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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2005
Reaction score
Loganville (Atlanta) GA
Man where to start. Such a nice weekend here in north GA and was really looking forward to some riding with some local friend. Friday after work we all met up in Ellijay at a friend’s cabin and were using it as our base of operation for the weekend. Saturday morning we’re loaded up and headed out for a full day. Up thru Blue Ridge, Copper Hill, Ducktown, then down to Ocoee Lake. A quick turn north on Hwy 30 to head toward Tellico Plains then disaster struck. We were following behind a small car for the first portion of 30 and when we came to the first “curve” we’re running about 20-25. Take this first LH curve and make it about half way thru it and the front tire decides it doesn’t like the grip it has on the road and decides to move a little farther to the outside. I feel this and tried to stay with it, but once we touched the outside strip, it was all over. Down we went. Luckily, the TN DOT had recently worked on this curve and added some width to the shoulder before dropping the grade down to the creek and both the bike and I stayed up on the shoulder. Not going fast, I assumed I’d get up, collect the parts and pieces from the bike and we’d continue on our way. It was then I looked down at my hand and realized this was going to be a long day. Somehow my glove was gone on my RH, and the whole back of my hand was bleeding. After the initial shock, I realized the skin from the back of my hand was laying over my fingers and something had peeled my hand like an orange. Keeping a cool head, I had a riding companion give me a towel out of my tank bag and got my hand wrapped up to try and stem some of the bleeding. After wondering around in semi-shock, I fond my missing glove impaled on the wind shield framne on the left hand side of the bike. I have no idea how my right hand got on that side of the bike but it appears when the shield snapped off, the frame caught my glove right at the wrist and we went separate way. Anyway, spent a lovely day in Cleveland TN in the ER and was given 43 stitches in the back of my hand. I have to say there are a lot of great people up that way, and a special thanks to the older couple on a HD who stopped and provided some first aid supplies. My riding partners were great in that they were able to get the bike over to the hospital for me and even rode back over that evening when I was released and loaded in my truck for me. Its friends like that that makes riding so special. The first insurance estimate seemed kinda high, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed (even though they are sore) that they don’t try and total my ride.

THAT'S gonna hurt for awhile. You will heal, though. Pretty freaky but freaky things happen when everything is out of control. Hope the Feej is salvageable. Get back on as soon as you are able.

Ouch, that's definitely not the kind of hand job you want. Glad to hear you maintained your cool and here's hoping for a quick recovery and a non-totaled bike.

Glad it was stitches and not pins (bones). At that slow a speed, you must have hit gravel or a slick of some kind. Did you notice anything like that afterward?

Sorry to hear of your get off Bull, but glad you fared as well as you did.

Do you suppose that the back of your hand was skinned when the glove was torn off? What kind of gloves were they?

Thanks for the thoughts and encouragement. It really was a freaky injury. The ER doctors could not believe I could move my fingers at all. The gloves were a short pair of summer type gloves. They were Cortech (Tourmasters) I believe HDX. I’m not sure if the gloves help cause some of the problem but I can say the windscreen frame got under the molded knuckle protectors and the glove was coming off one way or the other. I believe I will stay with a long cuff race glove from now on.


Sorry to hear of your get-off! Sucks to lose some skin like that, but glad it didn't involve all the tendons in that area. I can just imagine the amount of blood, given the number of veins running across the back of one's hand...

A wake-up call to get my previous first aid kit safely under the Feej's seat. Not doing a damn bit of good sitting here in the closet!

Hope the insurance company treats you fairly.

Mend well, and keep us informed on how things are going.


Oh...OUCH ! :blink: I hope you heal quickly and everything works out for you.

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Dang it doode.

Now you're a leftie-wiper if you get my drift? :rofl:

Glad you're OK. Heal up quick, summer is nearly here...

I hate it when that happens. The good news has already been commented above, e.g., no major blood loss, no protruding bones, no helicopter ride you don't remember, etc., etc.

It's good to read you have maintained your wit and humor, it will help the healing process and dealings with the insurance company.

Once again, Bull reminds us that wearing protective gear is a must. Glad you're doing well Bull both mentally and it sounds physically as well. Welcome to the crash club. Hopeffully, it is your last. Heal up quickly. Man where to start. Such a nice weekend here in north GA and was really looking forward to some riding with some local friend. Friday after work we all met up in Ellijay at a friend’s cabin and were using it as our base of operation for the weekend. Saturday morning we’re loaded up and headed out for a full day. Up thru Blue Ridge, Copper Hill, Ducktown, then down to Ocoee Lake. A quick turn north on Hwy 30 to head toward Tellico Plains then disaster struck. We were following behind a small car for the first portion of 30 and when we came to the first “curve” we’re running about 20-25. Take this first LH curve and make it about half way thru it and the front tire decides it doesn’t like the grip it has on the road and decides to move a little farther to the outside. I feel this and tried to stay with it, but once we touched the outside strip, it was all over. Down we went. Luckily, the TN DOT had recently worked on this curve and added some width to the shoulder before dropping the grade down to the creek and both the bike and I stayed up on the shoulder. Not going fast, I assumed I’d get up, collect the parts and pieces from the bike and we’d continue on our way. It was then I looked down at my hand and realized this was going to be a long day. Somehow my glove was gone on my RH, and the whole back of my hand was bleeding. After the initial shock, I realized the skin from the back of my hand was laying over my fingers and something had peeled my hand like an orange. Keeping a cool head, I had a riding companion give me a towel out of my tank bag and got my hand wrapped up to try and stem some of the bleeding. After wondering around in semi-shock, I fond my missing glove impaled on the wind shield framne on the left hand side of the bike. I have no idea how my right hand got on that side of the bike but it appears when the shield snapped off, the frame caught my glove right at the wrist and we went separate way. Anyway, spent a lovely day in Cleveland TN in the ER and was given 43 stitches in the back of my hand. I have to say there are a lot of great people up that way, and a special thanks to the older couple on a HD who stopped and provided some first aid supplies. My riding partners were great in that they were able to get the bike over to the hospital for me and even rode back over that evening when I was released and loaded in my truck for me. Its friends like that that makes riding so special. The first insurance estimate seemed kinda high, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed (even though they are sore) that they don’t try and total my ride.
Somehow my glove was gone on my RH, and the whole back of my hand was bleeding. After the initial shock, I realized the skin from the back of my hand was laying over my fingers and something had peeled my hand like an orange. Keeping a cool head, I had a riding companion give me a towel out of my tank bag and got my hand wrapped up to try and stem some of the bleeding. After wondering around in semi-shock, I fond my missing glove impaled on the wind shield framne on the left hand side of the bike.
OUCH!!! That's just disturbing. I hate freak accidents.

Sorry to hear that happened. Sounds like you would have been better off without gloves. I now fear that my Cycleport Kevlar gloves, in the same situation, might just pull my hand clean off!

Could you maybe post a pic of your "good" hand, in the other glove, maybe with the jacket, so we can get an idea of the dynamics involved?

When you think about it; it could have been much worse. Glad you are alright.

Sorry Bull to hear of the get-off. The visual from the description of the injury was not pretty. And hope you heal fast. Prayers out for that and glad your able to type with us anyway....PM. <>< :blink:
