Busa bummin'.....

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Benevolent Dictator
Jun 8, 2005
Reaction score
Tri-Cities, WA
Well..... this has been an interesting (if discouraging) experience the last couple of months regarding the K8 Hayabusa.

Like any new bike owner nowadays, one of the first things you do is seek out a decent forum for your bike. After a couple months of searching for a good Busa forum, I am truly wondering if they even exist for this platform.... I'm beginning to think that they don't. <_<

But then it occurs to me: I seem to be in the distinct minority among owners of this bike.... few seem to have gotten the bike just to ride long and hard.

It seems, sadly enough, that a hefty percentage of Busa owners bought the bike just to pose with, or their friends bought one, or just because it's the cool to have "the fastest production bike in the world". That, or they belong to the slammed/stretched/turbo crowd.... definitely not my thing. To say the least.

I am really bumming in trying to find a Hayabusa forum that actually focuses on the bike and riding it.... seems most of them are fairly ate up with the 25-40 year-old range of alpha-dog males that just want to be confrontational in every post they write. I don't mean confrontational like we are to our own family members here ;) , rather, many seem to have an excess of "fan-boys" that are quick to jump at the least little suggestion that the new K8 has an area or two where it could stand improvement. It's wearisome, at best. TruWreaks probably knows what I mean. ;)

Of course, this phenomena happens to ALL established bike forums when a new generation of the bike is produced: a new membership order starts to appear at the doorstep, and makes comments that "Old Guard" interprets as being negative to the marque. We are just as guilty here. Recall how '06/'07 owners were frequently jumped when they whined about the stiff throttle, or altitude surge, etc. Funny thing is.... the early Gen II FJR did have a funky-stiff throttle (fixed by the G2 Ergo cam), and did have an altitude surge problem (fixed by Yamaha). So we're no different, really.

Thus, I suppose it's no surprise that other bike forums behave this way, as well.

Oh, well..... like I say, it's been an interesting (if slightly discouraging) experience to find myself being in the bike minority for a change. Just another example of the Human Condition at play...

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You're looking for grown-ups to hang with, huh?

The Hayabusa is in danger of becoming the Japanese H-D.

"I've got a Japanese sport-bike!"

"Oh, you got a 'Busa, huh?"

My neighbor's two oldest boys each have one. They don't live there, but they come by frequently. Never seen any gear on either of 'em. How can anybody know it's them on that awesome way-cool bike if they're all covered up?

As for the forums, there's a bit of Mustang vs. Camaro vs. Charger mentality going on there.

Ours is better, 'cause it just is. Anybody says different is just jealous!

I would submit that a large percentage of those guys don't know much about riding, but they know which turbo kit gets you to 500HP, and which extended swingarm will take it to the ground. See, you wanna talk about riding and handling. Kinda like a road racer picking up Hot Rod magazine and wondering where the good stuff is.

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The standard is set high, As the FJRForum is the standard, And everything else is uncivilised... :rolleyes:

I recently began a search for a decent Jeep Liberty Forum, And after signing up with about 10 Liberty/Jeep forums, I found a few specific good ones lostkjs.com and jeepkj.com. The rest are overrun with the same type of people you describe.

Maybe you need to start yet another forum, And piggy back it on to this one... Just an idea!


I must agree with you and have followed your post's on several sites. Quick to pull the trigger in defense when something is mentioned or discussed when it is just another persons perspective.

I bought the Hayabusa because I always wanted one. Can I ride this bike to it's full potential? Nope. Not even close. No desire to either. Old age I suppose. I just enjoy it.

To me it's just like having that Muscle Car parked in the garage. It's there when I want to ride it.

I enjoy your post's both here and on other forums. It's the "other side" of the coin that you present as well as others on this site.

Some just can't accept this.


See, you wanna talk about riding and handling. Kinda like a road racer picking up Hot Rod magazine and wondering where the good stuff is
Exactly so! :(

At least your not bummin about the bike!
The platform is beyond awesome. I am diggin' it more and more each day. Unloading the completely scary OEM Bridgestones for a set of Pilot Powers has literally transformed the bike. Am closing in on the 1000-mile mark (stupid snowy-ass winter!), so I'll be puttin' down the classic Warchild "1000-mile Evaluation" write-up on my new tech site here in a week or so.... HeavyBus.com B)

Just wrapped up the Heli-Bars installation yesterday, as well as the low-beam HID. Strangely, the K8's low-beam reflector housing is so highly refined, the "improvement" from the HID install is not as dramatic as it is on other platforms, including our FJR....

WC, don't feel too pregnant, it's not just you. I've participated in quite a number of enthusiast forums over the years trying (with limited success) to utilize them as the educational tools one would hope they'd be. Canon cameras, Ford Mustangs, Ford F-150 and Land Rover Discovery forums to name a few. With the exceptionally rare experience of this forum, I'm of the opinion that everybody else lives by the "you post, you're toast" rule. (Interesting in that having been a member of this forum for a mere 6 months that I've put up more than double the number of posts in the other 5 forums I belong to combined...!) I've gotten my head taken off on more occasions than I can count on particularly the Mustang and Land Rover forums for completely innocent questions or comments. It was if I'd even dare ask a question or (gasp!) point out a flaw. If truth be told, I found I lost interest in both vehicles as a result of not wanting to be associated with such buffoons. I sold the Land Rover more so because of the POS that it was, and gave the Mustang GT to the Mrs. (an additional 45 rear-wheel HP later...).

