdale. I gotta say though, the 40 year old guy on the CBR1000RR was a trouper. He rode that thing about 550 miles in 2 days. He had to get off it and ride his wifes Harley the third day to recuperate for the 325 mile ride home.

Hey, no big deal as far as I am concerned. Wheeler Powersports in FS got the new back tire on as promised. The wife and I got to the Super 8 at about 8:45 to 8:50. Rode thru the parking lot, back over to Denny's, then back to Super 8, then back to Denny's and ate breakfast. Then we went and test drove the new Connie at the Kawa site at Tysons. Not sure I was wishy washy, I was there Friday, went into Georges, but so damn noisy you could not hear yourself think, so left. Rode back thru on Saturday, and no visible FJR's, so kept on going back home. Fly to PHX on Sunday as planned (I do see in the quote that I said I was flying out on Saturday, sorry about the typo....). That's as good a committment as I could give, or get, off the info on the forum. Again, no big deal. It was good riding day, and sure beats the hell out of the ride on Sunday on AA.

Whoever said it was Harley centered was right. Geez, L and I talked, everyone goes and buys a H-D, gets the same clothes, same tatoos, and call themselves individuals. I don't get it. And scantily clad ladies, geez, some of them need a reminder as to when to give it up. Think a mirror would suffice....

WOW!!! This group is falling apart.
Here's the list as of Wednesday evening.

Myself--So far...a Yes


Kirrilian--Haven't Heard

428Cobra--Haven't Heard



Hammer--Haven't Heard

fjrb0--As long as the new tire is ready.


Hellcreep--Haven't Heard


This will be my last post before Saturday's ride. I'm headed to Fayetteville Thursday morning.

I would like to here from those riding before Saturday. I'm not getting up early if no one is riding. Call my mobile.

PM Okierider.....he has my number.

Talk to you soon.
Sorry some of you didn't see this post....or maybe you did.

Oh, the tangled webs we weave.
I'll be leaving the Fort around 8:00 AM on Friday morning, riding up to look at the vendors. VTX will be with me, H-D will not make it. Have I ever mentioned to you guys that works sucks???? It still does. :angry:

Anyone want to meet for a beer at Georges, or any other place, post away....but name a time and place. I'll be there for a cold one, or two, but no more....I have to be back in the Fort to catch a plane on Saturday...
You are so wishy washy....I have to tire might be you have to catch a damn plane....and that is when???? Then you post later that the location changed. A simple yes or no I'm coming would have worked for me.

Great turn out for the FJR ride today. We met at Denny's parking lot at 9:00 AM, here is a pic of all the bikes ready to ride...


The wife and I had fun anyway!!! Me thinks the FJR crowd is not really the "Rally" types...

Me thinks you didn't know if, when, or how you were really going to show up.

AND, the location didn't change. It was always Super 8 at 9:00 AM

My apologizes to your wife for her inconvience.........she is innocent in this.

Whitie and his beemer friend skitric will be riding up Friday morning.
I really believe raclow wants to know if anyone is going to show up for a ride Saturday or not.

Not what time you're going to be getting to Fayetteville.

If you want to get a hold of him by phone you can PM me for his cell number.
THANK get it..........THANK friend.

Thanks for the call on Saturday morning. I was really looking forward to the ride and wish I had known about the location change. The last thing I read before leaving Thursday from Wichita, KS was 9:00 am at the Super 8. I arrived at 8:30 at the Super 8 and realized there was something wrong since there were no FJR's there.


I will be there. Should be great weather...been in the upper 50's in the early morning and rising to the upper 70's to low 80's by mid-day.
Hope to meet ya'all then. :)
Hammer, no location change. Not very many, in concrete, commitments.

I didn't get a phone call from you but saw you at the Track Center.

NOW, let me clear things up a little on my part in this. I tried for several days to get people to make a firm commitment to this ride. I didn't here from too many and the ones I heard from I posted about above on Wednesday.

I heard from Netstarrider, Phil, Whitie, Okierider, and Concours. Netstarrider, Whitie, Phil, and I talked about this ride. The rest of you have piped in here after the fact and too late.

Netstarrider......I explained what was happening with him....sorry and we will ride another day.

Whitie.....needed to get back to me if they were going to contact so no ride.

Conclusion......the next time we try to put a ride together.........All you have to do is say "YES" or "NO" about being there.

Sorry for the rant and hope you don't take it too personal.......Have a great week.
I'm going to have to go with raclow on this one.

Along with his many other talents he is an excellent ride/route coordinator/planner.

I know we all want to ride or we wouldn't have bought these expensive damn bikes.

However, here's the problem. We have 11 riders to start saying they all want to get together and ride. That is a fairly large group for a day ride.

We all understand that life happens and plans change as the date gets closer. Just like my friends mom passing and I couldn't make it due to being involved with the funeral.

So when plans do change you do one or all of three things. Post up, PM or call. Crap, you don't even need to give a reason.

If the ride master asks for a check in. CHECK IN!!!!!

Oh, but wait a minute, I need some beauty rest so I had better go and post the rest of this the next day.

Just my $.02
