Black Friday Purchase

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I did not change anything. There was nothing in the contract stating when he had to order the bike. He was just going to do it because there are few 2013 bikes available. I asked him to wait a few days just so he didn't get stuck with a bike if my financing fell through.
I would say calm down and relax. All's well. Order the FJR and get it. How do you know the next dealer is going to be any better?
Good advice here^^^ Emotions run high with big purchases, so it's always best to back off and reevaluate.

Good luck. No matter when you score an FJR, you won't be disappointed! :)


He backed down and told me that he'd stick to the original agreement and that my check had already been deposited. After calming down and thinking through this I decided to say fuk him and go else where for my FJR. I called the bank and put a stop payment on the check.

What would you guys have done?
After I calmed down I would have done.......................NOTHING...............except look forward to all the fun I was going to have on my new bike.

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He backed down and told me that he'd stick to the original agreement and that my check had already been deposited. After calming down and thinking through this I decided to say fuk him and go else where for my FJR. I called the bank and put a stop payment on the check.

What would you guys have done?
After I calmed down I would have done.......................NOTHING...............except look forward to all the fun I was going to have on my new bike.
Yeah, like you, I woulda been pissed at first, but once things calmed, and the guy agreed to honor the original agreement, I woulda just waited for my new bike to show up.

I did not change anything. There was nothing in the contract stating when he had to order the bike. He was just going to do it because there are few 2013 bikes available. I asked him to wait a few days just so he didn't get stuck with a bike if my financing fell through.
I would say calm down and relax. All's well. Order the FJR and get it. How do you know the next dealer is going to be any better?
+1, Gunny; Twinrivers I am fully with SkooterG on this one, we sadly have so few really good Yamaha dealers to choose from in North America you might just wind up with the next dealer being even worse!

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Well the bank missed my stop payment and cashed the check. So I've taken your advice and thrown the dealer another $500 so he can feel comfortable that I'm not going to walk away and stick him with a bike. We'll see where it goes from here. He said the bike should be here in a week. I'm not holding my breath for that.

Well the bank missed my stop payment and cashed the check. So I've taken your advice and thrown the dealer another $500 so he can feel comfortable that I'm not going to walk away and stick him with a bike. We'll see where it goes from here. He said the bike should be here in a week. I'm not holding my breath for that.
Why do you have to give him another $500? They cashed the check so the original deal is on with the $500 deposit per original agreement and the salesman's later acquesence to not change the deal. Just drop by with the loan docs and act like nothing ever happened and say you are looking forward to getting the bike. And take it from there.

I didn't want them to have any excuses for not getting the bike ordered. I would have given them the grand in the beginning if they had asked for that so it really is no big deal. I was just pissed he excepted $500 but then demanded $500 more before he would order the bike. They gave me free heated winter storage to make up for their silliness. That really ain't nothing but it's something...

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I didn't want them to have any excuses for not getting the bike ordered. I would have given them the grand in the beginning if they had asked for that so it really is no big deal. I was just pissed he excepted $500 but then demanded $500 more before he would order the bike. They gave me free heated winter storage to make up for their silliness. That really ain't nothing but it's something...
Unless you think they are going belly-up before you get the bike, which I doubt, I wouldn't worry about it. After all, paying $500 more today rather than in a week or two matters little otherwise.

It is not that big of a deal, but just one thing I always do when I order something vs buy and take instant possession is pay whatever down they ask for on a credit card, that way if the get funny you have 60 days to dispute the charge and not pay if they don't deliver the bike. Always remember a business never puts a sign out front saying bankruptcy is immenent, please stop by and put a cash deposit down on something. With a credit card you are at the front of the line. With a cash down payment you are at the end of the line with all the other unsecured creditors.

How far away is the next dealer? Did you get a good price or pay MSRP? Is the after sales support important? Warranty issues, recalls, etc. These are things to consider.

FWIW The freight (on Japanese bikes) is paid for by the manufacturer and is part of the invoice price. Dealer invoice on a Japanese bike is approximatly the MSRP times 0.83 plus freight. If you use $225 as the freight charge. you will be close to the actual dealer invoice.

The sting of being asked to shell out another $500 now rather than later will disappear once you have the bike and are making payments to the bank.

