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Ave U !!!!
Jun 26, 2005
Reaction score
Mooresville, NC
I was driving for over 100 miles on the blue ridge pkw. last sunday. Sunny skys about 80 drgrees .I was about 60 feet from the exit on one side is the entrance and in the middle is a tringle of grass it was right near the Great Smokey Mountain National park . This area is about the only place you can make a u turn and guess what a white pick up truck makes a u turn and does not see me comeing i hit the brakes and went around the truck hit the grass and the bike and myself slide onto the pavment . 1 car stoped to help and 1 bike they gave me some water and i sat for awhile my right glove was scraped up and my gortex jacket riped to my skin 5 inch scrap not that bad at all .My shoulder blade is giving me trouble .I go to the infomation station at the G.S.M.N.P. for directions to Rt 40 and ended up in Tenn . ok no big deal so i am 3 hrs out of my way to hit Rt 40 and then anothe 1 1/2 hours to get home . My exit on 77 is 36 i need gas so i get off at exit 42 gas up move out get to the red light bikes dead . Pull into a lowes which is just closeing i guy tryes to gives me a boost with a dead battery charger and says my freind works on bikes i will call him wait 15 minutes now it 9 :30 PM .The guy tryes to jump it no go he checks all the fuses there all good and tells me i be back with a truck to take me home . I wait about 35 minutes he never showes up . Where i fuled up was a truck stop i stop ia guy in a 40 foot u haul and asked him if he wanted to make a couple of bucks he lookes at me like i have 10 heads and says where are you going i say exit 36 hes reply is great i am getting off that exit to drop off the truck and the truck is empty .He gasses up and we go to get the bike i pull out the ramp and we try to get the bike up no go . Lowes is closed by now but i hear water running lucky me i am om the side where the garden center is i ask the manger if some on can help us ans shes say yes in 10 minutes . A guy in his 50ees comes over and we get the bike is in the truck plus me . 20 minutes later i am home thank the guy and his wife and give him 50 bucks . So all in all is was a lucky day and a unlucky day . Total damage 6200 bucks . The only thing i did wrong was not let off the front brake fast enough but everything happend so fast .

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Dang, bad news! At least you are "relatively" whole.

Of course, the white pick up truck drove off.......I'm assuming you'll be turning this in to your insurance.

recived the check yesterday . the big cost was the blue flame cans 1100 bucks each because of the cheap dollar . Also the adjustor did not have to pay for the left side can there was nothing wrong with it . I slide on my right side .

Crap. That's just all there is to that story. Crap.

Glad you came out well and got your bike home.

sorry to hear of your mishap.

what brand of motorcycle jacket were you wearing?



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Sorry about you and the bike, Zork. Sounds like everything should heal quickly. Good luck.

At least you get a
for your trouble.

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That's a pisser. It's so stupid that if you hit the truck, it probably would have been his fault (per insurance) and you wouldn't have to file a claim. But since you decided to try to save your life instead, and ran off the road, the insurance company puts the blame on you.

Sorry about the mishap...
