Good thread!
One of the most interesting things was the hollow bolt? Sounds like a question for Kevin Cameron".
Some things I always torque, like lug nuts, heads, valve covers, anything with important machined surfaces. I feel like for most situations I can rely on my mechanic's "feel", due to my longevity and the sheer number of sheared bolts I've been responsible for. Whenever possible, I finish the installation with a torque wrench, though.
One thing I have learned, is that if my torque wrench says it still needs to be tighter but my "feel" says its tight enough, always trust the "feel". Something is wrong and I need to stop and re-assess the situation. This is analogous to not trusting my GPS when it insists that I make a right turn and go down the boat ramp. Always defer to the course of action that is less likely to add problems I don't need says I, unless it is a moral issue which is a completely different subject.
Good info on adding grease or whatever to the threads and definitely worth passing on.
Easy Outs! Yikes! I love them, but I hate it when I get in a situation where I need to use one. It means something has gone wrong. As one of you already said, if you do the first part right, they work well. Unfortunately, that was the part I was least good at. So due to the longevity etc. mentioned above, I've learned to really take my time, slow down, measure 2 or 3 times, make sure I punch exactly where I want that point of the drill bit to be exactly and not do anything that adds to the unintended problems list.
There is a wealth of good information on this forum, and I just wanted to add my 2 cents!