Break-in Dilemma

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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2007
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Seoul. Korea
Will be picking up in less than a month. My plan is to ride it from the dealer in Texarkana to Austin and back, with a side trip to La Grange. Once back at the dealer, it will be serviced, crated and shipped.

Is 800 miles a bridge too far before initial service?

I can cut the side trip, and come in at about 630 miles, but I also really REALLY want to make the side trip....


You asked for opinions and thoughts. Here are mine. 800 miles is just fine. The Owner's manual has a short blurb on break-in and you should read and heed. Not onerous at all, I believe it is just an RPM restriction for xxxx miles. Not hard to do. I just rode mine normally w/o the occasional bursts of "whackage" until after the break-in period. I'm sure you'll get some recommendations to do the "motoman" break-in. My opinion, not necessary, not recommended by Yamaha - but if you want do it then it's your bike, go ahead! Good luck.

When I picked up my 06 in Alabama and rode it home to Rhode Island (1700 miles), I took along a filter and a few tools. Went to a Walmart that had auto service and changed the oil in the parking lot. The guys in the service department lent me an oil drain pan and and disposed of my old oil and filter for me. :yahoo:

When I picked up my 06 in Alabama and rode it home to Rhode Island (1700 miles), I took along a filter and a few tools. Went to a Walmart that had auto service and changed the oil in the parking lot. The guys in the service department lent me an oil drain pan and and disposed of my old oil and filter for me. :yahoo:
Good idea.

Either way, the bike will be fine. I'd just bring it in at 800.

My dealer told me 600-800 was fine, but not to turn 600 miles on the highway. Something about "varying the engine speed durring break-in is important". I don't know why that would matter, but hopefully somone will tell us.

I got the part about varying engine speed. Have mapped a route that is mostly non-interstate. Will vary gears/throttle the whole way. Decided not to go 2 up on this intial run...

Brake ins are a funny deal. Everyone does it differently. The dealers recommend low RPS because if something is a miss they don't want the thing to blow up at high revs. In newer motors the RPM limit isn't as must of a requirement as in the old days when they wanted the rings to settle in. You want to vary the RPM's as much as possible. Going threw fuel will help lube things up a bit more.

I always am curious to find out how much metal is in the oil after that initial brake in period.

I think you out to bring a tankslapper kit with you because you're gonna have so much fun you'll grip the tank with your knees and scratch the clear coat.

Really...get the tankslapper.


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