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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2005
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
As I wait for mine it seems that there has been some buyer's remorse among some of the other guys. Was it less than you expected? Since there was limited to no opportunity to test ride, could this have been the reason why you didn't know what to expect? If you're not as satisfied as you thought you'd be, feel free to tell us why.

I know this must be difficult but your thoughts and opinions are truly welcomed.

Besides, it will give us waiters some more stuff to read while we're ......waiting, of course. ;)

Do you also want comments from those of us who never rode one before we picked ours up, and a year plus later are still ecstatically happy?

Do you also want comments from those of us who never rode one before we picked ours up, and a year plus later are still ecstatically happy?
Me too! I ordered my '04 sight unseen. I was so overjoyed that when I was forced off a cliff on the '04, I replaced it with an '05. I still go look into the garage, see my FJR and my heart smiles.

Yup! It's a sickness and I have it. :D

Hmmm. Makes you wonder if what has been heard falls more into the category of niggles, at least for most. I've only seen a few who said "not for me" and proved it by selling and buying something different.

I had some reservations about my '05 after the first few rides, but was able to farkle and tune my way around them. My reaction was initial (and minor) disappointment, not buyers remorse. Accourse, without the help found here, I would not have been able to get the machine to my liking, or it would have been a lot more difficult, for sure.

Best bike I've ever had('04). PERIOD.

When I've ridden this one 100,000 miles and am ready for another one...I will march back into a dealer and buy one the same day like I did with the '04. I'm sure I'll find a dealer with "some sucka who backed out of the deal". ;)

Most of the FJR's being sold immediatly after purchase are because the bike was too much for the rider to handle. Many do not understand how much power and how sportbike-like the FJR is in SOME aspects.


Be more specific why you ask and what did you not like? I was able to take an extensive ride on a used 05 that my dealer had in on trade.

Just curious. I am moving from BMW's to the FJR because I felt the value was better on the FJR than a new BMW. Plus more HP never hurts either....

I finally picked "IT" up today. I won't say I have remorse but its just different comming from a sport bike. I like the bike don't get me wrong, just different, Its quick just not AS quick. For me I need a taller windscreen, I'm 6'2 My head is right in the wind no matter where I put the screen and it seems to have more noise (wind) than being completely open on the Katana. If I duck down and get out of the wind its really nice. May as well be in a car.

I have to remember, I bought the FJ to start doing some LD rides and 2 up with the wife and to slack off the throttle a little. But I still broke tripple digits on the ride home (a few times) :D

This is from a 54 mile ride home before I had to go to work.

But take the change for what its worth. I had a 97 chevey crew cab 454 that I liked better than my 04 chevy crew cab 496 until I got used to it.

I'll play..

I have not been on a "sport bike" for about 18 years. I have been riding a cruiser style bike for about 4 years, so getting in touch with my sport bike roots is taking abit of time here.

I have only a few quibbles with the FJR, and upon reflection, these are more than likely not generated by the bike itself, but are more subjective issues that I am sure I can solve.

The biggest so far is getting used to having my weight on my hands again. What seems to help for the time being is to sit with my nuts right on the far forward as I can comfortably go, and the addition of soft neoprene grip wraps. I must add that every day I ride my hands seem to complain less, but , other than lowering the seat or adding the yet to be available risers, I do not see this problem going away completely.

My other issue is with the seat. It is comfy, but after a long ride I have noticed that the "edge" where the textured top ends on the sides is actualy leaving a mark on my ass that is also a bit tender. I do not plan on developing a callous on my ass, nor am I going to wear or add extra padding there , as the seat height is already on the high side for me, even in the lowest postition.

So the obvious fix for me here is to cut down and recover the pilots seat. I do not see this as much of a problem, as I have done this before on other bikes.

Even with these "issues" I in no way regret getting this bike, and pain aside, am finding myself loving it more and more every day.....


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Windjammer,Be more specific why you ask and what did you not like? I was able to take an extensive ride on a used 05 that my dealer had in on trade.

Just curious. I am moving from BMW's to the FJR because I felt the value was better on the FJR than a new BMW. Plus more HP never hurts either...

Problem #1: I'm 6-2 with 44 inch jacket size. Coming from a Connie, I had too much wind on my head and shoulders. Solution was a Cee Bailey +4+4. Made all the difference, better than Connie by far.

