BT023GT front cupping

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you may have detected some cupping in this photo, but it was not there when I retired the tire after 8400 miles. Once again, the tire profile was intact, unlike the PR2s that I used previously. I will take this minor cupping over the harsh ride, trapezoidal wear pattern and lower mileage of the PR2s.


Oh, I'm in full agreement with you, Slardy. I'll take a little harmless cupping on the front over the buzz bombs that the PRs become in middle of their lives. I did find that if you live through the buzzing, as the tread gets shorter the sawtooth wear of the thread blocks seems to lessen as does the buzzing.

Here's a picture of the BT023GT I just pulled off my '05 FJR after 11,236 miles. It also shows some mild cupping, a very slight trapezoidal profile change, but really not bad looking tire for so many miles. Which is why I put another copy of the same tire on the front to go along with the half worn PR2 I have on the back right now. THis one did make a little noise when leaned over, but nothing as loud as a PR2


And yeah, I know that there's another thousand or two miles left on that tire, but I'm headed to CFR this week and didn't want to make the trip with that tire on the front. If I did I know it would rain cats and dogs the entire trip and make me miserable. This one will go on the pile of "rescue tires" I have in my shed. Tires I can give to any traveler coming through that is in dire need.

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So what's the deal on the 013 requiring 36 psi front & rear instead of 39 & 42 psi?
Take no notice. Use the recommendation in your handbook, then try adding a pound or two to each, like most of us do. I expect your book says 39/42, same as for the Gen II.
I believe that for some years of the Gen I, Yami recommend 35 or so front. Squidgy, or what?

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