Bill Mayer or Russel Day-Long Saddle?

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Jeff Q

Well-known member
Apr 5, 2008
Reaction score
Huntsville AL
Looking at both, any opinions for me? Russell's are a bit more money but look a bit better made to me in pictures. I am more interested in functionality than looks but I do want to look well made. Did a search and most BMS customers on here seem to be real happy with theirs, did not find any comparisons....I know my factory seat sucks.

Thanks Jeff

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I think this is going to come down to personal preference. Both sound like they are great products, but I plan on going with the Russell when the next group buy comes up.

I did search Saddle and found a few more threads. Been reading since 330 am, couldnt sleep. I am leaning toward Russell's

I did search Saddle and found a few more threads. Been reading since 330 am, couldnt sleep. I am leaning toward Russell's
I very recently bought both...leather, new, and driver's portion heated. I like the Russell better, for a variety of reasons. My Bill Mayer is available for sale. Email me if interested.


[email protected]

I only have experience with the Russell. I mailed my stock seats in so I didn't get the fully custom fit. I'm extremely happy with the seats (I did both).

I've ridden to SFO '08 (from Omaha to Eureka Springs, AR) and then to Sacramento, CA. I could easily ride 200 miles before I had to stop and stretch. I probably should have stopped more often, but I was comfortable.

A LOT better than stock :)

Had 2 russells. like the one for my FJR better than the one for my Wing. A lot has to do with the cover material and taking more time to better describe what i didn't like about the OEM seat for the FJR (than i did for the wing). However both are/were up to BBG runs.

By waiting for their annual Group Buy, i saved some cash on the one for the FJR.

By waiting for their annual Group Buy, i saved some cash on the one for the FJR.
Anyone know when the "annual group buy" is?
I'm waiting on the group buy as well, and I believe it generally takes place in November or December timeframe. Have purchased every thing I need except for Russel seats and a 3.5" calsci shield.

I was thinking on doing one of those seats as well. But, in the meantime I did the spencer mod along with a alaskan sheepskin pad. That seems to work good enough for me. I do get sore some, but i did 920 miles on my seat yesterday without too much problem. I figure there won't be too many times that I'll do that, and if I do at least I know I can take it, so I think what i have will work for me. And as a bonus, much cheaper.

I do belive in the begining that the Russell was created by Bill senior and at some point he sold out to Russell with a noncompetition clause in the deal. After that expired Bill senior went back into building saddles but used all foam instead of the spring like the original. After he died his sons carried on in seperate locations.

Both seats are good options so it amounts to which one puts a smile on your cheeks. My cheeks like the Russell. :D

Just completed a 5435 mile ride on my Bill Mayer over the course of 15 days (12 riding total) with a 700+ day and an 850+ day. I can not give enough praise for this seat. Great people, great product. If you can do a ride in, I would highly reccomend it.


I have an Airhawk currently but it does not work well on the stock seat for some reason. It worked great on my Hayabusa seat...

Anyone know when the "annual group buy" is?
I'm waiting on the group buy as well, and I believe it generally takes place in November or December timeframe. Have purchased every thing I need except for Russel seats and a 3.5" calsci shield.
Dang. I'll need new rubber long before then....but if I time it right, maybe I can use up this set and another set before November... :)

Is the Bill Russell water resistant, I seem to remember that Bill Mayer Saddles have sealed seams?

The Russell saddles are not water resistant (Russell recommends a rain cover) and I use a stock saddle for daily rides to work because I am always getting caught in thunder storms and have to park the bike outside while at work.

I like my Russell saddle a lot but like the idea of a saddle I can ignore for daily use.

<snip>The Russell saddles are not water resistant...
I've used a Russell Day-Long exclusively since day 1 (ordered it right after taking delivery) and for 50K miles -- it's never been wet; even though it's been ridden in the rain, parked in the rain, washed, etc (with no extra care or protection).

Mine is non-leather -- some form of textured vinyl? -- with no stitching/panels/designs, etc. (just plain).

As fas I can tell, it's waterproof. :blink: :unsure:
