Black painted bike

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I think a black FJR would just melt and puddle here in August. Looks damn sexy when cool and clean though.

I would love a black FJR, but after seeing how easy it is to take care of Silver, I would have to think long and hard about it.

If I ever paint mine, it will be Lamborghini Yellow Pearl. I used that color to paint my wife's Shadow and it came out awesome. i think a pearl yellow FJR w/ blue graphics would look tweaked.

Yep, these guys are right. Nothing worse than a black motorcycle. Don't even consider it.







Ya know every time I get a new vehicle I get talked out of black. Everyone says the same thing. Hard to keep clean, and its hot in the summer. Blah Blah Blah. Finally I bought a black car and I think it looks great. As for keeping a motorcycle clean, I think thats half the fun of ownership and most would love to shine that black beauty up real nice.

This discussion about heat and dirt related to black bikes is enlightening, but let's get down to facts. If performance is your goal as opposed to just aesthetics, then you should paint it '03 Liquid Silver. It's much faster.

Of course, it's prettier too.

I hope that clears things up.

This discussion about heat and dirt related to black bikes is enlightening, but let's get down to facts. If performance is your goal as opposed to just aesthetics, then you should paint it '03 Liquid Silver. It's much faster.
Of course, it's prettier too.

I hope that clears things up.
Ditto !!

I still have my black ZX-11 and I don't think that it's much harder to keep clean than the Blue 06 that I have... :/

The metallic blue is what first caught my eye when I went into the dealership. Some bikes look good to me black, but I don't think the FJR is one of them to me. More or less a personal preference. I don't think anyone is going to walk up and say to you "what a stupid color" if you paint it black.


......Had a black ZX11 and you know what they say......

Yes I do. No one can see you on a black bike so you'll get hit by cars alot.......

isn't that what a brightly-colored helmet and riding suit are for? i've never heard of picking a bike based on what color is most visible to cagers, and i'm all about being seen (hence the puke yellow aerostich)...

Black is sexy.

isn't that what a brightly-colored helmet and riding suit are for? i've never heard of picking a bike based on what color is most visible to cagers, and i'm all about being seen (hence the puke yellow aerostich)...
Ditto. Light coloured riding gear on a dark bike really sticks out. My concern with cages and bikes is LIGHTS.

People see Lights. They stick out.

My Truck is pure black and sexy as hell. I ensure I am visibile and use my lights.

When my black truck is dirty, well, then its dirty. When it is clean, you want to slap its ass.

Go with black if you want. I would if I had the time to paint it.

Blue is the best for me. A Black tank would be like puttin' the boys in a frying pan. If you know what I mean. :blink:

Black bikes look good, and, yes, they may not be the most visible color, but there's one color in a new bike that I've had motor officers tell me is "almost invisible" when coming at you on an asphalt road...


...the new Titanium color Honda Gold Wing. It practically screams: "Hit me!"

(I ride the Metallic Silver color '07 'Wing, which practically screams: "When will the networks realize David Spade is no longer funny?!")

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WTF? 140 hr. work week? Are there 140 hours in a weeK? Ever hear of sleep? Finally what the hell you doing riding an FJR in Italy - you got to have a Ducati --
Sorry it took me 3 days to reply Mike I've been at work :dribble:

My handy texas instruments device tells me there are 168 hrs in a week.

By those numbers I still have 28 hours to do with what I please :yahoo:

Sleep is definately up there on the list of things to do.

Seriously though, we've been working this schedule for about 6 weeks with less than 2-3 days left (fingers crossed)

My current job is the Boilers Officer on a 30 yr old US Navy ship, our sister ship had a boiler explosion back in December that killed one kid and put 7 others in the hospital. We obviously don't want any part of that so we took both of our boilers completely apart to inspect them for any signs of damage, cracks, old age, etc...

No bads news here, everything looks good.

We're almost done putting everything back together and ready to get back to our normal schedule/routine.

We've just got this one box of extra parts left over that we can't figure out what they go to... :rolleyes:

(that last part was a joke)

As for the Ducati question, I'm sure I will get lots of looks on an FJR.

Kind of like a Ferrari in the US or a Corvette over here, not the typical thing you will see.

I get all kinds of comments and looks at my 2002 Chevy Trailblazer over here.

Some of them may be translated to: "There is no way in hell that truck is going to fit down this street, stupid americano"

but I don't speak the best any Italian so I can just smile, wave and say Ciao

Well, back to your regularly scheduled thread...

Sorry for the hijack Malve but the black FJR thing wasn't going anywhere :)

P.S. Sorry about your oil pan (ouch!)

Back to work for me so we can get this bitch underway!

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pawtracks - smile and say "figlio di puttana" (son of a bitch). I'm really getting some good use from these Italian lessons!

If I painted the FJR any other color, it would probably end up a pearlescent white.
Sweet OV. How bout that with a cobalt blue base? And powder coat the wheels and bars. Coooool baby. PM. <>< :crazy:

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I'm going black when the FJR needs to be painted if I still have it.

Had a black ZX11 and you know what they say.
87 Jetta GLX black, 94 Jetta GLX black, 00 Mustang GT black, 04 Jeep Liberty black, 06 Vulcan 750 black, I never goina get another black vehicle of any kind. Yea I say that every time. :dribble:

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I had a black Ninja while living in So. Calif and never had problems with keeping it clean...I just always kept the bike clean! And when it's hot it doesn't really matter what color your bike's just plain hot out! The black looks fantastic and with silver accents it would be great. As for black not being seen by cars in traffic down there, even if you are IN a car people don't see you!

Been MIA for as while, but you want black, you can see black:





and with the right help, it is easy to keep clean:




Oh, and black is faster, BTW