I think we're spoiled on this forum. It's a real credit to the Admin team that's fostered such a familial environment and managed to keep out the riff-raff as it were (but I still sneaked through..!). And, just perhaps, it's due to an apparent shared mind-set of being this collective of somewhat anti-establishment misfits. Le'ts face it; we're not Harley-******'-Davidson, and we're sure as hell not BMW!

Cheer up, man. Just know that you've created something good in this world and that everyone else sucks ass. B)

Cheer up, man. Just know that you've created something good in this world and that everyone else sucks ass. B)
[SIZE=14pt]BWAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/SIZE] :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Holy crap, I almost peed my pants in laughter! :D

Thanks for this smile, SM! ;)

Funny, I actually found hayabusa.org to be a pretty good forum with lots of helpful folks. Sure, there are the kinds of people that you mentioned, but for the most part, I found it to be a decent group, especially when you consider that I was much older than most of the members.

That said, I haven't been on that forum since I sold my Busa a year ago in November. Things could have changed.

When I was shopping for the FJR, the dealer also had five 'Busas on the floor and tried to show them to me as an alternative. I knew the crowd who rode them and did not want to be associated in any way. Your forum findings aren't all that surprising, they're a bunch of cookie-cutter "unique" alphas.

You and the handful of other Busa owners on here are the only ones I've encountered who don't fit the stereotype.

When I was shopping for the FJR, the dealer also had five 'Busas on the floor and tried to show them to me as an alternative. I knew the crowd who rode them and did not want to be associated in any way. Your forum findings aren't all that surprising, they're a bunch of cookie-cutter "unique" alphas.
You and the handful of other Busa owners on here are the only ones I've encountered who don't fit the stereotype.

Well, there is one guy in Honolulu, he belongs to the Honolulu HOGS, that's how i met him, he also has a Busa... just cause he like it, or at least he had one a couple years ago, he was 54 then. Don't think he even know what a forum is, tho...<G>

There's two other forums I've found that are close to this one, one is for Harleys and one for Triumphs.

Been to one of the Triumph meets, was fun and great riding, enjoyed meeting the guys and gals, some awesome BBQ and homemade brew, too.

HawgRyder's forum is exactly like sitting in his garage with a bunch of folks who just happen to like Harleys, swapping lies and drinking beer... which is what we do when we get together... oh, and really great food! Have been to several of HawgRyder's get togethers, it's a party where you see you long lost family..the folks that you really like!

So that's three forums with real riders, and I will say quite a few "bikers" ....brand notwithstanding...

Even tho I've sold my FJR, I still like reading and learning here. Wish I could have made it to WFO, but... :eek: (

Hopefully, some day!i

Thanks guys!

Happy New Year!

Ride safe!


WC if you can't find the site for you, sounds like you might be on track creating your own for those who like to ride instead of those who like to pose or customize. Keep us posted on your new bike, good stuff. PM. <>< ;)

I was considering a Busa in my decision process. I love their looks & performance. Hearing the sound of one going thru the gears is invigorating to me. They are beautiful machines.

I've seen a few places online where guys are making 'em into a sport-touring bike by changing the seats, handlebars, and adding bags. Besides the Busa and FJR I was looking at the BMW and the Ninja... all of these are fine bikes.

However I wanted a bike that would take me across the state without hurting my back. The sales guy who sold me my fjr is in his late 20's and he rides crotch rockets. He told me that if he goes beyond 4 hrs on one day on crotch rocket then his back is hurting for days. I'm not saying the Busa is like that but most crotch rockets are...regardless of your age. But I'm not knocking the Busa. It's a gorgeous bike and if I had the money I'd add it to my stable.

I want to add a Busa, Raider, Vmax, pre-ru(i)ned Valkyrie, Fat Boy, Ducati, Suzuki 650, Ninja14, 2-4 Triumphs, Boss Hoss, etc

By the way, the following link is NOT the Triumph site!! haha


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The sales guy who sold me my fjr is in his late 20's and he rides crotch rockets. He told me that if he goes beyond 4 hrs on one day on crotch rocket then his back is hurting for days. I'm not saying the Busa is like that but most crotch rockets are...regardless of your age. But I'm not knocking the Busa. It's a gorgeous bike and if I had the money I'd add it to my stable,
Exactly why I decided to sell mine. Not my back so much as my neck. This guy's in his 20's? Sheesh. I thought I was getting old. :blink:

Cheer up, man. Just know that you've created something good in this world and that everyone else sucks ass. B)
[SIZE=14pt]BWAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/SIZE] :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Holy crap, I almost peed my pants in laughter! :D

Thanks for this smile, SM! ;)
I find it true with most forums. The members with the most posts usually act like they have the most experience, or are the best when it comes to knowing their bike, riding, mods, or whatever when they really have no clue to speak of! Won't listen to a newbie either. Have no idea of their background and don't care. The forum for my R1 is a little that way. You just have pick what threads you really want to participate in and ignor the rest. That's why I don't post my opinions too often.
