Bluetooth Bike-to-Bike

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May 10, 2006
Reaction score
Stewartstown, PA
Hello all. I've picked up a lot of great information here over the past year or so and thought I'd pass some along. I tried searching and I don't believe this product has been discussed before. If it has, sorry.

I've been looking for a simple, effective bike-to-bike communicator that would allow me to talk to my girl friend while we're riding our bikes. I don't need long range capability. We're rarely out of sight when we ride together. In searching the web I came across the Cellular Line Interphone. The reviews for the product seemed good and I ordered 2 from GIMOTO Canada. I recieved them about a week after placing the order and have had them for about month. It finally warmed up enough today to try them out.

My experience matched the reviews that are found via the Interphone website. It was very simple to operate and the bike-to-bike performance was fine within the advertised 150 meters. It also worked well with my cell phone. I figure that if I upgrade to some other more elaborate intercom system in the future I'll still be able to use the Intephone as a simple bluetooth headset with it.

It has limitations and won't be for everyone but it is another option.

Wifey and I have been using the ChatterBox GMRS-X1 for 3 three year now. During this time frame we had to replace one headset, This model is for Bike to Bike, some riders like them and some hate them.

ChatterBox USA


I was ALL EXCITED and then... crap! Another mono Bluetooth device.

Looks like a good product and I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for making the post.

But I'm still a waiter on stereo. At my age it takes both ears to hear music.

I was ALL EXCITED and then... crap! Another mono Bluetooth device.Looks like a good product and I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for making the post.

But I'm still a waiter on stereo. At my age it takes both ears to hear music.
I'm with you on this one, I'll live with wires to the headset until such time as someone finally makes a true stereo bluetooth headset. Of course, there have been many promised releases just simply fade away. I personally would be happy with a bluetooth link from the headset/mic to an intercom system that would handle all of the radio and music imputs. It must be WAY more difficult than it seems, as no one has done it yet. There are stereo bluetooth headsets out there, and mono headsets with microphone, but no offerings with stereo and a microphone yet. :angry:

Just my $.02


Slappy, you are EVIL! I just buttoned-up Cherie and took her out on the town yesterday. Looks like it's time to break out the Dremel and start carving on my helmet.

The wireless stereo unit looks very promising. Thinking about mounting the Chatterbox on the bike, pipe the RD, MP3 and GPS into the Chatterbox (same as now), but send it's mini-DIN connection to the Bluetooth module.


Something like those would work for stereo music to be piped into a helmet, but (if I'm reading correctly) the microphone is only used when the headphones are in the phone mode. What we would like to see is stereo sound with simultaneous microphone usage. The Bluetooth A2DP profile is a one way stereo stream from the transmitter to the headphones. That would probably require a new Bluetooth Profile to be created.

The current profiles include A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile), HSP (Headset Profile), ICP (Intercom Profile), and SPP (Serial Port Profile), among many others. If you only need stereo music A2DP is a great choice. If you want CB or Walkie Talkie type communication between devices ICP has you covered. The HSP profile is what all the bluetooth headsets use to link to a mobile phone, but is limited to mono simultaneous streams (one up and one down). Unfortunately, none of these allow us to use the microphone while listening to stereo music.

The Bluetooth SPP profile currently looks the most promising to me, as it allows up to a 128kbit/sec data rates. It would require hardware/software on both sides to decode everything and would probably degrade the sound to something like a 32-48 kbps stereo mp3, but would allow simultaneous stereo sound and wireless microphone usage. Someone could probably develop a "universal" system that would plug into a helmet headset on one end and the bike mounted comm system on the other end. The helmet side could be helmet mounted or carried in a jacket pocket and would need a battery pack and volume controls. The unit connected to the Comm unit could be bike powered, and microphone volume control would probably be needed. This setup could be used to replace the cord from the helmet to the bike. It would work with any of the current comm systems if the proper adapters were provided to make the connections. Why won't someone make something like this?

I'll quit ranting now,



You can simmer down. You don't have to modify yet. I have the Scala rider (two speaker) set currently sitting on my desk in front of me for a new speaker mod upgrade for when I get finished typing.

99% of the bluetooth stuff out there still only broadcasts in mono, so the reciever doesn't really matter.

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