TECHWEST 2007 => Head Count, Please!!!

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DAYUM that's tempting! Crazy, but tempting. :)
...and if I understand the rules, you only need to get there ....don't worry about riding back ..that save a lot of time and miles. Just hang out, at Desert moto, ...being cool and bragging of your award. Perhaps when the cold weather comes around you'll have the desire to head back to florida ...or maybe not.
The Iggy house is waking up with Skyway, SkooterG, IronMaiden, and Mr. IronMaiden. Be outta here in 20 minutes and headed down the road to TechWest!!!!! Good BBQ last night with even a lightning show and this morning is clear skies and going to be warm.

Skooter rode 1500+ miles in 22 hours and change yesterday and checked into the shop.....possibly the long-distance favorite at this point.

Rumor is Warchild's Deerslayer bike is already on the rack splayed open like a Christmas ham for work today.

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On my way there this morning in a driving rain. I got to the Tinkham Rd exit when a semi in the right lane flipped up a piece of metal that was coming at me head high. I thought I was going to have it come through the wind screen. I got on the brakes HARD, thank god for ABS, because it certainly was working. Thank god for my road racing experience here, didn't have the rear end in the air, but it was damn close! The piece of metal hit the ground just in front and to the right side of the bike. I heard it clank on the bottom of the bike. Since the overpass was coming up, I pulled off to check it out and to put my rain cover on my tank bag. I looked to the right and saw oil on the ground. Got off the bike (still running) and could see it pouring out the bottom. I shut off the bike. Looked under, but couldn't see where the oil was coming from.

Got out the cell phone and called AAA to pick me up.

Here are the photos of the damage. I also found the metal object that punched my oil pan. It was the end broken off a chain binder that semi trucks use. Oil pan, gasket, header rings are on order. Unfortunately, looks like the parts won't be here for about 10 days. Worst part, is the bike only has 4600 miles on it.





Would have loved to be there, hopefully there will be another tech weekend.

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