Problem #2: Too much buzz in the bars. Connie had it too. Came to FJR partly due to magazine reports of its smootness. Solution was combination of unauthorized TB synch, Throttlemeister, and handgrips better suited to me. Now smoother than Connie could have ever hoped to be.

Problem #3: Too quiet - bike was an animal magnet. Add Staintunes, rider be happy now. For all you quiet freaks, sorry man - guess I'll never grow up. Beats open headers.

Those were the initial issues I spoke of. With those changes in place, the FJR was really a nice place for me and the SO to spend time together. This year adds a Rick Mayer seat upgrade and Wilbers shock and fork springs - mods which the Connie also needed. Even better now. All of these changes have served to enhance the enjoyment of THAT MOTOR, and the wealth of torque it offers, even with a touring load and passenger - not to mention very nimble handling. The shorter wheelbase of the FJR was a huge attraction to me after the trucklike handling of the Connie in tight corners.

Before buying the FJR, I test rode the R1150RT. Less motor than the slightly underpowered Connie. No Sale to WJ. FJR instead.

I had a honda 1100cc SABRE for 10 years and really loved that bike it was the first production bike capable of 150 mph. I got it to 130, but it liked to go 90 to 110 all day. The down side was trying to corner. If you tried to steer, it was like arm wrestling a bear. I learned to tip it the best I could but still played catch up on the straights(which it really did well!). I got my "05 for fathers day last year, and I haven't stopped smiling yet. It is so easy in the curves, and I also like to ride all day, I swear my cheecks hurt from smiling when I ride. I haven't changed much on it , and as it is, it's not quite as solid under me at high speeds. But I don't have any business up there as much any way. I just love the two-bikes-in-one ability to get my head right!!!

No remorse here. After two weeks and 1200 miles (in spite of numerous days of rain), I still feel blessed to have such a machine. I agree that the potential of the bike far exceeds my current skill level, however, I intend to remedy that situation by practice and attendance at one or more schools (streetmasters and/or Code's). I look forward to the day when I can safely test the limits of this lady in blue. :D

I was lucky enough to have a friend who let me ride has 03,damn him, I ride a mid weight crusier vulcan750, and I was happy with it. Then my buddy let me ride his 03, after a hour up on the bike I was left with only two choices. Choice A steal his bike, or B go buy my own.

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Well, after two weeks and 1200 Kms of riding, I have already changed the hand grips, installed heated vest wiring and added the V-Strom hand deflectors. Coming from a cruiser (Kawasaki Nomad) it is an adjustment having the weight back on my hands a bit. The only other criticism I can think of would be to add a 6th gear, seems silly to have such a nice torquey motor and not let it lope along at 120Kms/hr at something like 3000 rpm, instead of 4500. I love the wind (and rain)protection, covers way more than the Nomad, even with the 'barn-door' windshield. I am still getting used to cornering at whatever speed I like, it handles incredibly and accelerates like the devil is after it. My rating would be 9.0 out of 10.

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My issue is that I am questioning my sanity for buying a second bike. I don't have the garage space I need and may have to sell my Sea Doo, which I really don't want to get rid of. I also got a big shock when I went to get insurance that I was not expecting.

Then I find I get way more wind and wind noise than I can handle and have to wear ear plugs. The acceleration doesn't really bother me much and I think I like the handling, I just question my sanity for having two bikes, and I am not getting rid of the Wing.

This place is great! It's an "OPEN" forum for everyone's good, bad, or indifferent thoughts and feelings about the FJR1300 and their experiences. Though I'm stating the obvious, there's a wealth of knowledge here. So, bring out your opinions whatever they might be. It's this participation that enriches us and that FJR and riding motorcycles that links us together.

I ride a semi-beginner's bike. It's a Suzuki Boulevard C50 2005 model 805cc. It's been a fun ride but I seek something better .... more powerful and agile yet with the potential for comfort for going the distance. I started in this forum as I contemplated the FJR. You can tell by my name on here.

Well, after reading numerous articles and comparitives it just seemed to make sense that I should order one. That I did back in October.

I have to say that some of the negative thoughts I've read here have made me a tad nervous about the 2006. I will eventually have my own opinion and will do my best to share it with you guys and gals.

For now, I am thinking positive thoughts and I'm still filled with anticipation as I await my new friend.

Cheers everybody!!!

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Stick around,

You'll see how open it is when Howie, TWN or some other asshat jumps you for saying something they already know - and they know everything! They farking live here. ;)

