Brand new, 0-mile 2007 FJR1300s - CHEAP!!!!

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I hate to say this, But...

Thanks Yamaha for ruining the FJR market by removing the PDP and flooring these. <_<

Soon the FJR wont hold any value since the supply/demand thing has been drastically reduced.

Great price on the 07's though! It will make a 1st time impulse buyer a great deal :)

And just imagine how a Canadian that traded in his free clear 03' YZF 600 + $3500 extra down on a new one. Only to owe(payments) on around/about what these are going for........Totally PISSED

ANY Advice?.....I have no recourse Correct?.....Other than slapping myself in the head....

Shit happens i guess


I've heard the "can't get approved" too. Lending institutions are finally getting back to historic norms with regards to credit. The mortgage companies have gotten exactly what they deserve. Loose lending practices will eventually bite you in the butt.

Hate to be the (apparently only) stick-in-the-mud, but shouldn't this be in the vendor or for sale area?

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Just to give ya'll some perspective on the prices quoted here... Remember I totalled my '05, with near 30K mileage, in June and the insurance company gave me $11,883 for it. And for comparison, the local yammi dealer has an '07 on the floor for just under $13,800.

Dealers are stocking fewer FJR's than they did with the prior Deposit program, so that supply situation would actually normally send values up.

Mute point - the market taking a big dump and a bigger one yet to come is what is driving prices down. CC

It is inevitable the resale price will drop in proportion to the amount of FJR's on the road, hence available for purchase. Sunday's ride proved so when I passed 10 - 12 (I lost count) FJR's at various stages of my 300 mile ride. Literally, our beloved machine is everywhere, man!
I got back from a trip to Colorado about 3 weeks ago. Didn't see one FJR for the whole week I was riding all over the state. Maybe that cancels out at least half of the 10-12 you saw TWN.

GP :rolleyes:

Hard to sell bikes? Hollink Motorsports in Rochester, NY has 1000 to 1500 of every bike on the showroom flo. I was under the impression that they are trying to sell some extra units before the season ends. Then again, they have never done that before.

They also have sold seven 08 Connies and told me that as soon as they get one in it's gone. Then the salesman said that he thought that they had too much high-tech stuff on them for him to buy in the 1st year of production. Hmmm!

ALSO, as it happens - Desert Valley Powersports is having a big pre-Holiday sales event THIS COMING Saturday (Nov 3) from 9am-5pm. There is live music from a band called "Plum Loco", Custom Pinstriping by Ron Pomeroy, tattoos by Sunnyside Tattoo and Piercing, and door prizes, free chili dogs, etc, etc.
Not in the market for a newer FJR, but about those tats, would those be the stick-on variety or the iron-on ones? Just wanted to clarify that. Mmmmm, chili-dogs..... :party:

I'm one of the impulse buyers of the 07, mentioned to my wife I was ready to buy a FJR, she said sure. Got it that weekend, ok, she said I'd earned it sticking with my 85 FJ for 22 years. I'm personally glad they upped the availability, I agree it used to be rare to see an FJR (was always looking), but it has been four years now, there's just more smart people out there! About as worried about the resale value as I was for the 85.


Cherry 07

85 FJ

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I was talking to a sales person when at the local Honda-Yamaha dealer getting my ECU replaced and I asked her how sales were and she replied that "sales would be great if we could get these people approved for credit" she said that in the last several months she has been averaging in the neighborhood of 75% turn down rate.
I heard the same thing the other day. The salesmen kept going on about how good my credit is and said I could buy two. I have a mortgage and a small remaining car loan, but no other debt, until Wednesday anyway. They said the overwhelming majority of people coming in their store could not get approved. By the way, I got my new 07 for $11,627 after threatening to leave over a dispute about what the "Out The Door" price I was gven on the phone meant.

Soon the FJR wont hold any value since the supply/demand thing has been drastically reduced.
That may be a bit drastic. The FJR's value will come from it's reliability and reputation for performance and comfort. Hell, not long ago everyone was bitching about the PDP. How ironic that now folks are bitching about the absence of the PDP.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I agree, we have never had PDP in Canada and the FJR has held up well in the resale market.

It is inevitable the resale price will drop in proportion to the amount of FJR's on the road, hence available for purchase. Sunday's ride proved so when I passed 10 - 12 (I lost count) FJR's at various stages of my 300 mile ride. Literally, our beloved machine is everywhere, man!
(Including me) there are 3 forum members all off the same main road within a 1.5 mile distance of each. Small world, or more FJR's!!!!

I'm glad to see our bike gain popularity, just because it means continuation of the model and more refinements. The ST crowd took a while to catch on, but once poeople started to realize what these bikes are capable of, and how comfortable they are, there were lots of converts.

I really think it's the economy in general that is messing up bike sales for various reasons mentioned. Good for buyers, bad for supliers.

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Hard to sell bikes? Hollink Motorsports in Rochester, NY has 1000 to 1500 of every bike on the showroom flo. -snip-
Wow! That must be a HUGE dealership. How can they possibly have that many bikes on the sales floor? I don't think I've ever seen more than 100 bikes on a sales flo, let alone 1000 to 1500.

Oh wait, that must be a typo. Sorry. :unsure:

Looks like Yamaha made more 07's than they thought would sell in a year. Now they have to discount the 07's to get the 08's into the showrooms. 07's already have one years depreciation. I don't think anybody is losing money, only Yamahas profit margin is lower. Plus the Connie is now competitive. Also looks like they thought the AE was going to be a bigger seller by the large amount left over.

Selling motorcycles and other Powersports equipment is not nearly as easy as one would think. Credit for such things is much tighter and percentage rates higher than for something like a car. Reason being is that motorcycle is more than likely to be one of the things you default on if you loose income for whatever reason. Everyone needs a car to get around, but you don't need (well, most of us anyway) that motorcycle / watercraft / ATV to run errands or find a job. Getting less than 25% of those that walk in approved is pretty much the industry norm (at least it was when I was selling Powersports).
