Benevolent Dictator
Well..... this has been an interesting (if discouraging) experience the last couple of months regarding the K8 Hayabusa.
Like any new bike owner nowadays, one of the first things you do is seek out a decent forum for your bike. After a couple months of searching for a good Busa forum, I am truly wondering if they even exist for this platform.... I'm beginning to think that they don't. <_<
But then it occurs to me: I seem to be in the distinct minority among owners of this bike.... few seem to have gotten the bike just to ride long and hard.
It seems, sadly enough, that a hefty percentage of Busa owners bought the bike just to pose with, or their friends bought one, or just because it's the cool to have "the fastest production bike in the world". That, or they belong to the slammed/stretched/turbo crowd.... definitely not my thing. To say the least.
I am really bumming in trying to find a Hayabusa forum that actually focuses on the bike and riding it.... seems most of them are fairly ate up with the 25-40 year-old range of alpha-dog males that just want to be confrontational in every post they write. I don't mean confrontational like we are to our own family members here
, rather, many seem to have an excess of "fan-boys" that are quick to jump at the least little suggestion that the new K8 has an area or two where it could stand improvement. It's wearisome, at best. TruWreaks probably knows what I mean.
Of course, this phenomena happens to ALL established bike forums when a new generation of the bike is produced: a new membership order starts to appear at the doorstep, and makes comments that "Old Guard" interprets as being negative to the marque. We are just as guilty here. Recall how '06/'07 owners were frequently jumped when they whined about the stiff throttle, or altitude surge, etc. Funny thing is.... the early Gen II FJR did have a funky-stiff throttle (fixed by the G2 Ergo cam), and did have an altitude surge problem (fixed by Yamaha). So we're no different, really.
Thus, I suppose it's no surprise that other bike forums behave this way, as well.
Oh, well..... like I say, it's been an interesting (if slightly discouraging) experience to find myself being in the bike minority for a change. Just another example of the Human Condition at play...
Like any new bike owner nowadays, one of the first things you do is seek out a decent forum for your bike. After a couple months of searching for a good Busa forum, I am truly wondering if they even exist for this platform.... I'm beginning to think that they don't. <_<
But then it occurs to me: I seem to be in the distinct minority among owners of this bike.... few seem to have gotten the bike just to ride long and hard.
It seems, sadly enough, that a hefty percentage of Busa owners bought the bike just to pose with, or their friends bought one, or just because it's the cool to have "the fastest production bike in the world". That, or they belong to the slammed/stretched/turbo crowd.... definitely not my thing. To say the least.
I am really bumming in trying to find a Hayabusa forum that actually focuses on the bike and riding it.... seems most of them are fairly ate up with the 25-40 year-old range of alpha-dog males that just want to be confrontational in every post they write. I don't mean confrontational like we are to our own family members here
Of course, this phenomena happens to ALL established bike forums when a new generation of the bike is produced: a new membership order starts to appear at the doorstep, and makes comments that "Old Guard" interprets as being negative to the marque. We are just as guilty here. Recall how '06/'07 owners were frequently jumped when they whined about the stiff throttle, or altitude surge, etc. Funny thing is.... the early Gen II FJR did have a funky-stiff throttle (fixed by the G2 Ergo cam), and did have an altitude surge problem (fixed by Yamaha). So we're no different, really.
Thus, I suppose it's no surprise that other bike forums behave this way, as well.
Oh, well..... like I say, it's been an interesting (if slightly discouraging) experience to find myself being in the bike minority for a change. Just another example of the Human Condition at play...

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