Look at it this way. The dealer feels that they owe you something. Take the heated storage, be gracious and let them treat you like a good understanding customer. If they don't, then buy all your farkles over the internet and drive to a different dealer. When they call to remind you to bring in your bike for maintenance or something you can read them the riot act.

This spring will be great. Enjoy your Gen !!!.

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Unless you think they are going belly-up before you get the bike, which I doubt, I wouldn't worry about it.
That has entered my mind believe me. I think that's why this whole issue went down.

After all, paying $500 more today rather than in a week or two matters little otherwise.

It is not that big of a deal, but just one thing I always do when I order something vs buy and take instant possession is pay whatever down they ask for on a credit card, that way if the get funny you have 60 days to dispute the charge and not pay if they don't deliver the bike. Always remember a business never puts a sign out front saying bankruptcy is immenent, please stop by and put a cash deposit down on something. With a credit card you are at the front of the line. With a cash down payment you are at the end of the line with all the other unsecured creditors.
I told him I was going to drop by with a CC and he immediately shot back asking for a personal check. More red flags!!

He says the order has been placed so I'll know in a week or so.

How far away is the next dealer? Did you get a good price or pay MSRP? Is the after sales support important? Warranty issues, recalls, etc. These are things to consider.
There are four dealers under an hour and a half from me so getting service won't be an issue if this guy does not work out. He had the best price by $730 so that's why I went with this dealer. His shop is pathetic. After this went down I did get another dealer to drop down a bit but this guy was still $350 under. Since I had signed the contract and the check got cashed I decided not to fight him.

Look at it this way. The dealer feels that they owe you something. Take the heated storage, be gracious and let them treat you like a good understanding customer. If they don't, then buy all your farkles over the internet and drive to a different dealer. When they call to remind you to bring in your bike for maintenance or something you can read them the riot act.
If I could keep a straight face I'd love to do an impression of Sam Kinison on him

I told him I was going to drop by with a CC and he immediately shot back asking for a personal check. More red flags!!
Not necessarily a red flag. Lots of business don't like credit cards due to eating some of that money on the cost of using it.

TR We are in the same general area, I am curious to know what dealer this is (plese PM me if you prefer) a number of the dealers in this area are all owned by the same owner but all have distinct management teams. I think the general sales practices of such should not be that different. I had gone thru the PDP program and would not wish that on anyone again!(my nickname for my salesman was Flipper) The tactics you describe are not those that I would be comfortable with and would command a in person meeting to clarify and map out the rest of the purchase process. I wish you good luck in your purchase. bluejag

We are talking about a 2-3% merchant fee here or $10-$15. That is taking cheap to a new level. Nevertheless, tell the guy you recognize how god damned cheap they are and offer to put it on the card now and do a credit back to your account when you pick up the bike. Then it will cost them a net of zero.

I bought a motorhome a few years back and put $15k on the card on a $60k purchase. And that was after beating the piss out of them on the price. They never batted an eye. I suppose if you really got a zinger of a deal and the sales guy was lucky to walk out with is pants still on you could swallow hard and do it, but what the hell...even I have SOME principles.

I guess you can do what you want, but on principle I would tell the sales guy this is as good as it gets. You don't have the other $500 cash and it is either the cc or the deposit remains at $500. Remind him that WAS the original agreement. After all as you said, isn't the bike due in about a week? And maybe throw in you will remember all the dealership's goodwill and fine customer service in the future.

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TR We are in the same general area, I am curious to know what dealer this is (plese PM me if you prefer) a number of the dealers in this area are all owned by the same owner but all have distinct management teams. I think the general sales practices of such should not be that different. I had gone thru the PDP program and would not wish that on anyone again!(my nickname for my salesman was Flipper) The tactics you describe are not those that I would be comfortable with and would command a in person meeting to clarify and map out the rest of the purchase process. I wish you good luck in your purchase. bluejag
Thanks and PM sent.

Remember, a CC may mean a hefty % (1-2.75% or more depending on their merchant agreement) goes to their bank.

I was surprised the dealer I bought mine from didn't even flinch when I whipped mine out- and I was paying for the whole bike!
