BMW on fire?

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FJR nose gunner
Mar 24, 2008
Reaction score
La Crosse, WI
This is a completely dumb and pointless post, but in the past, somewhere in the bowels of this forum, I have seen at least 1 picture of a burning shaft drive seal on a BMW...but now I can't find it! I've tried searching the forum, and searching google, but I think the main problem is I simply have no clue what the text associated with this picture was, because it didn't say 'this here's a picture of the shaft drive on a BMW on fire'.

Any help?

This is a completely dumb and pointless post, but in the past, somewhere in the bowels of this forum, I have seen at least 1 picture of a burning shaft drive seal on a BMW...but now I can't find it! I've tried searching the forum, and searching google, but I think the main problem is I simply have no clue what the text associated with this picture was, because it didn't say 'this here's a picture of the shaft drive on a BMW on fire'.
Any help?
Here ya go


That's exactly the sort of pic I was looking for...

I tried to post this is NEPRT, as I figure it probably is that, but it wouldn't let me. So off topic it is!

And, by the way, if I understand correctly, that is rubber/grease catching fire as a result of a leak that caused some serious overheating in the final drive?

I'd say that was a sudden catastrophic failure of the axle drive gear and bearing assembly. I'd assume what is burning is the residual gear oil...and maybe the rubber boot.

I just have this vision of cruising down the interstate, when a cop roars up behind you and flips his lights on. You're like, I was only doing 5 over, this is bull. Pull over, the cop says "Are you aware your motorcycle is smoking?" and that's about when the tiny little flame finally catches your sidebag on fire...

.......and that's about when the tiny little flame finally catches your sidebag on fire...
That would be the least of my worries. I'd be far more concerned about losing the rear wheel bearing in the middle of a turn...

...or in the middle of nowhere.! "Hello, MoTow. Yes I'm aware this is a weak cell signal. Where am I? My GPS show I'm about 53 miles South of the closest town. What do you mean there is no tow service based there. &5 miles one-way!?!? About 3 hours wait!?!?!?" <_<

That old "rear bearing catastrophic failure" and the possibility of falling and sliding and tumbling on the tarmac would be far more disconcerting than a side cover whose fire could be put out before any harm was done to the contents.

YMMV :eek:

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