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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2005
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Boots...........I have a pair of calf high boots but I find them uncomfortable.....If you know a good quality pair of ankle high boots.....I would appreciate a link to it.


I think you may find most here have boots that are calf high.

Oxtar is my vote on these and very comfortable.

I am very picky on shoes/boots as I have a high arch and I won't wear uncomfortable anything long enough to brake them in.

I own a pair of deer skin dress shoes that I just love. They feel like slippers and look like leather but not as hard.

The Oxtar's were comfortable from day one and the shin guard isn't uncomfortable.

They are Gortex inside.

The arch has folds in it so it flexes nice.

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I have some ankle-high Motorhead boots by Icon. They are quick on and off, have safety toe and heel cups, ankle protector, and heel reflectors.

I currently use Red Wing 'hiker'(Oxford-6668 style) workboots. Steel toe, ankle protection, comfortable, waterproof, look ok walking amongst public. Probably less expensive than motoboot- especially since my employer(govt) pays for safety shoes once a year for me :p

Red Wing website shows several 'hiker' styles that look ok.

I have the Icon Motorhead boots(black) They seem pretty comfortable to me,don't think mine are steel toe's. I bought mine from this seller on ebay,they list them for $150,but i used the best offer feature and got them for $105+shipping around $10bucks.



I use oxtar infinities for distance :D & low cut (just over the ankle) garmont hiking boots :) for around town..(I agree with sparky on the can walk around all day without a problem...)(oxtars are also CE approved) :p

Thanks for all of the suggestions....I went ahead and got these..
Tour Master
Do get back to us on those once you lace 'em on. I've been thinking of picking up a pair for summer. DST tomorrow means I get to start wearing shorts at work. Woohoo!

Toecutter...whats wrong with this picture :blink:, shorts & boots riding to work :dribble: ..nothing personal but......(nice visual picture...NOT) :dribble:

Toecutter...whats wrong with this picture :blink:, shorts & boots riding to work :dribble: ..nothing personal but......(nice visual picture...NOT) :dribble:
Any shorts worn while riding will be under the kevlar mesh. Not worth skin grafts. :)

But I'm thinking how, um, village people the calf high boots would look while the suit is back with the bike and I'm cruisin' on foot doing summertime errands. Not a pretty sight by any means. :eek:

Still not sure why people would wear steel toed boots on a bike. I read an article about a fellow who went down and the impact on his feet and subsequent "pressure" to the steel toe section actually severed a couple of his toes...ouch!!

Mythbusters couldn't MAKE steel toad butes chop off toads. They finally went to a sharp-edged device that only severed toes once the device had slid past the toe-cap and got an area that was no longer protected.

Although some of their efforts resulted in some extruded toe-jam.

Mythbusters couldn't MAKE steel toad butes chop off toads.
Chop off- maybe not. But if it got folded back with enough force it could probably sever the part in front of the steel. Of course non-steel boots would probably break all the bones in the same situation anyway.

toecutter.....does the better half know of your (dare I say) thought processes involving the village people :eek: certain circles people would run screaming from this thread upon learning this :blink: (just kidding)(or should I be :( )

toecutter.....does the better half know of your (dare I say) thought processes involving the village people :eek: certain circles people would run screaming from this thread upon learning this :blink: (just kidding)(or should I be :( )
Okay, maybe "cruisin'" was a poor choice of words... :blink:

I like the Oxtar Matrix.

I was in the Bridge Tollgate. A drifty truck driver thought I left. I felt a brush of the back end of my bike as he pulled up. The Toll taker shouted for him to stop. I had steel toes on & he had to back up to free my foot. Steel toes / no steel toes I don't think it would have made any difference if he had driven another 6 inches. My toes would have been jelly either way. I quit wearing the MF a long time ago. TJ
