My brother turned in his bike and bought a wing. It is in storage at the dealer in Boston until better riding weather. He can get accessories installed at time of delivery at dealer cost, and is getting GPS, MP3, cruise. He didn't get airbag or ABS. Already has good gear. He is asking for advice on what people with goldwings would recommend. He will be riding two up alot. Specifically he is unsure about rider floorboards, passenger armrests, backrests, extra running lights, websites to check out, etc. His budget for farkles is about $1500.
He is 59, rides conservatively, and is looking at weekend rides mostly, maybe a ride down to the Honda Hoot. he likes his luxury. I suggested a custom seat, but he doesn't want to spend a grand at this point on it.
Suggestions welcome. TIA.
He is 59, rides conservatively, and is looking at weekend rides mostly, maybe a ride down to the Honda Hoot. he likes his luxury. I suggested a custom seat, but he doesn't want to spend a grand at this point on it.
Suggestions welcome. TIA.