broken glove box latch

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Jon T

Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
Reaction score
Reston, VA
With no warning today, the latch on the glove box on my '04 failed to open the lid. I pushed, and pushed (key on and in neutral) and it didn't pop up. I needed my phone of there pretty quickly, so I pried the lid open. Then it wouldn't latch shut.

Later, I had a chance to go back and check things out. The part that latches with the lid was not moving. I was able to pry out the button part, and noticed that the a piece on the latch that holds the end of a spring appears to have failed.

Can you buy just that latch assembly? Do you have to buy the whole box?

I'm tempted to rig up some sort of velcro closing system. I don't keep anything valuable in there, but I don't want the door hanging open and I like the dry storage...

Suggestions? Ideas? (anyone have a used box?)


I just had the same issue and did a lot of research. You have to order the whole box assembly...can't just order the latch parts :angry: If you don't want to spend $100+ on a box assembly, do a search on this forum you will find a post where someone added a latch. It was a non-locking cam latch with a big knob which I didn't like. Just tonight I mounted a keyed cam lock to my box. The lid on my box is black so I found a black cam lock on the internet. It turned out good. I wanted a lock for two reasons...1. Eventhough it would be easy to break into the box even when locked, it will at least deter some from breaking in and, 2. The lock is flush to the box lid rather than having a knob sticking out.

Found the link....

Good Luck!



This is the latch I ordered. I ordered this latch as I could not find a black key latch at the local hardward store...nor a lock shop...they just had chrome locks.
Thank you both for the ideas. I think adding a lock like that is the way I'll go. Like you said, not Ft. Knox, but enough to keep people honest. I usually only have my registration and a cheap flashlight in there when left unattended.

Before reading your posts, I was thinking of some sort of rubber strap that I'd fix on the inside of the faring and fasten with a snap or a post that goes through a hole in the strap (the power cord to my Dell laptop has a strap like it). The advantage of that would be the option to access the box quickly at a stop light without having to fumble for a key.

thanks again for the ideas.

Thanks, JimLL. I have the same problem. Mine broke a few weeks ago. I have left it closed, not wanting to spend the money to buy an new box. Now, I'll do the same fix on my bike. Great idea!

I am glad my latch broke. I added velcrow to the male and female parts where the latch goes in and I can open it up anytime. Perfect for me. Put the garage door opener on the lid underneath. :yahoo:

The dang thing is just over-engineered. Who* thought it was a good idea to use an electric latch instead of a mechanical latch? The mechanical engineer must have been out sick that day so the EE did it his way.

* Must be same guy who thought the windscreen should go back down every time the ignition is turned off.


The dang thing is just over-engineered. Who* thought it was a good idea to use an electric latch instead of a mechanical latch? The mechanical engineer must have been out sick that day so the EE did it his way.
* Must be same guy who thought the windscreen should go back down every time the ignition is turned off.

I agree, same one that thought the windshield should default down everytime you turn the key off.



I know this is an old thread but I wanted to share my fix that I did this morning. It is very basic but it works and works well. I just used a plastic toothpick and chopped it on both side until it fit and the super glued it. I open and closed it a bunch of times and I am happy.

I had my glove box latch break on me the other day I wentwith the jBad fix using

a lock and key only found chrome no blabk to be found.

But it works great!
