Bridgestone B21 tires and concerns

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Update on my tires. The Yam rep "good willed" me a front tire a while back. Since the I've put another 3k on the bike riding to North Carolina, and back. The front looked exactly like the bad one that was replaced before the trip, so I scooted over to the dealer again to get his thoughts. Turns out the Yam rep was to be there the next day, so I left my bike there for him to look at.

Still not admitting any faults he offered to replace the front with a different model Bridgestone. The Head mechanic said he could get me Dunlop Roadsmarts too if I didn't want another BS tire. So the new Roadsmarts are on order, I got a rear too , to make it a matching set, since It's showing a fair amount of wear too. I've heard the Roadsmarts Are a decent tire, would have preferred a Pilot Road 2, but my dealer doesn't handle Michelin.

The Mechanic said he runs the air pressure listed on the side wall of the tires, and ignores the bike's recommended pressure. Said, he doesn't know if it's right, or wrong, but its worked for him. I'll try a pressure some where between the two recommendeds.

Add me to the list. Got REAL busy since early August and haven't been giving alot of attention to my '04's care lately, although pressure checks are part of the routine (39/42). Commuting with it maybe 4 days out of the week and then trying for that Sunday get-away when I can. Noticed the wear pattern on the 021's last week and thought it not right for 3500 miles.

Has anyone ever mentioned how helpful this forum is??

Tried a new shop this spring. Nice people and was happy with their service. Guess we'll see how they take to this challenge. Question first ref. the rear. Understand dual compound and the flat center isn't that surprising but because of this issue with the front, just took a real close look at the rear. I have a definite ridge where I guess you can say it transitions from the center to the sides. Looks almost like the front, just wider and not so pronounced. Both were put on at the same time. Sound normal for the rear or am I just looking too closely at it now? (BTW - If you don't normally keep the top-box mounted, be careful standing up after looking at the rear. Damn that hurt!)

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Add me to the list. Got back from a 4k mile trip from San Fran. to Banff and back on my new '08. Front looked just like all those posted. Rear is still pretty good. The mechanic at my dealer , Mission Motorcycles, told me this would happen. He had someone do the same trip a month earlier and he showed me that guy's front tire. Mirror image. In anticipation I ordered an Avon Storm before I left and had them install it the week I returned.

Same here. Just got back from Death Valley, surrounding mountains. Great ride but front tire is toast at 6000miles. Center ridge just like the photos. Ordered a set of pr2's.

I ordered a set of PR2s got the rear but front is back ordered til 12/22 even parts unlimited is dry? guess they are very popular?

Interesting thread.
Has anyone noticed that many FJRs - both Gen I and Gen II - report this unfortunate funky-ass front tread wear pattern? What's more interesting is that some have seen this on several different tires... BT-021, the OEM BT'020s, Pirelli Strada, Dunlop Roadsmarts..... perhaps the possibility exists that we're chasing the wrong problem, and it's the suspension characteristics of the bike that causes *some* tires to wear in this manner.

I don't seem to hear these types of reports on the Storms or original Pilot Roads... tires with a distinctly different tread pattern than the RoadSmarts, Stradas and BT-021.
I will add something to this thought. I have an 08 with 6110 mi. on it. I have been noticing it has been slow in response to turn in especially right hand cornering. I checked the tires and sure enough the rear looks fine, but the front is about shot with very uneven wear and cupping etc. Now I have an ST1300 also and had run a set of BT021s on it once with excellent wear (around 11000-12000 mi) before replacing them. Even though a different size, it is the same tire. I have been wondering if I should get a fork brace, but sounds like some of the peeps on this forum have the bad wear and imagine some have a fork brace too.

I hate to waste the rear that has several more thousand mi. in it but have a set of PR2s that I'll put on and watch how they do. I've got a set of PR2s on the ST1300 and can't seem to wear the suckers out!! I've got between 12000 and 13000 mi. on them now and still have decent life left front and rear. If this is a suspension problem, I don't know jack about how or what to do for that. So if someone decides it is a suspension set up (really doubt it meself) let me know. I may try to get the 021 replaced but not with another one. I'll chat with the dealer this week.


Finally got an answer from Bridgestone Canada for my BT021 with only 5000 km on, and finish !

Not miles but km ! :angry2:

They are saying the same thing, problem is cause by pressure in the tire :huh:

If you search the net, you will see that a lot of guys complaining about this tire, even Hayabusa owner ( Warchild :) ) !!!

The bike is store for winter I will wait in case something happen and they decide that they are responsible for that and give me a new tire !!!

My dealer offers me to buy another tire at cost to replace that one, very good service at that place !

It is Nadon Sports !
