Bye Bye Myrtle Beach!

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I just heard that Manchester NH is going to enforce the noise ordinance starting next month. With decibel meters and citations galore!

I doubt the “Loud Pipes” crowd will get the message…they will just move on to the next town pillage. As I have said for years, “Loud pipes, annoy your neighbors.”


I unknowingly went thru MB a couple years ago during bike weekend... Couldn't wait to get the heck out of town..

That night on the news they told about the number of arrests ,, traffic accidents , fatal accidents ,,etc..

If that's the biker image ,,,count me out !!!! :angry:

besides I'd rather ride alone,,,, I'm not a herding type animal .....old&slow dan

I agree with the traffic and noise issues. But I lived in Rapid City most of my life and visit every year at Sturgis time to see family. The money half a million bikers bring in is enormous but is dwarfed by the number of people that visit Mt. Rushmore. But still the money is very important to existence in that area. But if the town tires of just the idea of motorcycle gatherings, such as NAFO in Golden, and start banning all gatherings of say three or more bikes, where are our rights? Be careful what you criticize, a stock bike could be illegal to park in some towns in the near future just as 17 mile drive in Monterey.

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Seems pretty clear to me the MB residents are tired of the BW crap. Can yah blame 'um? Its not just the loud pipes issue - its all the crap that goes along with big events attended by scores of people. And you throw in a rowdy crowd (hmmm, never known a HD crowd to be rowdy...) and its a effed up mess. My vote is with the locals!

Sturgis seems to have things worked out....
32-20-5. Muffler required--Modification of muffler prohibited--Violation as petty offense. Every motorcycle shall at all times be equipped with an adequate muffler in constant operation and properly maintained to prevent any excessive or unusual noise, and no muffler or exhaust system is complete with a cutout, bypass, or similar device. No person may make any alteration or modification of any muffler. A violation of this section is a petty offense.

Yeah right....! :huh: :angry:

Heh! Any LEO in Sturgis who tickets someone for noise would probably be fired. The Sturigs rally is all that place has going for it. Not so MB, Monterey, or a zillion other places.

I don't care if someone runs straight pipes or no pipes. Their rights end where mine begin.

$0.02 <_<
